Tutorial - Ubuntu Server 11.10, 12.xx, 13.04 x32/x64 - Auto Oscam/CCcam 2.1.3 Install

There are 398 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 151,769 times. The last Post () by master G.

  • you can always install the CCcam/oscam package and just use CCcam

    I have Oscam and Cccam working nicely on my ubuntu server but I was thinking of switching to Oscam only (better cache,groups etc)

    Can I use this current setup and just disable CCcam by setting it to listen on an unused port or is it more complicated than that ?
    Many thanks

    Edit :
    thatfellows post here seems to detail what to do

    On another note I am getting an error with Proftpd when the server boots up.
    Proftpd : warning cannot start neither in standalone nor in inetd/xinetd mode .
    Its not listed in webmin either.
    Apache also seems to be giving some error.

    I am not sure I need either of these to be running anyway,I can login fine with winscp .

  • Quote

    Everything is working ok no apart from ProFTPD warning: cannot start neither in standalone nor in inetd/xinetd mode. (this is from the automated script) can anyone assist?

    proftpd automatically installs other packages during the initial install so when you remove proftpd you will be left with:
    "proftpd-basic proftpd-mod-pgsql proftpd-mod-mysql proftpd-mod-ldap"
    proftpd-basic is the culprit for the init scripts..

    To completely remove proftpd use the wildcard with purge

    apt-get purge proftpd-*

    I will be updating the script in the near future and I will remove proftpd from the auto-install as it is not necessary for day to day running of a CS Server..

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  • Here is the 32bit version of this script for Ubuntu 12.04...

    Tested on clean install 32 Bit 12.04, follow the tut above.

    good Luck

    I think the CCcam check script in the 32 bit version is incorrect.

    It seems to reference CCcam.x86_64 but should it not be CCcam.x86 ?

    process=`ps auxwww | grep CCcam.x86_64 | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`
    if [ -z '$process' ]; then
    echo "Couldn't find CCcam.x86_64 running. Restarting server-binary" >> /var/cccamlog/cccam.check
    echo && date >>/var/cccamlog/cccam.check
    /usr/local/bin/CCcam.x86_64 -d >> /var/cccamlog/CCcam.log &
    else echo "CCcam.x86_64 is still OK!" >> /var/cccamlog/cccam.check

  • Quote

    I think the CCcam check script in the 32 bit version is incorrect.
    It seems to reference CCcam.x86_64 but should it not be CCcam.x86 ?

    No, they are correct.
    I named the bin files CCcam.x86_64 in both the x32 & x64 auto-install so the scripts would work in both and people could swap between x32 & x64 cccam..

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  • No, they are correct.
    I named the bin files CCcam.x86_64 in both the x32 & x64 auto-install so the scripts would work in both and people could swap between x32 & x64 cccam..

    From what I can see the 32 bit install script references CCcam.x86 only


    echo "moving CCcam.x86 executable to correct folder"
    mv /tmp/cccamoscam_install_package/CCcam.x86 /usr/local/bin
    chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/CCcam.x86

    It installs CCcam.x86 correctly

    The CCcam check script references CCcam.x86_64 but as this isnt installed the check script is checking nothing so it says the same thing every 5 minutes

    When I change the CCcam check script to reference CCcam.x86 it works correctly though.

    Hope I am making sense .

  • OK M8, thanks for pointing this out..
    The x32 was originally uploaded in a rush by request, so it might be an oversight..
    I will look into it this evening & update..


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  • Tut updated, If anyone has a spare PC lying around please test & report back as I only tested script & compiled oscam in a virtual Setup..

    Updated 2013-09-02

    Updated oscam to latest version (8891 at time of uploading)
    Included Simplebuild in the script so you can build your own oscam.
    Removed proftpd from auto install.
    Updated CCcam.channelinfo & CCcam.prio.
    Added latest oscam.srvid & oscam.services to the script (oscam.srvid for 0963 only, too many services error with all sats) mainly for People who want to switch to oscam only.
    Cleaned up some Syntax errors in LogCleanUp.sh
    updated x32 scripts (Few errors pointed out by Fano)
    Removed dummy reader from oscam.server (It was causing problems with latest versions of oscam)
    changed cccam/oscam restarts, updates & cleanups from 3.56am to 6.56am.

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
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  • Tut updated, If anyone has a spare PC lying around please test & report back as I only tested script & compiled oscam in a virtual Setup..

    I installed the 32 bit files this evening on a pc as its hard drive developed bad sectors so it needed a new install.
    Working very well so far .
    Omnikey worked straight away,I didnt have to do any additional configuration .
    Will see how it goes for the next week and post some feedback.

  • Updated 2013-09-08

    Introduced Auto Detection for x86 or x64 OS, the script will now install the correct package based on OS Version (This should eradicate all the wrong version installs)
    I have Automated Script even further so no user interaction is needed during the script!  (Start the script, have a cuppa and cccam/oscam is up & running within 5 mins)
    revised rc.local so cccam starts 30 seconds after oscam (Sorry Guys, this was missed somewhere along the line while updating package)
    Added nightly backup to the script so all your cccam/oscam configs are backed up @ midnight

    Again, anyone who can, Please test & report back as I only tested script & compiled oscam in a virtual Setup..

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
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  • Anybody having problems with older setup, please follow these 3 steps
    (This was due to a problem with the old x32-bit setup) All this has been sorted in the current Auto-Install

    confirm that CCcam in files below is the exact same as the CCcam bin name in /usr/local/bin
    it could be CCcam.x86_64 or CCcam.x86
    Chick this in all 3 files below and replace the CCcam in red with the actual bin name

    File 1: rc.local file located @ /etc/rc.local
    oscam should be above cccam so that oscam starts before cccam, Make sure you have "sleep 30" between oscam & cccam

    sleep 30
    /usr/local/bin/oscam -b
    sleep 30
    exit 0

    Problems with CCcam check scripts

    File 2: CCcamCheck.sh @ /var/script

    process=`ps auxwww | grep [COLOR='#FF0000']CCcam[/COLOR] | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`
    if [ -z '$process' ]; then
    echo "Couldn't find CCcam running. Restarting server-binary" >> /var/cccamlog/cccam.check 
    echo && date >>/var/cccamlog/cccam.check
    /usr/local/bin/[COLOR='#FF0000']CCcam[/COLOR] -d >> /var/cccamlog/CCcam.log & 
    else echo "CCcam is still OK!" >> /var/cccamlog/cccam.check 

    File 3: crontab @ /etc/crontab

    Again, check that oscam starts before cccam (see green)

    59 23 * * * root /var/script/oscam-backup.sh
    56 06 * * * root killall [COLOR='#FF0000']CCcam[/COLOR]
    56 06 * * * root killall oscam
    57 06 * * * root /var/script/configupdate.sh >> /var/cccamlog/configupdate.log
    [COLOR='#00FF00']57 06[/COLOR] * * * root /var/script/keyupdater.sh
    [COLOR='#00FF00']58 06[/COLOR] * * * [COLOR='#00FF00']root /usr/local/bin/oscam -b[/COLOR]
    [COLOR='#00FF00']59 06[/COLOR] * * * [COLOR='#00FF00']root /usr/local/bin/[/COLOR][COLOR='#FF0000']CCcam[/COLOR]
    */5 * * * * root /var/script/CCcamCheck.sh
    */5 * * * * root /var/script/OscamCheck.sh
    03 07 * * 6 root /var/script/LogCleanUp.sh >> /var/cccamlog/CleanUp.log

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
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  • i think i missed sleep 30 on cccam:
    #!/bin/sh -e
    # rc.local
    # This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
    # Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other
    # value on error.
    # In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
    # bits.
    # By default this script does nothing.
    sleep 30
    /usr/local/bin/oscam -b
    exit 0


  • Hello,

    I have installed ubuntu, and this automated script. Everything is working ok, but CCcamCheck script does not work. I have tried to "killall CCcam" and wait for 10 minutes, but nothing. Then i tried to manually start the CCcam and cd to /usr/local/bin then type CCcam but CCcam didn't start. What i should to do?


  • When did you download the script? Today, yesterday, last week?
    See post #192 and confirm that all In red is matching the cccam bin file name on your setup..

    Or post:
    contents of CCcamCheck.sh located @ /var/script
    contents of crontab located @ /etc/crontab
    also post the exact filename of cccam bin file located @ /usr/local/bin/CCcam****

    Also, what happens if you run the script manually from terminal

    cd /var/script

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
    Please do not Request help by PM, use the main forum so Everyone can benefit from the answers.

  • Hello thatfellow,

    Thank you for reply. Today i have installed Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS and install CCcam and OSCam from this tutorial on first page(automated script). I have checked the post #192 and all is ok, but still doesn't work. I have tried this command you wrote in terminal, but nothing happend. In /usr/local/bin the name is only CCcam, not CCcam.x86 or CCcam.x86_64.


  • Quote

    Hello thatfellow,

    Thank you for reply. Today i have installed Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS and install CCcam and OSCam from this tutorial on first page(automated script). I have checked the post #192 and all is ok, but still doesn't work. I have tried this command you wrote in terminal, but nothing happend. In /usr/local/bin the name is only CCcam, not CCcam.x86 or CCcam.x86_64.


    Thank you for pointing this out..

    I have tested & you are correct m8, there seems to be a problem with the shell interpreter in the script..
    If you remove the:


    from the start of CCcamCheck.sh

    and then run it manually with

    cd /var/script

    It runs fine but it still will not run from crontab..

    It was missed during tests because I only checked the output to cccam.check which made me think the check script was doing its job..
    I am going to look into this and see where this issue has come from and hopefully have an answer/fix asap
    Just for some peace of mind, I have been testing this setup for a few weeks bombarding cccam with requests and cccam has never crashed.
    It is a very stable setup so don't worry so much about it until I find a solution..

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
    Please do not Request help by PM, use the main forum so Everyone can benefit from the answers.

  • Quote

    Thank you for reply. Today i have installed Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS and install CCcam and OSCam from this tutorial on first page(automated script). I have checked the post #192 and all is ok, but still doesn't work. I have tried this command you wrote in terminal, but nothing happend. In /usr/local/bin the name is only CCcam, not CCcam.x86 or CCcam.x86_64.


    OK m8, Problem solved!
    The problem was the cccam binary filename which was CCcam in latest script, cccam will not start from crontab with that filename.
    the solution is very simple and involves 4 steps

    Step 1: rename CCcam to cccam_2.1.3 (N.B. lower case "cccam_2.1.3")

    mv /usr/local/bin/[COLOR='#FFA500']CCcam[/COLOR] /usr/local/bin/[COLOR='#FF0000']cccam_2.1.3[/COLOR]

    Make this whatever filename your current cccam binary @ /usr/local/bin has

    Step 2: Update rc.local @ /etc/rc.local (N.B. lower case "cccam_2.1.3")

    sleep 30
    /usr/local/bin/oscam -b
    sleep 30
    exit 0

    Step 3: Update crontab @ /etc/crontab (N.B. lower case "cccam_2.1.3")
    (also, confirm that oscam is starting before cccam)

    59 23 * * * root /var/script/oscam-backup.sh
    57 06 * * * root killall [COLOR='#FF0000']cccam_2.1.3[/COLOR]
    57 06 * * * root killall oscam
    57 06 * * * root /var/script/configupdate.sh >> /var/cccamlog/configupdate.log
    57 06 * * * root /var/script/keyupdater.sh
    [COLOR='#FF0000']58 06[/COLOR] * * * root /usr/local/bin/oscam -b
    [COLOR='#FF0000']59 06[/COLOR] * * * root /usr/local/bin/[COLOR='#FF0000']cccam_2.1.3[/COLOR]
    */5 * * * * root /var/script/CCcamCheck.sh
    */5 * * * * root /var/script/OscamCheck.sh
    03 07 * * 6 root /var/script/LogCleanUp.sh >> /var/cccamlog/CleanUp.log

    Step 4: Update Check script @ /var/script/CCcamCheck.sh (N.B. lower case "cccam_2.1.3")

    process=`ps auxwww | grep [COLOR='#FF0000']cccam_2.1.3[/COLOR] | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`
    if [ -z '$process' ]; then
    echo "Couldn't find CCcam running. Restarting server-binary" >> /var/cccamlog/cccam.check 
    echo && date >>/var/cccamlog/cccam.check
    /usr/local/bin/[COLOR='#FF0000']cccam_2.1.3[/COLOR] -d >> /var/cccamlog/CCcam.log & 
    else echo "CCcam is still OK!" >> /var/cccamlog/cccam.check 

    NOTE: Could everybody who is using this auto install please update these settings so we are all on the same page when it comes to trouble shooting problems

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
    Please do not Request help by PM, use the main forum so Everyone can benefit from the answers.

  • Scripts Cleaned & Updated 2013-09-14

    Updated oscam to latest #8917 at time of upload
    Removed the need to edit the script, so its just a matter of copying the install pack to /tmp, chmod the script & run
    Renamed cccam binary to cccam_2.1.3 to avoid crontab issues with the cccam checkscript (Thank you YamaR6 for pointing this out)

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
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