Problem some channels, caid 1810, black TV screen​

There are 170 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 71,289 times. The last Post () by seagen.

  • Dude, for the traffic to be fully tunnelled, there must be an end-to-end VPN network. You can hide your Server by masking the IP and adding layers. But your Client receives the data from your ecm in his deco, at home, with his public IP that his provider can sniff. One thing is to protect your server and another thing is to protect the power line. If you pass me a line from your server and I use a sniffer to analyze the data, I can get your subscriber number. Remember that before the subscription number appeared on TV. That number travels with the ECM that serve your card. With the subscriber number, they already have your name, address and public IP.

  • Y porque no hacen el ataque constante ? Y sólo lo hacen en el fútbol ? Si es así , está muy trabajado ese ataque y saben cómo funciona muy bien las emuladoras . Buen trabajo por parte de Movistar

  • Y porque no hacen el ataque constante? Y solo lo hacen en el futbol ? Si es así, está muy trabajado ese ataque y saben cómo funcionan muy bien las emuladoras. Buen trabajo por parte de Movistar

    The attack on sporting events is carried out by Laliga. That's why he attacks only in matches. Movistar applied the same protocol to its movie, series and other channels, but they only implement it randomly on alternate days. They cannot use a long duration or very repetitive attack because it would give time to analyze how they do it. Therefore, use small intervals and specific days to attack by surprise. It seems that they are compiling a new emulator that would work against this measure, since it is gradually being implemented in most privacy

  • It is difficult for IKS to fall. The cards in the iks systems are protected by encryption in the firmware of the receivers. Opening an emulator like OSCam and extracting data is very simple, since it is a free "open source" system. To open a firmware of an IKS system it is necessary to obtain the protection keys of the file, and that is very, very difficult to happen. Tracking a card in a home sharing system is child's play for any professional. In addition, iks systems use their own emulators, unknown until now. It is true that an iks system can be unstable at certain times, due to the number of receivers it must feed and especially due to the location of the server and under which support it works, depending on the country of location A server hosted in Spain that maintains a very secure and stable fiber network is not the same as a country in Latam whose connection quality becomes more unstable.

  • encryption in the firmware of the receivers. Opening an emulator like OSCam and extracting data is very simple, since it is a free "open source" system. To open a firmware of an IKS system it is necessary to obtain the protection keys of the file, and that is very, very difficult to happen. Tracking a card in a home sharing system is child's play for any professional. In addition, iks systems use their own emulators, unknown until now. It is true that an iks system can be unstable at certain times, due to the number of receivers it must feed and especially due to the location of the server and under which support it works, depending on the country of location A server hosted in Spain that maintains a very secure and stable fiber network is not the same as a country in Latam whose connection quality becomes more unstable.

    I do not doubt about it's very dificult to 'attack' iks.... but it's happening: iks pt is suffering kind of fails... according to most of the iks forums


    Edited 6 times, last by dabezt ().

  • dabezt is right...iks is suffering when movistar begins to push hard in prime time while matches or films...even when VPN adds another layer of security to the requests to the server...I have no deep or low-level knowledge about unscrambling, but I think that it's not yet clear what they are doing...

    it's been read here that some kind of poisoning cache and things like this, but ...what if they are doing some kind of delaying of certain kind of traffic??? you can apply (if you are a big carrier and have agreements with other peers in business) some kind of QoS upon traffic profiles, then delaying so much the "feedback" needed from the servers that the "knowledge" is getting out of sync or too late...what are the countermeasures? buffering? SSL/TLS?

    i insist, just guessing ...


  • if through injecting QoS packets they tried to delay the sending of the ECM, the emulator would mark a "timeout" since the time expired and it did not find the response in time. From what we have studied, the problem comes from 2 fronts. 1- R100 versions distributing fakes through their cache. (Attack interested by the creators of multiCS R100 to sell its paid version) 2- Cards in penalty mode. (Movistar attack to penalize sharing) L

  • if through injecting QoS packets they tried to delay the sending of the ECM, the emulator would mark a "timeout" since the time expired and it did not find the response in time. From what we have studied, the problem comes from 2 fronts. 1- R100 versions distributing fakes through their cache. (Attack interested by the creators of multiCS R100 to sell its paid version) 2- Cards in penalty mode. (Movistar attack to penalize sharing) L

    My bet is on Movistar is putting cards in a kind of 'penalty mode'... they have to know how many 'request' are done by each card x channel pID ... lot of big servers have been very greed! ;-)

    But I do not discard some hosts / addresses 'direct' DDOS 'attacks' to big servers.... today .xyz seems to run without issues ¿weird?

    Edited once, last by dabezt ().

  • si mediante la inyección de paquetes de QoS intentaran retrasar el envío del ECM, el emulador marcaría un "timeout" ya que venció el tiempo y no encontró la respuesta a tiempo. Por lo que hemos estudiado, el problema viene por 2 frentes. 1- Versiones R100 que distribuyen falsificaciones a través de su caché. (Ataque interesado por los creadores de multiCS R100 para vender su versión de pago) 2- Tarjetas en modo penalización. (Ataque de Movistar para penalizar el compartir) L

    Mi apuesta es que Movistar está poniendo las tarjetas en una especie de 'modo de penalización'... tienen que saber cuántas 'solicitudes' se realizan por cada tarjeta x canal pID... ¡muchos servidores grandes han sido muy codiciosos! ;-)

    Pero no descarto algunos hosts/direcciones 'ataques' DDOS 'directos' a servidores grandes.... hoy .xyz parece correr sin problemas ¿raro?

    If so, we would solve it with a cache-only supported vidiation.

  • cifrado en el firmware de los receptores. Abrir un emulador como OSCam y extraer datos es muy sencillo, ya que es un sistema gratuito de "código abierto". Para abrir un firmware de un sistema IKS es necesario obtener las claves de protección del archivo, y eso es muy, muy difícil que suceda. El seguimiento de una tarjeta en un sistema de viviendas compartidas es un juego de niños para cualquier profesional. Además, los sistemas iks utilizan sus propios emuladores, desconocidos hasta ahora. Es cierto que un sistema iks puede ser inestable en determinados momentos, por la cantidad de receptores que debe alimentar y sobre todo por la ubicación del servidor y bajo qué soporte trabaja, dependiendo del país de ubicación Un servidor alojado en España que mantiene una red de fibra muy segura y estable no es lo mismo que un país de Latam cuya calidad de conexión se vuelve más inestable.

    No dudo que es muy dificil 'atacar' a iks.... pero esta pasando: iks pt esta sufriendo fallas... segun la mayoria de los foros de iks


    PT quiebra por ruptura de Movistar en líneas de Negocio. El Sistema de Fibra Óptica y la línea telefónica de la red de la empresa hoy ha estado caída.

    Un fallo generalizado en la red de Movistar, ya solucionado, impidió a los clientes corporativos realizar o recibir llamadas desde las 11.00 a las 13.30 horas

  • I'm aware of it... clientes corporativos (enterprise customers, big ones... not retail customers) and it was during the morning... at the evening iks continues failling ;-)

    Edited once, last by dabezt ().

  • And what kind of network does an IKs system use? Friend, forget the homemade concept we have of sharing. IKS systems go big.

  • Movistar sends empty or erroneous ECMs just before sending the correct ones, which blocks the service in pirate decoders, but does not affect the operation of its clients' satellite decoders. ECM stands for Entitlement Control Message and, basically, they are the keys that allow the channels to be decoded

  • hi to you all .

    i don't know if anyone has tha same issue as me it has started few weeks ago with movistar plus it freezes or cut off for a good while before it comeback on the screen .

    i know it's not the provider because i have two and both are really good i even test it with 48hrs free test and same result .

    i was wondering wether it's the end of viewing those channels through satellite .

    or is there a fix for it .

    my box is dm900 with openatv image and the softcam is ( oscam-smod).

    thanks guys


    Edited once, last by master G: merged here ().

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