Jedi Maker Xtream (IPTV Bouquet Creator) - Main thread

There are 2,434 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 862,072 times. The last Post () by urie.

  • KiddaC , working great no problems :):thumbup:when running epgimporter and selecting the https entries manually scan jedimaker one does not show in log but when you select xstreamity entry for same provider it does, but I don't know if it is meant to show with new changes to

  • No idea what you just said, but if it all works for both xstreamity and jedi then that is great ;)
    As we have both been faffing urie, you might need to delete your json files and recreate your xmltv sources to have a clean start

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

    • Official Post

    The also works fine with my DreamOS version so i will add it and build a new update.

    Thanks again KiddaC :)

  • Code
    Hello everybody. i have a problem with jedimaker and xtreamity with opentav 6.4 or openatv 6.3 or openhdf or openeight.
    first jedimaker:
    with jedimaker I always have the problem that the program causes a crash log with different images. with other image it works but then there is the problem that some channel is running and after about 1 minute or longer the image stops. By switching it works again.
    Now to xtreamity:
    With xtreamity I currently have the problem that he opens the plugin for me but also causes a crash log from time to time. In addition, he does not want to play the vod files.
    I am currently using the octagon image, but it looks like the openatv image 6.4.
    I would be happy for help.
  • Without Crashlogs not possible to help you,can only say,that with ATV 6.4 and 6.5 Jedymaker extreme and Xtremity work´s here without Crashs.

    Dall'inizio del 2024 chiudo la mia attività per quanto riguarda E2 per problemi di salute.

    Ab Anfang 2024 werde ich meine aktivität bezüglich E2 aus gesundheitlichen Gründen beenden.

  • Krikel

    Openatv 6.3 is a very old image.
    My plugins or skins will not work on older openatv 6.3 images due to new skins code in later images. The minimum openatv to use is 6.4

    If your channels are stopping after a minute. Then that is usually because the max connections has been reached.
    IPTV lines you find on the internet will almost be guaranteed to be over the max connections.
    If this is your own line, then it could have been hacked and someone else might be using it at the same time.(or are you trying to use it on more than one device at the same time)

    Crash logs live in /home/root/logs.

    When you next crash - post your latest crash log here or send it to me in a private message. Make sure you edit out any personal details from your crash log. IPTV urls, usernames, passwords etc

    VOD files not playing, could just be the stream type. Press the TV button on your remote to try different streams types in xstreamity.
    Also lots of providers are now encoding their videos as h.265. Is your box capable of playing h.265 or just h.264. Google your box and look up the specs

    Sounds like to me you could do with updating all your box images.
    Majority of users of my plugins use openatv 6.4, openatv 6.5, openvix, openBH or pure2.
    Other images like openhdf and openeight are not as actively maintained or as up to date as some of the other images.

    My plugins are very complicated and require certain dependancies and modern libraries and images to work. So try updating your images to latest first and see how you get on.

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

  • KiddaC, - reply to your post #1.038

    thanks for your reply, the problem is still actual, I am using SF8008 Multiboot 1.openATV6.3 + 2.openATV 6.4 + 3.openPli8

    JediMaker versions 5.32+6.08+6.12+ 6.15 I have tried ALL with same results.

    The EPGImporter ver.(1.0+git195)

    When I open the JediMaker to load the Playlists it crashes, with Green Skin.

    I have loaded a Crash Log.

    I WOULD send you the Lines to check, have NO problem with that, BUT the providers have noted the IPs and if different ones are used IT gets Banned.

    No if's or but/s BANNED and no refund.! (I do NOT quite understand that because I use VPN..... but that's what they say).... so better NOT.

    Maybe you will find something on CrashLog,

    I have had a look at it and there are references to MOUNT and UNMOUNT of SDCard. As well as other things I DO NOT understand.

    This is totally Bananas on the SF8008. I Formatted the new SDCard to ext4 and after inserting into Box it mounted itself.

    DCC_E2 shows picon,piconsat.piconprov, VPN,, movies, ALL as being in in /media/hdd/ so that should be correct.?

    If I attach an External SSD formatted in ext4 it shows up as USB and everything gets screwed up and BOTH stop working.

    So I have decided to leave the Ext.SSD OFF completely until I sort that.

    Here my four Lines config as i think they should be.....think its OK.

    PS...I have deleted the images I posted again you have seen them.Thanks

    Thanks for your Help, regards,


  • the line shown in your crash log doesn't exist in latest version???

    File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/JediMakerXtream/", line 217, in getPlaylistUserFile

    self.output = param.split('=')[1].split(' ')[0].strip()

    IndexError: list index out of range

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

  • I have been testing ALL the versions of the JediMaker on ALL images today, maybe the Log is from a previous version, cannot tell how do i fix this?

    I wiii go to openPli8 on slot 2 and install the Jedi vers.6.15 again. Will post results.Thanks

    Edited 4 times, last by AJP007 ().

  • YES I did check to see if it was the last one. BUT this Storage system on the SF8008 is driving me nuts, HDD and USB which is which?

    I thought SDCard inserted gives /media/HDD/ as Storage pfad,,,and when Ext SDD connected this will be pfad to /media/USB /.

    BUT then Recording does NOT work,....,OK another problem to sort out.

    OK, uninstalled the last Jedi vers.5.32 again,

    Cleaned up and re-installed the latest ver. 6.15 on openPli 8,

    just running an EPGImporter Manual Import...... looks good so far.

    Will try the same for the opnATV 6.4 with ver.6.15 shortly will return with update.


    Edited once, last by AJP007 ().

  • and what is wrong with your last entry ;)

    And if you haven't worked it out.

    Your line ends with just output. Which is why the code to find the value was failing and crashing.

    It needs to be output=ts or output=m3u8

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

  • OK quick update, I have uninstalled ALL the JediMakers on ALL three Images in the 3 slots.

    Cleaned up uninstall and Installed the latest v.6.15 on ALL images and Slots. inserted the Lines and ran an Update.

    ALL looks GOOD and HAS installed without GREEN or BLUE Screens..Happy with that.

    Just have to do the same now with EPGImporter. The latest EPGImporter I have found is the v.210

    I have read to get the latest version Uninstall via "Remove Plugin"s, re-Boot and the latest versions loads into "Download Plugins"

    So will do just that als this little Tip..

    " openatv 6.4 yesterday and Jedi wouldn't update my epg. when i looked at it, epgimporter plugin wasn't there. I had to unistall JEDI, install EPGimporter,

    then install JEDI . only then did it all work."

    Thanks, will report back when i'm finished,

    Edited once, last by AJP007 ().

KiddaC Skins and Plugins

KiddaC Enigma2 Picons, Plugins and Skins, includes slyk-1-HD, v-skin-HD, slyk-q-HD, slyk onyx skins, Bouquet Maker Xtream, E2Piconizer, IPTV Bouquet Maker, Jedi Maker Xtream, Jedi EPG Xtream, ScreenNames, Visual Weather and X Class, X-Streamity - Xtream Codes IPTV Player.

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