PowerVu Keypatcher by taras-ua - Key updater script for AFN package channels

There are 93 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 13,086 times. The last Post () by pacman1976.

  • Update: i've installed a python3 image, store the script in the decoder, and sent it via telnet. Same result as before, it have taken the keys just when i have sent the script, but then, no more. It does not update keys. Could be because i have not "root" as password ?? or there is something else strange, for me, in the script?

    Edited once, last by mark77 ().

  • Hi mark77

    I don't know if you solved your problem or not. I will try to explain.

    To get AU keys, you have to be on AFN channels. The script always runs in the background and when a new key is set, it goes to the server. The duration of one key is approximately 2 hours (key 00, 01). Look on the thread where the keys are placed. It is enough to go to any AFN channel and wait for about 3-4 minutes to get the picture on the TV. It is not necessary to connect to telnet every time to get new keys. What is important is that the keys will not update if you are not on AFN channels. Look on that thread when the new key was attached (00 or 01) and check if you got an AU key, and you can check that in Webif (Files > other files > SoftCam.Key).

  • Hi Panda555, thank you for the kindness, as always.

    Problem not solved, all you say is right, and is all i do. Waiting on afn channel for quaters of hour, but nothing happend.

    It is not writing keys in softcam.keys.

    • 2023/08/23 22:05:33 37F1209C c (ecm) anonymous (0E00@000000/0000/0068/99:7ADBABAE7EF3865FFC8723061F7642CC): not found (1 ms) by emulator - AFN
    • 2023/08/23 22:05:33 37F1209C c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 restarting decoding requests after 1 ms with 1 enabled and 1 disabled ecmpids!
    • 2023/08/23 22:05:33 37F1209C c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 trying to descramble PID 1 CAID 0E00 PROVID 000000 ECMPID 17BA ANY CHID PMTPID 13F0 VPID 048D
    • 2023/08/23 22:05:42 7F755C38 r (emu) Key not found or invalid: P ****0068 00
    • 2023/08/23 22:05:42 7F755C38 r (emu) Key not found or invalid: P 0009FFFF 00
    • 2023/08/23 22:05:42 7F755C38 r (emu) ECM failed: Key not found

    I don't even know if script is running in background. Don't know if is because i have not "root" as password.

    Tested on Oscam 11718, now on 11724.

    Soon i will try the ncam way.

  • First copy the script by taras to the root directory of your decoder.Then apply Chmod 755 command via telnet and run the script.In all ensure you are connected via working internet.If you can do this,you would not need to wait for one hour to auto roll.You could do it when ever you need it to auto roll by executing the script....

  • Thanks Monlo, i've tried again on py2 image (as i tried on py3 image), it write the keys as soon i run the script, but after a key update (and written on the forum) it does not write the new one on the file and the channels don't work any more. I don't want to lunch the script each time. I think only taras-ua could help, but he is not writing.

    But key_patcher.py work only on Python3? I have image Python2....

    Look page 2, you can, i hope you will be more lucky than me. Let us know.

  • mark77 I don't see any reason to run the script directly from the receiver. It has been designed to run from any host equipped with Python3. Doesn't matter Linux or Windows. So I consider the issue of Python2 support closed.

    Regarding your case. First of all, you should set up your oscam to show a picture with the current keys, and if it is possible on your receiver auto-update the keys. The script allows you just not to wait for the auto-update of keys and nothing more.

  • mark77 I don't see any reason to run the script directly from the receiver. It has been designed to run from any host equipped with Python3. Doesn't matter Linux or Windows. So I consider the issue of Python2 support closed.

    Regarding your case. First of all, you should set up your oscam to show a picture with the current keys, and if it is possible on your receiver auto-update the keys. The script allows you just not to wait for the auto-update of keys and nothing more.

    It seems that autoupdate does not work, is there a way to check a log and understand why autoupdate does not work?

    I successfully patched 2 oscam of samur (718 and 724) but autoupdate does not work.

    • Official Post

    mark77 I don't see any reason to run the script directly from the receiver. It has been designed to run from any host equipped with Python3. Doesn't matter Linux or Windows. So I consider the issue of Python2 support closed.

    Regarding your case. First of all, you should set up your oscam to show a picture with the current keys, and if it is possible on your receiver auto-update the keys. The script allows you just not to wait for the auto-update of keys and nothing more.

    It seems that autoupdate does not work, is there a way to check a log and understand why autoupdate does not work?

    I successfully patched 2 oscam of samur (718 and 724) but autoupdate does not work.

    What did you patch them with ?

    Im pretty sure sure dose not work on samur 718, will test later if i get a chance.

  • My oscam is samur 718 and it works AU.


    Did you add fresh latest keys for AFN in your SoftCam.key. Then run any AFN channel and check when will be added next keys.

    You can also check in Webif ( Files > other files > SoftCam.key ) if are keys added. The keys will be added directly from server.

    Also check if is correct path for key patcher. Must be usr / script with attr. 755.

  • Thank you friends, i've forced reinstalled 718 samur, patched from windows (successful), it, as always, write keys just the first time. After that, it doesn't write keys anymore. Softcam.key and key patcher are 755 in their folders.

    Maybe there is a problem with my distro or my dec. Don't worry i'll use ncam meanwhile something changes.


  • Code
    what am i doing wrong
    I set the appropriate command in the cmd line, I did it both with and without a telnet connection?

    In the first screenshot, you have a typo in command pytho3 instead of python3.

    Just try to run python3 --version

    receiver ustym4kpro
    operating system-enigma2 openATV 7.3
    my oskam ikam version:
    11725-V9-Kitte888-V26, also 11718-emu-icam from samur
    0:/usr/script/ - this path does not run the command when the file "python3 key_patcher.py" is located here
    0:/usr/lib/python3.11/ - this path also does not launch the command when the file "python3 key_patcher.py" is located here
    0:/home/root/ - this is the only way to start the command when the "python3 key_patcher.py" file downloaded from the forum is here with the final result shown on the screen..
  • Where is your path now , in usr / script or home / root ? Also your oscam config must be in oscamicam folder and for

    samur oscam in etc / tuxbox / config. Maybe is better to wait author for reply about your error ( ftplib error ).

  • Code
    what am i doing wrong
    I set the appropriate command in the cmd line, I did it both with and without a telnet connection?

    In the first screenshot, you have a typo in command pytho3 instead of python3.

    Just try to run python3 --version

    receiver ustym4kpro
    operating system-enigma2 openATV 7.3
    my oskam ikam version:
    11725-V9-Kitte888-V26, also 11718-emu-icam from samur
    0:/usr/script/ - this path does not run the command when the file "python3 key_patcher.py" is located here
    0:/usr/lib/python3.11/ - this path also does not launch the command when the file "python3 key_patcher.py" is located here
    0:/home/root/ - this is the only way to start the command when the "python3 key_patcher.py" file downloaded from the forum is here with the final result shown on the screen..

    You should provide receiver FTP credentials in the command line if they differ from default root:

    python3 key_patcher.py --ip --login <FTP_LOGIN> --password <FTP_PASSWORD>

    Be also aware that for receiver ustym4kpro you should set up login/password for FTP after clean image installation.

  • Where is your path now , in usr / script or home / root ? Also your oscam config must be in oscamicam folder and for

    samur oscam in etc / tuxbox / config. Maybe is better to wait author for reply about your error ( ftplib error ).

    now I have only one emulator, it is oscamicam 11725-V9-Kitte888-V26 where all oscam files are in the oscamicam folder. The patch is in the home/root folder, when the patch is in any other folders then cmd does not run it at all
  • Code
    now gives the following error:
  • Code
    the patcher only works successfully if my softcam.key file is in the path
    0:/etc/tuxbox/config/ while the operation of the cmd line first indicates that the softcam.key file is not found in the oscamicam folder (which is logical, because softcam.key is not there) and then indicates that this file has been successfully patched))
    everything is ok, the AFN package has started and works, but there is another problem, the channels encoded in biss do not open because the softcam.key file is not in the oscamicam folder, how in this case to make AFN patched and the channels encoded in biss opened ?
    alerts this message in the logs: "unable to resolve user address port, error: name or service not known"?

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