Jedi Maker Xtream (IPTV Bouquet Creator) - Main thread

There are 2,434 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 862,116 times. The last Post () by urie.

  • hi kiddac,

    I've written a function just to group the live channels by their resolutions/qualities with the same suffixes such as 4k, fhd, hd, hd+, vip in their names...

    Since some providers list the same channel with different qualities among each other which is sometimes annoying to switch to the next channel, it was necessary for me to group them like this.


    ### news ###

    atv vip

    atv hd+

    atv hd

    btv vip

    btv hd+

    btv hd

    ctv hd+

    ctv hd


    ### news ###

    atv vip

    btv vip

    atv hd+

    btv hd+

    ctv hd+

    atv hd

    btv hd

    ctv hd


    the function doesn't check the exact qualities nor sort the channels by their names and it also leaves the order of the channels unchanged where no grouping is used.

    maybe you want to integrate such an option with a better approach

  • I dont think I will be putting this in my plugin.

    Unfortunately there is no set standard of how providers name their channels.
    What works for you wont necessary work for other providers.
    Also each to their own, I personally prefer the channels of the same name grouped together. If one freezes you can just zap quickly to the next one.

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

  • urie  nextman

    Last month I wrote a post about expired certificates on enigma2

    Expired Certificates

    I informed openatv on github and they supposedly did a fix for this.
    What their fix was, I don't know.
    Whether they fixed the issue or caused other issues. I don't know.

    But I will assume this might be the issue.
    Have a read through my expired certificates posts and see if it is any assistance to you.

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

  • KiddaC yes I did see and read certificate updates thread at the time and openatv did do certificate updates,

    I do have a folder etc\ca-certificates\update.d but it is empty.

    I cannot find expired certificates thread to read it again. but I do remember checking and everything was ok at that time.

  • to further add to this. Just looking into tbe issues.
    I just typed his xmltv.php url into a firefox browser and I get this.


    therefore XUI ONE https panels are using a self signed certificate which seems to be causing problems as its not recognised.
    These criminals make 1000s from their greed of the new XUI one panel and cannot even afford a proper security certificate. *sigh*

    You can manually try adding these files.

    add xui-one.crt file attached to /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/
    rename the .txt to .crt I cannot upload a crt file here.

    add an entry to the bottom of config file etc/ca-certificates.conf

    reboot your box.

  • just checked etc/ca-certificates.conf it was dated 30/04/2021 same with files in usr\share\ca-certificates\mozilla folder.

    I found your thread on expired ca certificates hat to use google forum search did not work for me :) (edit by kiddac - the link was in my above post ;) )

    just going to reboot have edited config and added certificate.

  • I'm still having the same issue too. I'm guessing this is not a jedi issue but an epg import issue?

    also, how is it that android based iptv players are still able to pull the epg?

  • Hi Guys, hope you dont mind my joining in here,

    using Oct SF8008 Multiboot - Slot1.openATV 6.3 - Slot2.openATV 6.4 - Slot3. openPLi8 and Also AmikoViper 4K Multiboot same Set-up.

    DM800seV2 with openPli.8 and another DM800seV2 with openATV 6.3 Daily build and the Dm900UHD openPli Original.

    MultiSat Reception 28E, 19E, 13E and 0.8W 4 Dishes.

    All having the same issues regarding EPGImporter, they ALL lose the previous found events and the Sources are again (except IPTV ) empty...everyday.

    EPGImporter Uninstall and Install - re-Boot and run Manual Source Scan. It picks up 1132119 events including the 4 IPTV Provider.

    Using JediMaker v.6.03. seems to be working and the Settings are fine. If I want to update the JediMaker version to v.6.15, should I uninstall

    the previous Version or will it overwrite and keep my settings etc etc..?

    Been annoying me for weeks, every day the EPG is GONE and except IPTV NO event update has been made.

    hope somebody finds the cause soon.


    Edited 2 times, last by AJP007 ().

  • I have just been experimenting with something with another user and broke all my boxes. :)
    I did plan having a good look at this tonight.
    Will have to wait until I reflash and re set everything back up now.

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

  • quick update. I reverted back to 6.11 and the epg is populating fine.

    I'm still on epgimport (1.0git232) but I can see an update available in the openatv feed.

    Edited once, last by nextman ().

  • Right I have got a free evening tonight.
    But to be honest I am not exactly sure what everyones problem is. And whether they are all the same problem. The posts are all very confusing.

    Is this a plugin fault with latest release. Some people say older jedi plugins v6.11 don't work. Some say older jedi plugin v6.11 does work?

    Is this an openatv issue only. If so, which openatv 6.4 or 6.5

    Is this an epg importer issue. If so which version. check your plugin menu, remove plugins to see version.

    Is this specific to a particular provider? i.e are all these XUI One panels.

    Which plugin files / files are you using. Files from this thread or from feeds.

    urie - looks like your problem is you are having issues with Jedi populating your epg. Is this with a xtream playlist file or iptv editor line

    tbe - you have series issues - are you still splitting vod and series out into 2 seperate playlists by faking the credientials with alternative characters.

    nextman - is your issue just that your epg won't download for your provider.

    Gurman2000 will be empty if its not been able to read the xmltv file

    AJP007 - I presume from your message, epg is populating initially, but then the day after it is blank.
    So is this an epg settings issue (are you saving your epg to hdd/usb, Do not save epg to internal flash, iptv epg is too large for internal flash)
    .... an epg importer issue or is this a jedi update issue. That I don't know yet.
    Which reminds me I haven't changed this myself for the 2 new images I have just installed. doh :)

    Drop me a private message with the exact line you are using if you want me to test it. And tell me exactly what you are using, what you have done, and where you are running into issues.
    I have got a completely fresh install of latest openatv 6.4 on one box.
    I have got a completely fresh install of latest openatv 6.5 on another box.
    I installed my jedi plugin via openatv feeds just to see if these are also an issue.
    I have not added in any certificate amends or epg importer amends.

    So I am as clean as your every day user.

    ps. don't quote this long post if replying. Just answer below. ta

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

  • KiddaC - no I do not split them out now but the issue is the same either way with the non population of the Series data - Thanks

    Do you need my line details again or do you still have them?

    Edited 2 times, last by tbe ().

  • Ok from the first line that has been passed to me for testing.
    Straight away I can see an issue.

    The site is an https site.
    But the xmltv url redirects to yet another https site to download the epg.

    Epg importer uses twisted client (and our hacked code to download https)
    In the code we define the original https url and not the redirected https url to pass the SSL check.
    So as soon as its redirecting its going to fail.
    Is this fixable. er.... no idea.

    tbe yes please send me your line again. You change your lines more than I change my socks. ;)

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

KiddaC Skins and Plugins

KiddaC Enigma2 Picons, Plugins and Skins, includes slyk-1-HD, v-skin-HD, slyk-q-HD, slyk onyx skins, Bouquet Maker Xtream, E2Piconizer, IPTV Bouquet Maker, Jedi Maker Xtream, Jedi EPG Xtream, ScreenNames, Visual Weather and X Class, X-Streamity - Xtream Codes IPTV Player.

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