Getting server going with lines

There are 37 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,807 times. The last Post () by birdman99.

  • Its 3,35am and im just about to go to bed after failing to get my ubuntu 64 bit pc server to work with oscam /cccam uk sly omnikey3231.
    I think ive cracked the idea of c lines and f lines and am sure i have set up ok.
    ive got a feeling oscam server is not working though because i cant log in as could yesterday.
    any ideas.???

  • If you cant log in, Most likely the IP Address has changed.. Log in directly from the server (Not through Putty or WinSCP). Your first Screen should look like this:

    Confirm your server IP Address is the same as you are using to log-in through putty/WinSCP.

    If the IP Address is not the same as you are using to log into putty, you have to set up your static IP address again. If the IP Address is the same as you are using to log into putty then its another problem & we will need more information.

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
    Please do not Request help by PM, use the main forum so Everyone can benefit from the answers.

  • It's just oscam server I can't log into everything else is ok ie cccam server . I've checked the conf file and that's all editing ok .

  • It's just oscam server I can't log into everything else is ok ie cccam server . I've checked the conf file and that's all editing ok .

    is oscam running? have you chmod 755 oscam and added the correct line to rc.local for it to start upon booting the server??

  • Quote

    It's just oscam server I can't log into everything else is ok ie cccam server . I've checked the conf file and that's all editing ok.

    if you can log into cccam (on your server), It is not a Server IP Address issue..

    Did you by any chance change oscam to an older stable version? If so, you might have to install an older lib file that is refrenced by the older version of oscam. Let me know & I will give you the command..
    Also check that you did not change the webif port number in oscam.conf.

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
    Please do not Request help by PM, use the main forum so Everyone can benefit from the answers.

  • What should the port number be In there I will check I know the password for oscam is admin and username also admin.
    Andy ray has been doing the oscam stuff for me but I'm starting to get to grips with it all a bit more everyday . So just to clarify I need to check to see if it's a older version of oscam installed ? Where will that info be visable?

  • Well If you set it up as I described in tutorial

    You can check your oscam Webif page by typing your server ip & oscam webif port no. (192.168.*.*:8888) in the address bar of your browser.
    Username: admin
    Password: admin

    You can check your cccam Webif page by typing your server ip & cccam webif port no. (192.168.*.*:16001) in the address bar of your browser.
    Username: admin
    Password: admin

    NOTE: If you changed any of the ports or passwords, you will have to replace the ports & passwords used above with your new ones..

    To check or change your oscam webif password & port number, open up WinSCP & log into server as root & look in

    httpport = [COLOR='#FFFF00']8888[/COLOR]
    httpuser = [COLOR='#00FF00']admin[/COLOR]
    httppwd = [COLOR='#00FF00']admin[/COLOR]

    To check or change your cccam webif password & port number, open up WinSCP & log into server as root & look in


    What ever you use, remember it & when you log into the oscam/cccam webif's, BOOKMARK them so they are there for good!

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
    Please do not Request help by PM, use the main forum so Everyone can benefit from the answers.

  • cheers man your a star ,ill have a go when i get in from work.
    Would i use the oscam passwrd and user for N lines and f lines and cccam pass and username for c lines?

  • ive got it working,i was using the dyndns instead of just typing ip with it been internal didnt need dyndns.
    What a great feeling when that came on there. thank the lord.
    Cheers to evryone who has helped got sick helped got frustrated helped cryed.and then helped me again....
    your all boss....

  • Ok i think i have my server setup ok and after a week of hard work i am surely getting closer to getting the card to clear.
    my cccam server cfg file has a fline in it that reads F: username password
    then in my duo ect cfg file i enter a c line like C: xxxxx. 26000 username password

    within cccam server cfg file i have changed webif username and psswrd to my own and listen port to my own 26000 and then entered it in the c lines for my duo

    is this correct?? please say im on the right tracks.

  • For internal sharing there is no need to use your dns address, change the dns address in the C line to the server ip

    C: 192.168.x.xx 26000 username password

    also go to below link to check if port 26000 is open

  • If the share is internal only then you don't need to open a port on your router - it should still work - to extend on what sync said, using the dyndns address for an internal share is not just unnecessary, in my experience it just doesn't work.

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • tryed without port internally didnt clear???

    strange that - i have one port forwarded to my server for external share - and a different port for internal share and I have never needed to forward a port on my router for the internal share.

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


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