dm920 - openPLi 8.3 (homebuild)

There are 63 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 17,985 times. The last Post () by hecha71.

  • Another question how can we mount a network connection, i don't find a menu to do that. For exemple to see a film on a nas network hard disk?

    I find the answer one of my questions:

    Menu > Setup > System > Expert settings > Network > LAN (or WLAN) > MountManager

    DM920 4k UHD, OpenPli 8.3; Vu+ zero, OpenBlackhole 5.1.012; Vu+ zero 4K, OpenBlackhole 4.3.032

  • all the older releases are working fine so obviously the uploaded file is incomplete or corrupted!

    Well, I showed you a screenshot that the assembly works, you can see that on the dm900, and in the dm900 only through Barry Allen these assemblies can be installed.look for the problem at yourself and not in the assembly

    This is the thread about DM920 NOT DM900!!

    Thats probably why it wont work on 920.

    I tried the 920 openpli img on dm900 and it would not boot. same thing.

    wrong image for wrong box.

    Im still searching OpenPli 8.3 that actually works on Dm920!

  • This is the thread about DM920 NOT DM900!!

    I will translate "for the especially gifted" 1.)The author of the assembly does not do it for 900, but 920 , 2.) To talk about what topic and for which receiver -learn to match before making your conclusions, study the work of the plugin and how a specific multiboot works-Barry Allen.3.)I repeat-it works for everyone, but you don't.I make a simple conclusion, the reason is well, it's not in the image, the problem is that some people's hands are growing from the hip joint.

    I would like to know from under what image in Bari Alain do you establish this image? and the order of actions. And what image is the main one installed - in the receiver's flash memory.

    kernel-module-nfsd - Is this module installed in the main image (what is in the receiver's flash memory)?

    p.s. And more..I'll tell you a great secret, :shushing face: you can install images in a multiboot and from a 900 clone-you won't believe the images work.. :thinking face: :rolling on the floor laughing:  :rolling on the floor laughing: :rolling on the floor laughing:

  • strange question...??...can the processor heat up a lot from decoder...if you open via web with pc or mobile...impossible to give too variable indications.

    VuSolo_VuSOLO.PRO_VuZero_VuSOLO2 SE_DR.800sim japar ed 800SEsim a8p_Mutant 51_4k_GB.UE.4k_DM.920
  • original dmm image in flash.

    barry allen v12.91

    original dm920uhd

    the image installs fine but everything freezes at boot point.

    every single other img installs and boots just fine.


    They all work fine.

    The last openpli that works is v8.1.

    version 8.x star installs and boots but crashes when going into tuner menu.

  • You need to use the 8.x into Flash and not external flash.


  • Thanks but no thanks.

    Will NEVER install unknown honebuild images in flash and fry the flash chip forever!

  • Enjoy, up to you. You have your rules, and as you want to stick to them, your choices are lower...

    Good luck, and enjoy.


  • I'm giving this for informational purposes only

    this image has a wepif connection problem

    like all previous openpli 8.0 images

    there is a problem of not displaying the barrier as in all previous openpli 8.0 images

    I have written about this problem before.

    There is no such problem in openpli 11.2 and 12.2 that I have.

    This is the problem you wrote in Turkish and foreign sites

    this image has no other problems

    the wep problem is the bug I reported earlier

    bunu bilgi amaçlı olarak veriyorum

    bu imajda wepif bağlantı sorunu vardır

    daha önceki bütün openpli 8.0 imajlarda olduğu gibi

    bariyeleni göstermeme sorunu vardır daha önceki bütün openpli 8.0 imajlarda olduğu gibi

    bu sorunu daha önce bilgisini yazdım

    elimde olan openpli 11.2 ve 12.2 de böyle bir sorun yoktur

    türk ve yabancı sitelerde yazdığınız sorun budur

    bu imajın başka sorunu yoktur

    wep sorunu daha önce bildirdiğim hatadır


  • As wrote tens of time, this is NOT built to be used in multiboot ! It is built to be flashed INTO INTERNAL FLASH.

    If you want to use it in such condition, IT MUST BE IN INTERNAL FLASH, not external...

    OK ? Then your "bugs" will suddenly disappear.

    ... eg... /media/ba ?... BA = BARRY ALLEN = MULTIBOOT, and as we can see you loaded it on the last position on external Flash...

    Multiboot mixes files, boot files, etc... of the internal flash image with the external loaded one... so please stick to 1 image and mixing will always give such problems as images are not same, not on same base, or same compilation.


  • openpli 11.2 and openpli 12.2 as well

    we have no barryalen or wepif problems

    the problem is in openpli 8.0 and 8x software that came out before

    I have reported this error before on another site.

    wepif and barrier error

    See the pictures I have given below

    openpli 11.2 and openpli 12.2

    openpli 11.2 ve openpli 12.2 de

    barryalen veya wepif sorunumuz yok

    sorun daha önce çıkan openpli 8.0 ve 8x yazılımlarında

    bu hatayı daha önce başka sitede ben bildirdim

    wepif ve bariyelen hatası

    altta verdiğim resimlere bakın

    openpli 11.2 ve openpli 12.2

  • It's two different images, it's not because they call it openpli that it is, they do their mix, we do ours.

    Again, it's clear that the /media/ba is the multiboot/BarryAllen, if you have an error with that... what else it is ?

    You cannot compare images, these are different and have different functionnalities, ... as I wrote again and again, IN INTERNAL FLASH, NOT EXTERNAL FLASH with Multiboot, it will not work. So you have the result of your messing around, and not listening what we tell you... it fails, because you want to install your way, and it's normal it fails.

    Here all works perfect, including WebIf... so you mess around, it fails... if you didn't, and install as we tell you to do, it would work ! So it's YOUR FAULT not the image fault... you trick and mess things, you get then the result of your messing around.



  • HI,

    I really have to confirm, soft better for 920

    OpenPli dated 26-09-2022

    I had to test it again and I am amazed to see all the plugins work optimally,

    what in the other more recent soft with the new py3

    most of the plugins have no functions or do not develop it is better to bring back the old software, very performing and compliments to the developers and to the support given to this fabulous Dream 920 devoder...thanks for your collaboration.

    VuSolo_VuSOLO.PRO_VuZero_VuSOLO2 SE_DR.800sim japar ed 800SEsim a8p_Mutant 51_4k_GB.UE.4k_DM.920
  • dm920 - Python 3.11.7 - openPLi-develop - homebuild !

    - Python 3.11.7, GCC 13.2.0, Glibc 2.38, OpenSSL 3.2.0

    - ServiceApp, FFmpeg 6.1, GStreamer 1.22.8

    - CI+, CCcam, OScam 11727, OScam-emu(icam)

    - OpenWebif, astra-sm, dvbsnoop, Streamlink 6.5.0-2

    - Vhannibal Motor 70°E-45°W & streams

    - blindscan, cablescan, fastscan, terrestrialscan

    - feed dm920/drivers/settings/picons/skins/plugins

    thx to satpong


    download: openPLi-Py3-dm920-20231222

  • openpli-develop-dm920-20230112-Py3.tar

    Thanks for good image but link from second page doesn't work. Can anyone put new active link whit build from OpenPli 8.3 20221212 DM 920.

    Thanks for advice! 😃

    DM 920 UHD

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