Tutorial - Ubuntu Server 11.10, 12.xx, 13.04 x32/x64 - Auto Oscam/CCcam 2.1.3 Install

There are 398 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 151,854 times. The last Post () by master G.

  • thank you for that it is on a pc have found the config file and looks ok (httpallowed =, so just need to figer out why cant log on from web browser

    You can check username and password from oscam.conf.

    I recommend using a linux editor, like nano..


    apt-get install nano
    nano /usr/local/etc/oscam.conf (CTRL-X to save and exit)

  • i have dun a full new in stall and its still the same when tri loging in on the web browser puting 192.168.*.**:8888 the is no login when i just put 192.168.*.** i get a page saying it It works!
    This is the default web page for this server.

    The web server software is running but no content has been added, yet.

    i am runing pc with ubuntu 12.04 lts server so duse not have a desk top so am using the web browser on my laptop hope this is right

    can eney one help thanks alan

    boxs im good with= all ***box,s all openbox,s amiko alien 2 & SHD-8900

  • I have noticed (As documented in tutorial) that if you use an older stable version 1.10 of oscam, It sometimes requires libssl0.9.8 to run. If this is your situation & problem run command below...

    apt-get install libssl0.9.8


    Try to manually start oscam with this command

    /usr/local/bin/oscam -b

    If you get any errors, report back..

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  • the CAID code for the card you wish to read from mate!

    What card is it?


    "Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold"
    “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction”

  • ok mate thanks will give it a go

    i keep tring to get it working keep going away and reding more and tring bits i set one up 2 yeres ago but seem to be haveing problems this time for some reson lol

    boxs im good with= all ***box,s all openbox,s amiko alien 2 & SHD-8900

  • Have a read of these commands mate...

    Try stopping Cccam and then Starting Oscam (commands in link)

    You have rebooted your server?

    If these fail to get oscam running post you Oscam files (omit sensitive stuff) and we will have a peek and see if problem stems there


    "Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold"
    “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction”

  • ok mate will do beter make a coffee agen and do some more reding and will let you know how it goses

    yes keep rebooted your server


    when tri stoping cccam with killall -9 CCcam.x86_64 i get no process found name is right
    will keep looking

    which Oscam files do i need to post whot is the root to that file is it /usr/local/bin?

    boxs im good with= all ***box,s all openbox,s amiko alien 2 & SHD-8900

  • Just a few questions regarding this script,
    1. Does the box key go into both cccam and oscam config files?
    2. Do F: lines go into both cccam and oscam configs or just cccam config file?
    3. Does oscam read the card aswell.. ?
    4. How secure is this script ie.. can my box key be taking from my server and revealed to service providers etc

    Thanks in advance. These may seem stupid questions but im kinda stuck.

  • excellent guide

    got it working with a smargo but now want to try Omnikey

    have followed the guide here:http://linuxsat-support.com/li…key-readers-linux-pc.html ("ubuntu way")

    when i add this config:

    in oscam i get:

    2012/10/27 13:23:57 203CEF0 r omnikey [mouse] ERROR: Opening device 001:004 (errno=2 No such file or directory)
    2012/10/27 13:23:57 203CEF0 r omnikey [mouse] Cannot open device: 001:004

    i have done scan usb and its defo 001:004 and ive tried with and without Detect = cd

    any ideas?

  • For Omnikey, Change this line in oscam.server

    device = 0

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  • Quote

    hi m8's
    i great all of you for the good work,masterG,Tenbelow and thatfellow for that wonderful post
    I have installed the ubuntu server 12.04 32 bit on my pc and everything is fine,i have managed to setup a static ip
    from within the network interface but i have tried effortlessly to connect to my server with putty,saying access denied
    pls can somebody offer a solution,thank you

    Need a bit more info m8... Are you trying to connect from your internal network?
    Also, I suggested in Tut not to edit the network interfaces & instead to setup the static IP address from the Router by reserving an IP address for the MAC address of your Server. It is a lot easier than network interfaces...

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
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  • Quote

    Just a few questions regarding this script,
    1. Does the box key go into both cccam and oscam config files?
    2. Do F: lines go into both cccam and oscam configs or just cccam config file?
    3. Does oscam read the card aswell.. ?
    4. How secure is this script ie.. can my box key be taking from my server and revealed to service providers etc

    Thanks in advance. These may seem stupid questions but im kinda stuck.

    1.. No need for Boxkey if using oscam to read card
    2.. If your using this tut, cccam is your server, so your F:Lines will be in your cccam.cfg..
    3.. In this setup, Reading the card is all that oscam does.. Cccam is the server..
    4.. DONT PUT YOUR BOXKEY IN, Its not needed... You will be setting up oscam as card reader & oscam does not need boxkey, just hash out that line in cccam.cfg

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
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  • Quote

    i can now log in to CCcam 2.3.0 server so must be geting some where now i think

    Did you replace the CCcam 2.1.3 binary included in autoscript with 2.3.0??

    If so your local will appear as Hop10 or something like that...

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
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  • Quote

    yes i must have dun its just loging in to oscam i cant seem to do or whud i beter with just oscam as my sever

    Id always suggest that cccam/oscam is the best setup for your first server because it is one of the easiest setups to get up and running. The only thing that I can think of that would have stopped cccam starting on this auto install is that maybe you installed the 64Bit Sretup on a 32Bit PC.. If that is the case, just swap the cccam binary with the one in the download on post 9 of this tut.. That 32Bit version of cccam has the same name so it will work with all the Scripts & crontabs that this setup auto-installed..

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
    Please do not Request help by PM, use the main forum so Everyone can benefit from the answers.

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