Jedi Maker Xtream (IPTV Bouquet Creator) - Main thread

There are 2,430 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 860,561 times. The last Post () by Ramikarim.

  • your image doesn't like the add playlist screen. It is throwing an error on the helper text window. (The list of characters and corresponding remote key)

    This seems to be an image fault and not the plugin as this error is not seen on other images.

    You will have to manually add your details to the playlists.txt file


    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

  • in other forum they said its a

    indent / a Spaces Error

    19:00:23.5201 { D }   File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/JediMakerXtream/", line 231, in handleInputHelpers
    19:00:23.5208 { D }     helpwindowpos = self["HelpWindow"].getPosition()
    19:00:23.5209 { D }   File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 94, in getPosition
    19:00:23.5212 { D }     p = self.instance.position()
    19:00:23.5214 { D } AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'position'
  • KiddaC I have one playlist that i normally use in xstreamity and it pulls in epg but just tried it in jedimaker and no epg

    I did try

    URL player_api.php?username=XXXX&password=XXXX&action=get_simple_data_table&stream_id=X in web browser it is showing empty epg .

    but I saved epgimpoter.log

    it is showing

    [EPGImport] download failed: [Failure instance: Traceback: <class 'OpenSSL.SSL.Error'>: [('SSL routines', 'SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO', 'sslv3 alert handshake failure')]

    could I pm you the epgimport log running openatv6.4 so epgimporter should be working with https. I have even tried file no difference.

    also I tried to download playlist via web browser getting

    #EXTINF:-1 tvg-ID="Incompatible" tvg-name="Incompatible" tvg-logo="" group-title="Incompatible",YOUR APP IS NOT SUPPORTED

  • Hi Kiddac, you have had my provider details before where it is Series and Vod only (no live) but it never returns the Series details only the type, i.e Soap, Adventure etc. The other issue is that it never refreshes this provider or looks like it doesn’t as the Last Update details holds the same date as created and does not refresh when running Update Bouquets. The main issue though is that it does not pull back the Series data, I have noticed it sometimes does on the first creation of the Playlist but mostly not and if it does then running Update Bouquets wipes them out. If you want to take a look and need me to re-send my details let me know as it would be really appreciated. As a side note Xstreamity works correctly and pulls back all the correct data. If you are too busy then no problem as I can use Xstreamity but I like to have my bouquets properly populated in the e2 environment.

  • has anyone else had an issue with EPG recently.

    my provider uses SSL but I didn't have any issues untill I did a software update recently. the Jedi maker on the openatv feeds is 6.12 so I updated that manually. I read that epgimport was updated to support ssl but even after I used dsayers mod I can't get the epg to populate for the jedi bouquets.

    i've logged the error below.

    • Official Post

    If ypu want to check if it is a issue with your providers ssl settings you can download and test the attached rytec.source.xml

    If you open folder /etc/epgimport you find your epg sources. Just upload the attached file to that folder and then rename you current

    rytec.source.xml file to rytec.source.bak

    Now restart your GUI (Enigma2) and open EPG Import plugins. Chose any regular rytec source that you use for your regular Sat TV and do a manual import of that source. If you get the same error then we know that there is an error with EPG Import and not your Provider

  • seagen should we not name the rytec-https.souces.xml to rytec.sources.xml ?

    No that way if it's an issue with epgimport or image you will still have the standard rytec folder and save having to find the original file.

    I did rename rytec.sources.xml to rytec.sources.xml.bak and tried without renaming rytec-https.souces.xml still the same then tried with renaming

    rytec-https.souces.xml to rytec.sources.xml still same error I have renamed rytec.sources.xml.bak back to rytec.sources.xml

    Here is epg importer error.log I have removed URL and provider name.

    • Official Post

    Then we can confirm that it's the EPG Import ssl hack that does not seem to play ball with your image in use.

    This is probably due to either the twisted.web

    I don't rember what image you are using

  • why have you removed the URL and provider if it's rytec? We can't test it if we don't know the source.

    I think that error still happens if you try an https URL using http as it doesn't like redirect

    the url has my iptv url:port and username and password details I posted earlier asking kiddac if i could pm the log if needed, but must have missed him its the weekend hopfully he managed to get out for a few beers :)

  • Then we can confirm that it's the EPG Import ssl hack that does not seem to play ball with your image in use.

    This is probably due to either the twisted.web

    I don't rember what image you are using

    im running openatv6.4 on gigablue uhd quad 4k , I can get my zgemma h9 combo it is also running openatv6.4 back out tommorrow and try on that see if there is still error.

    I don't think it is jedimaker error I went back as far as 6.11 version still same error so reinstalled latest version again.

  • I tried it too. had to reinstall epg import to get it to load. I'm on openatv 6.5 now but getting the same issue.

    my neighbour has the same provider but doesn't seem to have the epg issue. told him not to do an update for now.

KiddaC Skins and Plugins

KiddaC Enigma2 Picons, Plugins and Skins, includes slyk-1-HD, v-skin-HD, slyk-q-HD, slyk onyx skins, Bouquet Maker Xtream, E2Piconizer, IPTV Bouquet Maker, Jedi Maker Xtream, Jedi EPG Xtream, ScreenNames, Visual Weather and X Class, X-Streamity - Xtream Codes IPTV Player.

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