Premier League on Al Jazeera Sports

There are 173 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 19,626 times. The last Post () by Jigsy75.

  • Just paid for a full seasons subs, ready for the football to start now I cant wait. Just tested it out with Chrome and Hola and the quality is ok I'm wondering if I pay for smartdns will the HD streams be better quality ?

  • Just paid for a full seasons subs, ready for the football to start now I cant wait. Just tested it out with Chrome and Hola and the quality is ok I'm wondering if I pay for smartdns will the HD streams be better quality ?

    Iv heard good reports about hola and also some rubbish ones

    I'm in the fence at the moment as the guys try help me establish where my problem lies as all I get after a few minutes is a stuttering mess with hola and overplay

  • Just tried premier league pass
    The quality of picture is definitely lower that ajs but I still have the same issue with premier league pass as with ajs

    And on both the problem seems to be worse if I connect via hdmi to the 40" TV

    Don't know where to go from here

  • I really dont know what else to suggest if its affecting both have you tried playing the streams hard wired into your router at least if it plays we can rule that out,other than than im totally miffed perhaps check you have the latest flashplayer installed etc Perhaps as a last result you could reinstall windows 7 and the drivers again either way i hope it works for you m8

    Just tried premier league pass
    The quality of picture is definitely lower that ajs but I still have the same issue with premier league pass as with ajs

    And on both the problem seems to be worse if I connect via hdmi to the 40" TV

    Don't know where to go from here

  • It's got me as well pal I'm going to stick the Ethernet in but I don't hold much hope as I tried earlier with the same result

    Also is there any specific reason why the stream would get worse when connecting to the tv through hdmi?

  • Iv heard good reports about hola and also some rubbish ones

    I'm in the fence at the moment as the guys try help me establish where my problem lies as all I get after a few minutes is a stuttering mess with hola and overplay

    Well I have just paid for a months smartdns subs to compare it to Hola and I really cannot tell the difference. My stream takes 20 secs or so then it improves no end on the HD channels. Im wondering how Hola will be on Saturday when the season kicks off I guess only time will tell. I'll report back after the first weekend of the new season with my results.

  • I hope I can get my system sorted before the big kick off or ill be royally pissed

    But without anything to go on I don't know what to do

    My lappy should be able to handle the stream

    But it keeps putting my CPU to 100% after a few minutes and stays there until I reload the stream then it goes back down

    When the CPU goes up that's when the issues start

    But how to sort it i have no idea

  • Quick update to my issues

    I dug out an old http I used when the cable scene was booming

    The system is 4-5 years old
    Has a abit AN-M2HD mboard
    Using the standard on board gfx (GeForce 7050)
    And a AMD Athlon 64 x2 dual core cpu over locked slightly to 3.02ghz from 2.7ghz

    Again with my 30mbps fibre line connected directly to a 40" TV

    Now the interesting part is if I use the native resolution which is full 1080p (TV res)
    I get the same stuttering as I did before

    But interestingly if I set it to 720p again TV resolution not pc res
    I get a very watchable picture with minimal stutter

    The only assumption I can make from this is that the CPU in my laptop which is a penguin dual core 2.1ghz cannot handle the pace which is what is causing problems

    But what is interesting me more is people with lower spec rigs and laptops being able to stream with good quality

    Also the httpc machine currently only has 2gb ram where as my laptop has 4gb

  • How do all, come to thread quite late but hey ho. I have got myself an Al Jaz sub and smart DNS only sub from overplay. I have two questions which you guys may be able to help with... I really like to have the football on my iphone so I can airplay it to my cheap raspbmc but will I need a VPN to do this? also will I get banned because they will see im from the uk?

    Also I did hear some whispers about a possible Al JAz addon for the raspbmc which would solve a lot of these isses.

  • You can get an iphone app and you can use smart dns but your have to learn Arabic as most of the games on the apps only have Arabic audio

    How do all, come to thread quite late but hey ho. I have got myself an Al Jaz sub and smart DNS only sub from overplay. I have two questions which you guys may be able to help with... I really like to have the football on my iphone so I can airplay it to my cheap raspbmc but will I need a VPN to do this? also will I get banned because they will see im from the uk?

    Also I did hear some whispers about a possible Al JAz addon for the raspbmc which would solve a lot of these isses.

  • You can get an iphone app and you can use smart dns but your have to learn Arabic as most of the games on the apps only have Arabic audio

    hmmm that would be a bit crap... i may see if I can set up the raspberry pi to deal with it and just swap over memory cards as need be.

  • If ajs uses flash, im not suprised you are having problems, my old x2 has a right mare playing flash videos in High def. Flash is a resourse hog.

  • I`am surprised your laptop does not play the streams the cheapest other alternative is to buy an android tv box and try that or contact them and ask them id they will cancel your sub and refund you.

    I'm trying to figure a way around it
    But so far have come up empty

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