cross epg with alias list for VM cable

There are 72 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 7,948 times. The last Post () by jenseneverest.

  • I think we may have a problem.

    The sky UK EPG is also being added to other channels of the same name on different packages. For example, FOX HD and SYFY HD in the Sky Germany package is showing the UK EPG. I shall delete my dat file tonight before I go to bed as my EPG downloads at 4am, to ensure its not just that which has become corrupted, and report back tomorrow whether its still the same.

    • Official Post

    I think we may have a problem.

    The sky UK EPG is also being added to other channels of the same name on different packages. For example, FOX HD and SYFY HD in the Sky Germany package is showing the UK EPG. I shall delete my dat file tonight before I go to bed as my EPG downloads at 4am, to ensure its not just that which has become corrupted, and report back tomorrow whether its still the same.

    that is correct, they way we have it currently it populates all providers of xxxxxx channel name.

    There is ways to ensure it populate just vermin but it becomes harder with channels on providers marked as "unknown" like half of vermin...

    personally i use crossepg to download openTV

    Then the script conversion

    Then i download all of the other sats with rytec sources (currently with epgimporter after)........not actually tried with crossepg and all the sats yet....

  • Yes as I expected, there is a possible conflict here that we could do with addressing.


    The brand new fresh EPG dat from this morning seems to be ok once more. The order of things in my setup is Sky UK Open TV, then the Alias script and then finally Rytec stuff for the other Sats I frequently use. It seems that if I stick to this order, things are fine, but downloading everything takes over an hour, so during testing of this I disabled the Rytec stuff and just downloaded fresh Sky and Vermin. I think its this merging into the existing dat that may have caused the issue, because like I say, this morning with a fresh dat and keeping to the automated order, things seem to be fine again.

  • Hmmmmm

    It seems these files are overwritten with certain image updates.

    ATV updated CrossEPG on the 11th of June overwriting the files we applied. I don't think this can be avoided, short of locking down the entire CrossEPG folder, which is not a good idea. So any ATV users will have to reapply the files again from post 1

    The only other option is to get someone to commit these updates to the CrossEPG GIT, but there are so many versions in use by various images I doubt this will be possible.

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    okay after some consideration pauldb and i have decided against adding this to github for several reasons some of which are:

    * we and the plugin guys have different idea's on how to do things

    * we want to make updates often - not everyone has cable and probably zero interest in the mod anyways

    * changes to github and eventually by whatever image team to the end user will simply take too long

    * it is still a work in progress and there are several idea's in the pipeline

    Anyways Update to things are now in the first post

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    Abu asked be to do some testing with this. I uninstalled and reinstalled crossepg and renamed the .conf file to virgin.conf and ran crossepg with opentv source ticked. It ran fine and populated the epg fine.

    yes i know it dose, but i like i said we have other ideas for it.

    • Official Post

    From my tests, any.conf files in the /aliases folder get used automatically once you enable aliases. There is no need for any commenting/uncommenting of lines either, just add multiple conf files you want. There was no need for any additional python files.

    Adding duplicated python files with just a path change is not the best way of doing things. The better way of doing it is to adapt the python file to offer the choice of different alias files.

    If the idea is to be able to update files immediately and independent of image/build process, iIt may be better to have a script/plugin to fetch the conf file from a repository/resource. Like ABM Mix importer.

    To avoid confusion, I won't be adding the virgin conf file to the OE-A CrossEPG repository.

    • Official Post

    From my tests, any.conf files in the /aliases folder get used automatically once you enable aliases. There is no need for any commenting/uncommenting of lines either, just add multiple conf files you want.

    Are you referring to the ITV regions ? Sorry i do not understand how having multiple regions channels all with the same name is meant to work otherwise

    The way things stand the sly channel will populate all channels of the same name (on any provider) vermin names all ITV the same, so they all populate...

    It will also populate the channels on 27.5 w


    Adding duplicated python files with just a path change is not the best way of doing things. The better way of doing it is to adapt the python file to offer the choice of different alias files.

    Agreed, probably better to do what you suggest, but all i have done is copy a .py in the same format /location as the others

    I did not want to break the original format of the files.


    If the idea is to be able to update files immediately and independent of image/build process, iIt may be better to have a script/plugin to fetch the conf file from a repository/resource. Like ABM Mix importer.

    yes that is exactly what we would like, something like the "update rytec sources" already in the crossepg plugin

    Neither pauldb or myself are coders, we are copy / paste pros:laugh1: and like to mess about when time allow

    We are happy for any help or suggestions

    A few problems need addressing, like being about to get serv ref - serv ref to work like the channel names do

    How to stop it populating all providers ? That can be worked around for no

    A way to implement the update of the .conf file as required....but it is so simple currently anyone could do it themselves

    I would also like 10 days data........

    • Official Post

    CrossEPG has a bug where data obtained from OpenTV EPG followed by Rytec is marked as tainted and dumped. It also has a false lock on 23.5 if moving east. These two bugs have been like this for a while.

    The plugin is too convoluted with none of the origianl contributers around to assist or share the inner workings. Case in point is your discovery.

    With regards to my remark about commenting/uncommenting, I was referring to where users are asked to edit the file to suit their requirements. To me this is a complication. Have the main file where the common services are linked. People can then add their own ones. Two aliases files will be used.

    BTW, as far as my testing on cable has shown, the services not on the NetID do not work. Hardly anyone disables background scanning, so people always scan in channels that do not work. Pure regions are not affected. I wouldn't worry too much about ITVs having the wrong EPG if they don't work. The working one is the vital one.

    • Official Post

    Added online alias file update

    added delete epg and crossepg logs - this may not work for everyone - let me know if it dose /dosn't

    added 1 liner online install script

    Post 1 updated - See first post for details

  • Great work guys.

    Just for info your instal command line didn't work for me using Open ATV it kept give this

    -bash: ./ /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

    And as yet I've not been able to figure out why, so I had to read the script and grab all of the files including my correct region from your Git and instal them manually.

    Dave HD appears to not have populated either, so I need to look at that as well.

    I dont get the provider order in my CrossEPG either (most likely a skin issue) no providers show to move up and down ( see screenshot ) so I also had to manually edit the config file too, to obtain the correct start order.


  • thanks for that, strange about dave hd ( wonder if it had a frequency change or more than one dave hd ,ie one without epg), i also use openatv and mine came at the bottom, not sure if it because i already had the alias files or not, as for putty that again worked for me ,but not openwebif, one for jenseneverest, but once fixed its the best for having epg on cable if you use sat and cable together

    • Official Post

    Just for info your instal command line didn't work for me using Open ATV it kept give this

    -bash: ./ /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

    That's not good, what openATV image are you running ?? What platform is your telnet session running from, is it Ubuntu ?

    I know you have the skills to get around the issue, but the idea was to make it easy for peeps to install it:sadgun:

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