
There are 8 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 378 times. The last Post () by seamouse.

  • after over a week of looking for info on how to share from my server i give up.
    i get the basics mostly and have managed to connect one of my internal recievers but cant connect the 2nd reciever.
    Do all the c lines i give out have the username and password that i set for oscam and cccam ?
    i dont understand how i would manage my family and friends lines if there all have the saame line how ill i know whos who?
    or am i missing the point?

  • I lose track of where people are at but don't give up mate!

    If you can connect one reciever you should be able to connect 2 lol Just use the same line format and change username and passwords! If your trying to connect
    the 2nd reciever externally (outside your network) this may be an issue with No-Ip or DyDns i presume you have? Ports open? e.t.c

    If your having problems using Oscam and Cccam i suggest you get up and running with say just Oscam!

    The WebIf UI is easy to create users and you just give the line in the normal way! I tend to use MgCamd and edit newcamd.list but you can setup Cccam so user connects using Cccam Protocol (different from using Cccam to share lol)

    But keep at it will be worth it!


    "Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold"
    “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction”

  • :62:

    Buddy come on what do you think bro?

    The port number will stay the same!

    The Username and Password will be different for each line/share!

    Do not use the same Username and Password!

    e.g 43342 tom1 tompass e.t.c 43342 dick1 dickpass e.t.c 43342 harry1 harrypass e.t.c


    "Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold"
    “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction”

  • i dont understand how i would manage my family and friends lines if there all have the saame line how ill i know whos who?
    or am i missing the point?

    They dont have all the same lines
    If you using CCcam to share then in your CCcam.cfg add similar to below just change the usernames & passwords

    F: mydm500 my500password
    F: dad dadspassword
    F: brother brotherspassword
    F: sister sisterspassword

    So take the 1st line, a dm500 on your local network you would have this c line
    Assuming your servers ip is and you share on port 12000, change accordingly

    C: 12000 mydm500 my500password

    Then your dads c line would look like this

    C: birdmansdnsaddy 12000 dad dadspassword

    Also don't forget to port forward your sharing port in your router

  • if someone wanted to share my card ie swap theres with mine and i wanted to reshare there cards with there permission what would be the best and secure way to do the line?

  • dont give up mate, this site helped me out and just stay with oscam, easy to use from the web if

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