my vu is brick help me please

There are 32 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 6,072 times. The last Post () by deenass.

  • bon une quetion as tu acheter ton deco a un privee ou par internet parce que tu devrais avoir 2 unitees un cable noir 9 pin es un adaptaeur 9 pin que tu mets a l arrire du vuduo et apres ton cable noir et apres ton cable nullmodem 9 pin si il te menque l adaptateur ya risque que ca ne foncionne pas

  • oui rami merci detre encore la... je rentre juste du taff
    je lai achté a un particulier qui va m envoyer l adaptateur ............ jattends ce week end je devrais kle recevoir,si ca ne marche pas j essaierais de changer le composant C807 dont on parle vais essayer de trouverou il se trouve dans le demo.....
    i bought it to a guy on the internet, he gonna send me the plug, i should receive it this week end and ll inform you... i ll try to replace the C807 componant and try to find it on the vu

  • qulqun pourrais me dire si sur ce clone quel composant faut il cahnger , les 3 ou 1 seul merci
    somebody can tell me whitch component i got to change, the 3 ones, or one of them?? thanks

  • somebody can tell me whitch component i got to change, the 3 ones, or one of them?? thanks

    It should be the one, with text C807 on the board...

  • thanks capNcook its the first one ...trere is any risk if i change it??? I BOUGHT A 35V 330UF

    Isn't the original 16V .. ?

    330UF = fine.

  • Well, these capacitors are widely available.


    I'm no electronics expert, so unless anyone here states otherwise:
    => I suggest you get the right one....


  • well its ok ive change the c807 component, what i ve to do know, its a clone vu?
    may i have to flash the boot whith duo_cfe_3_0_usb? or can i put on it a vuduo-vti41_usb image??

  • salut, bien bon courage j espere que ca ira pour toi enfin faut toujours teste les decos avant de payer .si tu as besoin de moi tusais ou me trouver, salut.

    good loock

  • Come on Lads,

    Although i appreciate it may be easier to converse in your native tongue....The Forum serves as a reference point for many, these steps could be useful for others so keep it all ENGLISH please

    Merci lol


    "Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold"
    “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction”

  • ok for the english mrgmx even if its not so easy for me :)
    so, capNcook,i ve bought its, so ive changed mine whith a 330uf 35v, i start the vu and, the usb still seem to not work, and still this damned red light

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