Does the location of Oscam's config files depend on the image/hardware being used?

There are 38 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 20,142 times. The last Post () by s3n0.

    • Official Post

    Yup i am just wasting my time replying, it must be some sort of vudu magic that makes the files go in those locations.:sadgun:

  • Hi.

    Oscam searches for configuration files in a specific order, by the original source code, as follows:…owser/trunk/oscam.c#L1662


    So you can have configuration files in any of the following folders, if the "-c /path_to_cfg-dir" argument was not used when starting Oscam.

    The problem may be some Oscam startup scripts that can determine the configuration directory with the "-c /path_to_cfg-directory" argument just mentioned after the startup command. Then, unfortunately, Oscam only looks for the configuration in this folder. So it also depends on the startup script.

    If you need shared both Oscam in alone folder together, you can try to move (copy) the configuration files to your shared folder (on HDD / USB), which is accessible in both cases of dual-boot systems, on both Enigma2 distributions. So, for example, you can create a folder on the HDD and move the configuration files there and then add an argument, such as "-c /media/hdd/oscam_cfg", in the launcher of both Enigma2 distributions. Then these configuration files will always found in the same config. folder. Of course, you cannot use the "/etc" folder as shared, because this folder changes, depending on the booted system (another file-system is booted).

  • OpenATV


    (or some similar)



    (or some similar)

    Find and change all the "-c /path_to_directory" and "--config-dir /path_to_directory" arguments in the script. If this argument does not exist, add or change it only if you want to specify a oscam config-directory in both Enigma distributions.

    With the following method with symbolic links, you must remove the "-c /path_to_directory" and "--config-dir /path_to_directory" arguments from both scripts (OpenATV + PurE2) or edit them to a common directory in both flash disks (filesystem in OpenATV image as well as in PurE2), for example to the same directory "-c /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam":

    Choose the directory where both Enigma distributions can access - for example "/hdd/oscam-cfg/" or "/media/hdd/oscam-cfg/" (I don't know PurE2 but the symbolic link "/hdd" to "should also work for "/media/hdd"). Of course, you have to create an empty directory there first.

    Then you use the symbolic link of the directory, in both Enigma distributions the same, to the pre-created directory "/media/hdd/oscam-cfg" or "/media/usb/oscam-cfg":

    ln -s /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam /media/hdd/oscam-cfg

    ...or if you want to use a USB device:

    ln -s /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam /media/usb/oscam-cfg

    When creating these symbolic links, in both Enigma, the "/media/hdd/oscam-cfg" directory must be created before and the original directory must also be deleted:

    rm -f /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam

    In this method, when Oscam starts, it will search the directory with the configuration files in the default paths. Of course, for the "/etc/tuxbox/oscam/config" directory, there will be a redirect to "/media/hdd/oscam-cfg" directory and a configuration files will be found there.

    • Official Post

    You could try edit the cam start script,

    I'm not doubting your knowledge but your answer could be interpreted otherwise.

    But thank you for your reply. :wink:

    True, i didn't mean to be rude but probably was, apologies :cringe:

    let us know how you get on , s3n0 has been very helpful as always

  • jenseneverest no problem,

    In my satellite receivers I have a 120GB SSD built in so the idea of one oscam folder on the SSD is very tempting.

    I'll take a look at that.

    Thinking one step further, would it then be possible to have multiple configurations on the SSD and change the configuration like the 'VPN manager " changes location?

  • Hello. I have Zgemma H9S-SE brand new. Flashed and installed E2 Openvix. Also bough 8 clines and installed CCcam and worked perfect. But I want to install OSCAM on the box because everyone says its better. So converted CCcam.cfg to Oscam.server, installed recent plugin oscam softcam available, intalled it and activate it, but when i use the FTP to install oscam.server on the directory /etc/tuxbox/config on OPenatv or usr/keys/oscam on Openvix , keeps appearing message saying config etc/tuxbox/config...not configurated...and oscam doesnt work... which is weird because i installed through FTP in this same folder the oscam.server...tryed on th eother folder and the same message appears with a timer countdown.

    what i am doing wrong?? on the tutorials i read guess need a file called oscam.config to install same folder than oscam.server, however i dont know where to create or from where this oscam.config file come from.

    how i can overcome this on Openvix. theres any oscam.config file i can use together with generated oscam.server?? or on openvix the file should go to another diretory folder? which one??

    other suggestion how to install oscam on openvix????

    best regards.

    • Official Post

    oscam on Openvix , keeps appearing message saying config etc/tuxbox/config...not configurated

    You also need dvbapi enabled in oscam.conf to view channels.

    Use the simple config provided. Add the readers to oscam.server then send the configs to /etc/tuxbox/config. Restart oscam.
  • Or when you convert CCconfig.cfg to oscam.server should be installed on a specific oscam softcam?? which one??? or theres other way to install oscam after conversion of the cccam file...because after convertion theres only oscam.server and not the oscam.config which is apparently needed to install through FTP on the folders.


    • Official Post

    oscam.server should be installed on a specific oscam softcam?? which one???

    The configs are universal - they work on all versions of oscam.

    You`ve already installed oscam from the openvix feed no need to try anything else.

    Use the configs i provided. Just add your readers to oscam.server. Nothing else needs configured.

  • C-Line (CCcam.cfg) conversion to Oscam (oscam.server) file

    Of course, in addition to this, you still need to set up the dvbapi / AU feature and also need in addition to the "oscam.server" configuration file. Also you need files "oscam.config" (basic configuration of Oscam and setting up a possible Oscam-Server) and you also need "oscam.user" for dvbapi / AU feature.

  • thank you for the quick answer!!!

    with "Just add your readers to oscam.server" .... you mean add clines converted on oscam.server ??? how i should do that correctly?? sorry im new on this

    .:59: Or can replace the oscam.server that comes on the zip for my one, overwrite it?? should i replace the oscam.user for my one too? when converter theres option create it.

  • thank you for the quick answer!!!

    with "Just add your readers to oscam.server" .... you mean add clines converted on oscam.server ??? how i should do that correctly?? sorry im new on this

    .:59: Or can replace the oscam.server that comes on the zip for my one, overwrite it?? should i replace the oscam.user for my one too? when converter theres option create it.

    Yes. Click on my link. There is an explanation of how to convert the C-Line in the "CCcam.cfg" file to a software reader (network connection for the Oscam as a client ) in the "oscam.server" file.

  • Hi. which oscam version is more stable and works better on VU+ Zero 4K running on E2 blackhole? my friend has oscam 11693 installed on this box and says it freezes and fail the image sometimes and using Cccam instead of Oscam that doesnt happen.

    Anyone using this box can share the right configuration? Thanks. regards.

  • Yes,seems on oscam the VU+ Zero 4k after updating blackhole and oscam version, keeps freezing and lagging sometimes. I dont know if this is normal or should i have some configuration wrong? swapping for cccam 2.3.0 on openvix run and works perfect. still investigating what causes this frozen and fail sometimes. feel free to give some suggestions trying fix this annoying issue, Thanks.

  • I don't know because I'm not a softcam developer. And I also don't do DVB technologies. I did not find the cause. I also tried and tested for a long time. My DVB-S2 decoder card uses IRDETO encryption mode. The freezing of Oscam as a softcam client (protocol cccam and also newcamd) approximately 1-2 times a day at a random time. Maybe it's some mistake of Oscam itself (for example, a possible overflow of a buffer, in a certain, unknown situation).

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