1 Channel Video On Demand Plugin for 1000's movies Support

There are 249 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 32,628 times. The last Post () by master G.

  • or you can make your own list...Upload your file to p*tlocker or something and then go to usr/lib/enigma2/python/plugins/extensions/1channel and then paste the link into urllist and then save..Your uploaded movies should now be in userlist in the main menu... Hope this helps.

  • Still having problems getting this to work on original db800 nemsis 4.2 image and bootloader 84 I have cold booted etc... but nothing plays and now im getting green screen crashes. I have removed the vod player and i am going to reload using ftp. But what is the best image to use for this tp play, as I would really like to have this plugin working



  • Im using on dm800 pro with dbuk image..Ive downloaded the plugin from this sites server on TSPanel.. which is version 1.I then ftp in to the box and replace the files with the ones ive attached..This version will show the tv shows..Give it a try if you wish..Working lovely for me.Ive also added a urllist with some new stuff i have uploaded and some stuff other people have put on there...

  • Update: Im also noticing that the p*tlocker links are a cause of green screens on this plugin..I believe there may be problems their end. I will upload to another source and see if they cause the same error..

  • Just tried this for the first time on Vu+ Duo with BH 1.7.3 - not much else apart from videos with no sound or GSOD - tried with full reboot after install and no difference.

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • strange on that --you and RIK seem to have audio problems.... presuming you did a FULL HARD reboot after installing.
    I have intalled/uninstalled more than a dozen times trying to correct the error of no TV listings,, and haven´t had any audio issues at all...
    There are literally 1000´s of movies available incl recent ones but it is true just as many dead links...
    NOTE. I´m going to try out DOODS rar see if it makes any diference to what I originally had..

  • Tried this on Clarketech ET9500 with VIX 2.4. V2 Working on both shows and movies. Lots and lots of crashes though. Is anyone else experiencing this?

    • Official Post

    Tried this on Clarketech ET9500 with VIX 2.4. V2 Working on both shows and movies. Lots and lots of crashes though. Is anyone else experiencing this?

    Had the same on a VU+Solo running latest VIX, in the end i reverted back to the first version. No problems with that one & the mrs is happy with films only lol.

  • it seems when the plugin is searching for a link to your chosen movie and doesnt find one quickly it green screens. Im sure the developers will sort this out down the line or some clever soul on here will have a look. Other than that,great plugin as ive said before..

  • it seems when the plugin is searching for a link to your chosen movie and doesnt find one quickly it green screens. Im sure the developers will sort this out down the line or some clever soul on here will have a look. Other than that,great plugin as ive said before..

    totally agree :
    i have just stripped down doods version + compared with other versions v1 + v2 wondering why on earth would it work solely on VIX.
    Now look at these pix from my Vu+ UNO with BH 1.7.3 :

    I think the images speak for themselves on BH 1.7.3 so I have made yet another fresh IPK to install and try out ............


    • Official Post

    What changes have you made caz ?

  • trade secrets.. ;)

    DOODS gave me an idea.......
    so jumbled everything up ( v1 + v2 + doods Thanks doods ;) ) then made a fresh folder ,
    there was a difference in weight in each file so took the heaviest of each.. added what was missing from the original v1 before v2 came out ..
    Difference now is that I can access all listed TV shows ,, as long as they are accessible, uploaded and online :)

    • Official Post


    That will be usrlist then lol.

  • No, if you strip it down you will see that it doesnt use doods userlist......Thanks doods anyways...
    No it was nothing to do with the userlist ,,but a chef never reveals all his ingredients :34_002:


  • Any chance you can do that to version 1 cazuela as version 2 will not work at all on openpli thanks

  • All go here Caz, Using BH 1.7.5

    Got rid of all previous, whacked file into tmp and installed through TSPANEL file explorer! All good!

    I now have Movies and Tv Shows to watch Yipee

    What will it be Goodfellas, Game of Thrones? On the Buses (No link oops) ah well loads for me to watch now!!

    Someone give that man a Drink!



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