Dreambox issue

There are 35 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 2,350 times. The last Post () by deepy.

  • Ok to elimiate my server ive tried with another cline from my server and placed directly into my dreambox and exactly the same thing happen five channels then it freezes black screen but it still shows the server address

  • No my friend there was just a blank cfg file then i entered the cline into it and it froze again

    Just a thought m8, Is there any chance that the old N:Line in your dreambox from when you were using the dreambox as a server is still in use even though u are using your omnikey reader now with N:Line in your server? That might be causing some sort of conflict.

  • Try rescanning the box and/or different image, running out of things to suggest here

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  • well m8 if everything on your server is 100% id be starting to think about re-flashing the box.. It might be some corrupted software in the box itself

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
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  • thats the problem ive done that three time i even tried the an original dreambox image then put openpli on it i am going to reflash again and manually scan 28.2 to see if it makes a difference i will report back later

  • Cheers my friend i take your advice god knows ive tried everything else lol

    Try rescanning the box and/or different image, running out of things to suggest here

  • Try disabling your whitelist too (Temporarily) but same as Banny said, running out of ideas fast here..

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
    Please do not Request help by PM, use the main forum so Everyone can benefit from the answers.

  • I took the white list this afternoon so its not that for the life of me i dont understand how it can clear channel from a my server and a peers server then 5 channels later bang black screen everytime

    Try disabling your whitelist too (Temporarily) but same as Banny said, running out of ideas fast here..

  • Yeah, its a strange one m8.. 1 last thing you could do to troubleshoot the problem is set up the Dreambox with the card in it and see if the channels are clearing normally.. I suppose that should rule out the box itself as the problem. At least then you can concentrate on the network & Server settings.. Also have you comed through your cccam.cfg for duplicate lines, typo's etc?

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
    Please do not Request help by PM, use the main forum so Everyone can benefit from the answers.

  • Ok ive re flashed a an older version of openpli and ive rescanned 28.2 e and touch wood no freezes for 10 min,now i have to scan in all the satellites 7w-28e now but at least it appears to be working for now cheers for your help i have no idea why my old channel list would cause my dreambox to freeze cheers for you help and advice everyone..

  • Glad to hear its at least on the mend m8, Its a very strange1 but it would not be the first time things just went wrong for no apparent reason, that's what makes this such a hands on hobby... As soon as you get all ur channels updated, make a backup of your box as a starting point for the next disaster. I have a 200GB Portable hard drive half full with dated backups of Box's, Server images & Config settings to restore when i need them. Good luck m8..

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
    Please do not Request help by PM, use the main forum so Everyone can benefit from the answers.

  • Well it looks like i spoke to early the picture is now breaking up on channels with fec 30000 ive checked both tuners and two different feeds still the same,anyway the channels i scanned last night ive put them back on my dreambox and the channels are freezing again ive also tried installing open aaf,nemesis and various versions of openpli all have the same problem.Iam now reinstalling openpli and rescanning from a fresh again surely there must be something wrong with the dreambox any ideas what that could actually be thanks

  • Well i completed a full scan put in my cfg file and its exactly the same i clear five channels then nothing makes no sense at all.

  • Well ive finally given up ive flashed three variations of openpli a copy of edge nemesis,openaaf ,another image i can not remember its name and finally Italy sat 2.0e and i did no make a blind bit of difference. I have tried it with a wireless dongle and a direct connection the channels are still freezing after 5 channel changes,I have even tried another peers cline directly in the dreambox and its still the same all this time my duo performes 100% ive changed feeds and swopped them over on both receivers and as a last resort i even reset my router and you have guessed no change at all.Thankfully ive spoken to the site sponsor today and iam going to have to send it back to them hopefully they can work out whats up with it i can think of anything else to fix these issues

  • Hi, just joined this forum whilst searching for an answer to exactly the same problem outlined in this thread. I have a DM7020HD and its showing exactly the same symptoms:- no chans clearing after a few channel changes, but server still connected and receiving keys. Just wondering if any solution had been found?

  • Quick update and massive thanks to Antony at Lavatronics support for identifying the problem and replying so quickly. The problem appears to be bugged DVB module drivers, rolling back to an earlier driver should cure the problem.

    Here is part of Antony's reply:

    OK the problem itself is down to a small software bug in the latest dvb-modules drivers that were released which are a set of drivers that directly relate to the tuners, the bug being after a short while of zapping either softcam of CI will still appear as active but will no longer clear channels, this can be when being used with an official viewing card or by other means, makes no differce, the result is the same in that the channels will not clear. The powers that be are aware of the problem and have updated accordingly already but the issue can be with third party firmware which have either not updated their own firmware yet or still have the buggy dvb-modules in their update stream (you do and online update and end up with the bug being present).

    There are various methods that you can use to roll back the dvb-modules drivers to those that work fine, it can depend on the type of firmware you use but usually it's rolling back to the 060712 dvb-modules driver that will do the trick.

    Thanks again to Antony and Lavatronics and hopefully this will help anyone else experiencing the same issues.

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