E2m3u2bouquet - discussion & support

There are 1,274 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 94,315 times. The last Post () by pepsik.

  • Run epg importer and see if the epg is show in channels. Your problem depending from Epg-Importer and not from this plugin

    Also try using a epg-importer standard and not mod from dorik


    - OpenATV & PurE2 - user :-) -

    Edited 2 times, last by hispanico957 ().

  • doesn't take un account the "maintain old epg data for" parameter, in minutes (setup/epg/setup).

    I did this on purpose for a number of reasons:

    1) Not all images have the "maintain old epg data for" setting

    2) The absolute uselessness of "maintain old epg data for" ... Time has already passed and it will not be possible to see. The epg.dat file is increased and nothing more

    So sometimes we have none epg on channels treated by e2m3u8 until next epg. I think this one shouldn't be empty if this parameter was taken in account. What do you think about this?

    I'm more than not sure about that. When importing an event from XMLTV, it is not the start time that is taken into account, but the end time of the event. Thus, all events on the channel are imported, the broadcast end time of which is later than the EPG import start time

    if t and (now_timestamp_utc <= t[1] >= t[0])

    t[0] - start time

    t[1] - end time

    t - tupe of (start_time, end_time)

    The logic is as follows:

    If the node programme in XMLTV has timestamps for the start and end of the event, while the start time is less than the end time and the

    end time of the event is greater than the start time of the EPG import - the event will be imported

  • I did this on purpose for a number of reasons:

    1) Not all images have the "maintain old epg data for" setting

    2) The absolute uselessness of "maintain old epg data for" ... Time has already passed and it will not be possible to see. The epg.dat file is increased and nothing more

    In fact with epg like pluto tv, samsung tv+, plex.. the extract (with their api) to generate xml files will take in account only from the next epg, not the current. By this way the xml doesn't contain the current epg, so we have empty epg until next epg. If we keep history, the current epg will be shown, because it is in the epg.dat even if missing in the last exctract xml file.

    These empty epg are often displayed with the configuration with a short interval like mine (2 hours). Even I think I will increase the interval, but the problem will still be the same, the xml doesn't contains the current epg... :head banger:

  • In fact with epg like pluto tv, samsung tv+, plex.. the extract (with their api) to generate xml files will take in account only from the next epg, not the current. By this way the xml doesn't contain the current epg, so we have empty epg until next epg. If we keep history, the current epg will be shown, because it is in the epg.dat even if missing in the last exctract xml file.

    I can make a separate setting for importing events in depth "back" ..... But will this help in your case?

  • No, I think these events are not in the last epg xml file

    Then how can a change in the algorithm affect? I am not touching the original cache of the current EPG of Enigma2. I just give the command to update NEW events. Thus, if you have "store old EPG" in your EPG image settings, turn it on and check

  • so we take channel..

    Мужское Кино

    from m3u list

    #EXTINF:-1 group-title="Кино и сериалы",Мужское Кино

    from EPG

    <channel id="muzhskoe-kino"><display-name>Мужское кино</display-name><display-name>Мужское кино HD</display-name><icon src="https://iptvxpix.ml/muzhskoe-kino.png"/></channel>

    epg list downloaded

    <programme start="20220101014000 +0300" stop="20220101033500 +0300" channel="muzhskoe-kino"><title lang="ru">х/ф От заката до рассвета 2: Кровавые деньги из Техаса</title></programme>
    <programme start="20220101033500 +0300" stop="20220101051000 +0300" channel="muzhskoe-kino"><title lang="ru">х/ф От заката до рассвета-3: Дочь палача</title></programme>
    <programme start="20220101051000 +0300" stop="20220101070000 +0300" channel="muzhskoe-kino"><title lang="ru">х/ф Возвращение героя</title></programme>
    <programme start="20220101070000 +0300" stop="20220101084500 +0300" channel="muzhskoe-kino"><title lang="ru">х/ф Власть огня</title></programme>
    <programme start="20220101084500 +0300" stop="20220101110500 +0300" channel="muzhskoe-kino"><title lang="ru">х/ф Джек Ричер</title></programme>
    <programme start="20220101110500 +0300" stop="20220101131000 +0300" channel="muzhskoe-kino"><title lang="ru">х/ф Джек Ричер 2: Никогда не возвращайся</title></programme>
    <programme start="20220101131000 +0300" stop="20220101151500 +0300" channel="muzhskoe-kino"><title lang="ru">х/ф Плохие парни</title></programme>
    <programme start="20220101151500 +0300" stop="20220101175500 +0300" channel="muzhskoe-kino"><title lang="ru">х/ф Плохие парни 2</title></programme>
    <programme start="20220101175500 +0300" stop="20220101200000 +0300" channel="muzhskoe-kino"><title lang="ru">х/ф Скорость</title></programme>
    <programme start="20220101200000 +0300" stop="20220101220000 +0300" channel="muzhskoe-kino"><title lang="ru">х/ф Профессионал</title></programme>

    Buquert list created like

    #SERVICE 5002:0:1:d353:c84f:4fa4:1010101:0:0:0:http%3a//XXXXXCXCX%3a80/XXXXXXXXXMuzhskoyeKinoHD/MuzhskoyeKinoHD_1080p_5000kbps.m3u8:Мужское Кино
    #DESCRIPTION Мужское Кино

    EPG not showing on this channels

    - EPG importer 1.55 mod dorik1972

    VU Zero4k ATV7.3

    Edited 2 times, last by sarsan ().

  • #EXTINF:-1 group-title="Кино и сериалы",Мужское Кино

    Where do you see tvg-id tag in #EXTINF in the playlist you are using??? From what finger should ANY software suck the match with the <channel id = "muzhskoe-kino"> of the XMLTV you are using? You are looking for a miracle?

    EPG importer

    What does ANY m3u playlist have to do with EPGImport? Do you understand how the EPGImport plugin works? Do you have a ****. channels.xml correspondence file for the XMLTV you are using?


    Want an EPG in this playlist format with this plugin? - use manual override.xml in this plugin. How does EPGImport relate to this topic?

  • tvg-id tag in #EXTINF

    appologies - not see missing id-tag. could be nice when using m3u files without this "parameter" will be showing "on screen- missing xxxxxx and epg wont work would you carry on created bouquet without EPG ? " will be prevent- help in future other users

    2- Regarding bouquet created from m3u

    #SERVICE 5002:0:1:d353:c84f:4fa4:1010101:0:0:0:http%3a//XXXXXCXCX%3a80/XXXXXXXXXMuzhskoyeKinoHD/MuzhskoyeKinoHD_1080p_5000kbps.m3u8:Мужское Кино
    #DESCRIPTION Мужское Кино

    where is get from channel ID ( 10 digit) from ?

    VU Zero4k ATV7.3

  • appologies - not see missing id-tag. could be nice when using m3u files without this "parameter" will be showing "on screen- missing xxxxxx and epg wont work would you carry on created bouquet without EPG ? " will be prevent- help in future other users

    Have you read the second paragraph of my post to you? Judging by this post and the example from bouquet - you absolutely don't understand how the EPGImport plugin works. EPGimport plugin - does not use bouquet-file or m3u-playlist file EVER! It only needs a lookup table file ***.сhannels.xml,

    could be nice when using m3u files without this "parameter" will be showing "on screen- missing xxxxxx

    I can add log information about the lack of correspondence between XMLTV channel_id and serviceref in ******. channels.xml .... EPGImport or CrossEPG - nothing is known about the m3u playlist or the bouquet files

    PLEASE! Master the BASIC functionality of using the EPGimport plugin. For this, there is a corresponding topic on the forum!

  • could you poit me how to add provider m3u-list file(located on HDD) instead online m3u url?

    found it :

    <m3uurl><![CDATA[file:///media/hdd/test/iptv-test2022.m3u]]></m3uurl><!-- Extended M3U url -->


    could be nice to have option browse in the folders by remote control and pick one, without manually writing to xml file

    VU Zero4k ATV7.3

    Edited once, last by sarsan: edit ().

  • Not working on Python 3 images like OpenBH 5

    So what do you suggest? Rewrite for general use? IT'S EASY! But what do this theme and this plugin have to do with it? Moreover, who needs it today if there is an e2m3u2b?

    could be nice to have option browse in the folders by remote control and pick one, without manually writing to xml file

    In this case, I will have to make changes to the interface of the provider's "card" by introducing an additional "switch" - "url/file" because the same field is now used for input. As for me is much easier to enter the path to the m3u used in the "file: //" scheme, or, if it's too lazy, to edit the node in config.xml in a text editor, for example, nano

  • pepsik , Hello!

    I did some tests around the EPG history/cache with pluto tv and samsung tv plus providers.

    In the epg xml I found old/previous programs , current and next. So everything to have a clean epg. So yesterday I said that old epg wasn't in the file, it's not true, they are. In fact they were during my tests. So sorry.

    If I use e2m3u2 or epg import (manual update corresponding source), the result is the same. EPG are loaded, old (limit by the keep history parameter) and cache is not cleaned. But sometimes, for an unknown reason, the epg for the channels treated by e2m3u2 are cleaned and we have only future events. It's not systematic.

    So I think you have nothing to implement for the past events. I have to find a way to reproduce the cleanup in some case, but not every time. And I will see if it's a problem from the epg xml or epgimport.

    To follow !


    pepsik, finally It will be great to have an option to insert into epg the old vents available in the xml files. This is useful in case of crash, while epg is corrupt, no epg are shown. So in this case a full rerun is necessary, so epgimport insert into epg, current, future and ols events, but e2m3u2 only current and future ones.



    Finlay not sure, using epgimport with e2m3u2 bouquets selected feeds the data for everything (sat and iptv channels) with correct history :angear::party-time:

    Edited 3 times, last by jeepcook ().

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