Premier League seeks ISP site block in piracy swoop

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  • The Premier League is to request a court order forcing internet service providers to block a popular football streaming website before the next season.

    The League wants ISPs to cut off access to, which operates from Sweden.

    The BBC understands none of the ISPs plan to challenge the court order.

    If successful, the action will be the first non-music-related site block in the UK.

    The Premier League's move follows a precedent set by the BPI music industry body, which has been successful in having several piracy websites blocked in the UK, most notably the Pirate Bay............

    BBC News - Premier League seeks ISP site block in piracy swoop

  • They can Cut and Block anything that stops or dents Corporations Money/Profits!!

    But fail to do so to the sick stuff that puts innocent people at risk! Funny That!


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  • Thats bad news if they get there way it wont stop there another 10 years and the internet wont be the same everything will be restricted

  • ISP blockages don't help, it actually initially brings more attention to the site in question so gets new followers then even if sites are blocked there will be countless other sites to choose from instead or countless proxy sites will be setup like all the pirate bay proxies.

  • How about actually letting people in the UK watch these games legally it works for the bundesliga in Germany and it does not affect attendances I for one would be happy to pay for the coverage.

  • Shouldn't they be stopping the stuff that really matters, Terrorism, Peadophiles etc....

    Everyone will encrypt all their data and use VPN's, its the way the internet is going, deep and underground....

    IPv6 was partly needed, but when ipv4 is fullly dropped, then everything will have its own static ip address meaning, each device can be tracked down easier, thier are ways around it, but thats one of the downsides to it.

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  • How about actually letting people in the UK watch these games legally it works for the bundesliga in Germany and it does not affect attendances I for one would be happy to pay for the coverage.

    i totally agree with this statement. look at NFL in america, this is the way i would like to see it going. you can buy a home season pass for your team or home & away pass, or you can pay to watch all games and get streams alll in HD. the premier league would then get even more revenue than they do now.

    I read sometime ago, that the reason they do not televise the 3pm matches in the uk is it would stop people from going to the matches. I find that hard to believe, no matter how you watch the matches, eg HD, 3D you can never recreate being at the match. they really need to give the people what they want. we want to watch what "we" want to watch, and when we want to watch it.

  • I find this funny how they would block firstrow I mean come on i your going to block something at least block something that shows hd streams haha ;)

  • remember its the people who MAKE MONEY out of their product who want to stop others getting it for free,
    the terrorism and paedo things are not issues of companies making cash
    its the way of the world.

  • All part of the underlying subtexts of TTIP and they will use the guise of child pornography to shut down sites - no judge in any country in the world is going to knock them back

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