looking for help on cs

There are 23 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,799 times. The last Post () by seamouse.

  • now i`m not one to be spoon fed, as i`m on a few sites and hate when people just want, want, want without doing any reading

    But, I find myself doing some reading and just want a few answers to questions i have about cs

    you can all tell me to go look, i`m happy with that, as i can understand ...... but someone maybe in a good mood to help


    at present my gf , her 2 house mates, her brother, his mate and I are all using a cs for watching tv from sly, sly it and a polish card (me just the sly), now the guy who shares us a c line is moving to oz , so have been looking at doing it our self's, as he says his setup wont work over there, to feed here.

    i have a et9200 with my sly card in and set up cccam/oscam with box key etc and seems to update as well and seems to be sharing ok to my gf`s media link black panther and her brothers box ok.

    But for some reason my red button services don't work in my box? should it? as this is a paid sub

    I have added her polish card into my box, but don't know the set up for that to share to her brother and her and house mates.

    now they would like to watch channels from italy as well and was going to get a pre paid card and then share it for them, again not sure how? or best to get a sub from sly here?

    i have a smartgo reader, can i then have that working on my et9200?, the sly card, polish card in box , and on usb the sly it card work all ok?

    will my box do this all ok with ecm times, or do i have to learn to make a server?

    many thanks for any help, or links to posts to read.

  • Hi Seamouse,

    I Know the feeling mate....so much info you start getting lost in it all!

    If i can help on this issue i will......my advice is as follows!

    When you say Red Buttons do you mean Interactive Services either *** or normal Tv! I think using CS these services are unavailable?

    As you want to share more than 1 card (***, Polish and *** IT) its best to look into a server!

    All you need is a basic PC or Lappy! Nothing Special? Anything you can get your hands on? And old one?

    On the Server you need the following!

    OS (Debian,Ubuntu,ClearOs)
    Oscam (Read Card and/or Share)
    Cccam (to Share lines)

    Install Linux OS Debian or Ubuntu using the scripts on the Forum....there pretty easy!

    In these scripts they should install Oscam and/or Cccam automatically, so after these a standard server should be setup!

    Then depending on the Cards you want to share you will need an appropriate number of card readers (smargo or Omnikey) and them setup

    There are Config info for most cards on the forum so grab them an edit/ammend to your settings!

    That will have you server setup and ready to create and share lines to all the users you suggest!

    Not sure whether you could do it all through your box! But with the amount of cards it may be easier with the Server!

    Server Setup



    Oscam Configs for all packages

    You probably won't get it all setup in one hit...but decide which avenue you want to go down.....if its the server get that setup...if you need any help Post Back!

    Have Fun....it will be worth it lol


    "Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold"
    “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction”

    • Official Post

    i have a smartgo reader, can i then have that working on my et9200?, the sly card, polish card in box , and on usb the sly it card work all ok?

    In theory you should be able to acheive all of this on the Xtrend, we will certainly help you try it this way first if you are more familuar with using a receiver as server.

    The smargo should be plug `n` play if the drivers are present on the image, use the Smargo windows update utility to configure the cardreader to work on the Xtrend, it will need setup into dreambox mode with correct card frequency for whatever package you decide to use on it.

    All of the packages you mention can be read by oscam, so it should be fairly easy to make some oscam configs for you.

    Whether you decide to use Xtrend or Linux pc server we will be here to help every step of the way buddy.

  • thanks for the reply guys

    i did try a server got a old p3 1gb pc, installed Ubuntu, but for some reason could not get the smartgo drivers to work so gave up.
    I`m more of a GUI guy then code. But when i started to read about the c lines and f lines, it started to go a little over my head.

    I used to do cable boxes and flash boxes years ago on cable, so i guess have to start to learn again.

    Some people started to say you had to have loads of codes on a f line to allow channels to work? i`m just using a normal line which i guess just copies the WHOLE card? or am i wrong?

    well there has been talk of a few of mates of mates that would like have a share as well, but we have agreed just bring something to the table, IE other sports channels, adult and go from there.

    How many can i share of one card i guess is the answer from my box, before i go looking at server???

    whats a good spec to start with? speed, ram, ect?

  • I think that the staff,Admin and moderators covered all your major questions,so i will try to answer only the last one.
    A fair pc configuration for me would be a pentium4 / 3.0 ,with 1G of ram and a sata hard disk.
    A clean Debian installation no graphic desktop,just the web server you need,and after than an OScam and CCcam installation will do the job for you.
    Believe me i have done that and it`s running like a charm
    A lot of well written guides are in the relative areas of the forum of how to do all off the above.

  • hi all, well the machine in fact has only 2 sticks of 256, so will be waiting to pay day to get more ram, then will follow all your posts, thanks again

  • hi all, well the machine in fact has only 2 sticks of 256, so will be waiting to pay day to get more ram, then will follow all your posts, thanks again

    Mine runs fine with 512mb ram

    I am not obligated, or connected to any particular brand, seller or retailer so any opinions given are not biased in anyway.
    Any information given is for hobby and research purposes only, and whilst every effort is made to ensure that all my responses are accurate, - Any action you may take based on my replies is done so at your own risk.
    Viewing Premium Channels or Media, without paying for them is illegal and if you do so, you do so at your own risk!


  • And mine runs fine on a board the size of a credit card with 224mb ram (the rest of the 256 is for graphics) and a 4GB sd card:party:

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • A certain overseas supplier has Google tv/android dongles was tempted to get one of those and try it out

    I am not obligated, or connected to any particular brand, seller or retailer so any opinions given are not biased in anyway.
    Any information given is for hobby and research purposes only, and whilst every effort is made to ensure that all my responses are accurate, - Any action you may take based on my replies is done so at your own risk.
    Viewing Premium Channels or Media, without paying for them is illegal and if you do so, you do so at your own risk!


  • hello yes for sports but only the footy is not comentary english

  • well the machine died, wont boot up the monitor, so going to get a new pc

  • when a computer dies, the whole computer doesn't usually die - could be the bios, os, or just one part of the hardware - maybe worth getting the lid off and doing a bit of fiddling first maybe?

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


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