Installed Mgcamd Plugin on Enigma2. Errrrm..

There are 12 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 14,928 times. The last Post () by mrgmx.

  • Now before everyone thinks, "are you for real?". I am a total noob. Having only been messing with this cardsharing scene for about a month or so.
    So please be gentle. :D

    I have an Amiko Alien 2 box and I'm just getting to grips with it. Now as I'm learning my way around Spark, what I really want to do is use Enigma2. The main reason being for the 7 day EPG on it. Now I've installed a HDMU image from another site (sat something) and I have installed an Mgcamd plugin, which I need as my mate is running on this protocol. But I'll be damned if I can figure out how to enter the server settings? It's relatively straight forward when using Spark, but this Enigma2 is another kettle of fish! All I can seem to do on this is to 'start' it. But obviously without the proper line/info it won't work!

    Now with another Enigma2 image I tried recently I could access the files etc through my ftp program. But with this image, I get nothing showing up. Even though I HAVE logged into it!

    Can someone please help?

    Quite frustrating. I have read through so many articles on this, but it sometimes comes across like a foreign language to me! lol.

  • Not sure on that box mate but with Enigma2 images using MgCamd you will need to convert your line and put in newcamd.list

    as follows

    CWS = your.ipaddress.blah 12345 User Pass 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

    save this as newcamd.list in notepad +

    ftp this to usr/keys on your box

    You may want to look for another image PREFERABLY one from :firework: that may help the issue! :10lol:

    But for MgCamd on Engima2 this is how you enter the line!


    "Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold"
    “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction”

  • Thanks a lot for that mate. Nice one.
    I will follow your instructions and see where I end up! lol.

    I'll let you know how I get on.


  • Not sure if it will make any difference but try filezilla...simples!

    use ip from box and image user and password and port number and see if that lets you in!

    Thats normally how it works lol


    "Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold"
    “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction”

  • Well, I installed another enigma2 image. This time it was Yoda's Backup Image. I installed Filezilla as you suggested, and it connected perfectly! (nice one)

    So then I created a text file called 'newcamd.list' and inserted the line as you shown. Obviously replacing the necessaries....

    CWS = 22000 myusername mypassword 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

    I copied the file over to the box to the location you said. Although, I did have to create the 'keys' folder as it wasn't there.

    I restarted the box and then crossed my fingers.

    Unfortunately it hasn't worked. I went through some of the menus and on one plugin called 'Softcam plugins' I tried pressing restart!? Still nothing. But I did note that the settings in this bit showed that the keys were stored in var/keys and not usr/keys. So I copied the newcamd.list file to there too. Just in case. lol. (files everywhere, what the hell!)
    Still hasn't worked.
    I get the feeling that this set of Oscam files might have something to do with it. But I may be wrong.
    These files are currently in the var/keys folder...


    Any ideas mate?

  • Okay.

    Been busy. lol.

    Firstly, Filezilla. Yes. THAT worked a treat. Thanks. So I created the newcamd.list as you instructed and placed it into the appropriate place on the box. Although I have to say that the 'keys' folder was not there. So I had to create that. Anyway. It didn't work. So I took a look at a plugin I found called 'Oscam setup' or something like that. When I looked into the setup of that plugin I noted that it said that the keys folder was in var/keys not usr/keys. So I copied that newcamd.list to that location too! (files everywhere, what the hell!). That didn't work. THEN, I looked at the files that were already in that folder. Which included a file called 'oscam.server'. I downloaded it to my pc and looked into it. Sure enough I found settings for newcamd. So I removed the examples that were already there, and replaced them with my settings. IT WORKED!!

    I HAVE DONE IT!! Woohoo!

    Because of your excellent guidance in this I have done it. It's all up and running. I am well chuffed.

    THANK YOU mrgmx. You are a Star!

    Not sure if it will make any difference but try filezilla...simples!

    use ip from box and image user and password and port number and see if that lets you in!

    Thats normally how it works lol

  • Glad you got it sorted buddy!

    it's what the forum is here for! Have fun and enjoy!


    "Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold"
    “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction”

  • Since I got enigma2 up and running, I have noticed how much glitching I'm getting from it. Hardly any on Spark, but on Enigma2 it's terrible on some channels.

    Now I know that I have got my system running as described before, but on my Spark setup I am running from the mgcamd plugin ONLY. I have disabled all the other emus, including oscam. So how do I run just through mgcamd_1.35 (i.e. like shown in the previous pics). I have noticed that when I try and set up the above to mgcamd_1.35 (even though I have sorted the newcamd.list file out, I get nothing!

    I have noted however that when I have mgcamd_1.35 enabled, the information the right shows me 'CaID 0x0000'. Where as when I have oscam enabled it shows 'CaID 0x0963'. I get the feeling that this is the problem, that mgcamd_1.35 won't work without setting this data somewhere? Any ideas?


  • What you using box for just to receive a share (line)

    or are you using it as a server also?

    If its just to receive the line you only need mgcamd or cccam emu to use line not Oscam?


    "Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold"
    “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction”

  • I'm using it as a line, my mate's running the server side of things.

    Thanks for getting back to me. :D

    What you using box for just to receive a share (line)

    or are you using it as a server also?

    If its just to receive the line you only need mgcamd or cccam emu to use line not Oscam?

  • You don't need Oscam then buddy!

    I suggest as you seem to have been playing with stuff lol

    Either delete / Remove all cams, Oscam, Mgcamd, Cccam and just re-install the Cam you need!

    Or better just start again and re-flash to clear out! Start from clean slate!

    Install your image, any plugins then your cam! add your line and report back!

    Stuttering could be a number of things, friends server, bandwith, bad weather lol

    Start from a fresh and then we can try and work out what the actual problem is....Oscam is server related so shouldnt have anything to do with your end!

    have you also changed a couple of settings in your mg_cfg file that is also needed for MGcamd

    off top of me head you change this

    # box type
    # 00 autodetect, change only if you think wrong type detected.
    # 01 dbox2
    # 02 dreambox
    # 03 triple-dragon
    # 04 relook
    # 05 openbox
    # 06 dreambox/mips
    # 08 stapi/kathrein
    # 09 stapi/ipbox
    # 11 stapi/openbox
    B: { 06 }

    and this

    # Log option, summ of:
    # 00 off
    # 01 network udp log
    # 02 log to console
    # 04 file, appended ! delete it by yourself, before it eat all your hdd
    # + IP udp-port log-file-name
    L: { 02 } /tmp/mgcamd.log (this will show any errors in log file then on your box)


    "Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold"
    “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction”

  • Right. Firstly, cheers for that. I do appreciate the time you are taking to help me out. Nice one.

    Okay, I tried what you said at the start, i.e. removing all the cams etc. It didn't work. So I decided to take your advice and re-flash another image. Start from scratch.
    I flashed 'SatStation E2 Alien2 Beta Firmware 21-12-2012'.

    During installation I only set up the TV and scanned for the one satellite (leaving my other three that are connected to the other tuner) at 28.2e. So I will be able to see if a channel unscrambles. From the menu I installed only Mgcamd. Nothing else. I then copied over my edited versions of mg_cfg and newcamd.list to the 'Softcam Config Directory' as shown here (Sorry about the reflection of me and the dog! lol)...

    I then went back to the menu, then plugins, then to Softcam Manager, here...

    Selected that. Then the mgcamd appeared. Like so...

    Here I highlighted mgcamd_1.35 and pressed the green button to start it up. But nothing happens. Tried restarting enigma2 etc. But nothing. Out of desperation I also tried selecting that 'start' that you can see on the above picture, but that doesn't seem to do anything at all!

    So to let you know what I have so far (as pointed to by that screen shown above):

    In the var/tuxbox/config folder I have...


    In the usr/emu folder I have...


    Incidentally, in the var/keys folder I have the following...


    So, I am not doing anything else with this until you or someone else can offer any suggestion on how to get this working from this moment. Like I said, this is now a freshly done re-flash and I have only copied over a couple of files.

    Hope this helps?

  • Right i think you problem lies with your files, where they are!


    In the var/tuxbox/config folder I have...

    these files should be in usr/keys otherwise mgcamd wont pick the line up so move them to there

    not sure why your files in usr/keys have .mgcamd on the end lol....may be the box lol

    just copy/move those 2 files to usr/keys and restart/start cam and you should be fine?

    here are screenshots of my box


    "Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold"
    “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction”

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