Tutorial : Lock cardreader to specific usb port

There are 44 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 11,171 times. The last Post () by teo1966.

  • I'm having trouble transferring the 52 file over, it seems I don't have permission?, I've tried 3 different ftp clients.

    Running Debian 6.0.5


    edit: sorted this by chmod 777 the folder

  • tried this again today and no luck

    rebooted and smargo wa not found, had to change again in oscam

  • I know its a pain in the backside it switching but if server setup and stable..... restarting the server isn't a necessity!

    I mean i restart Oscam almost weekly but apart from Virmin BB issue, server would of been on for months at a time!

    Any updates you do you should just need to restart Oscam for them to take effect!

    Just my 10 cents :snicker:


    "Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold"
    “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction”

  • Hi newtolinux, Have fallen at the first fence. I have saved the text in programmers notepad (HOPE THIS IS OK) but I am confused about the chmod to 755 part. I remember seeing this during the initial linux install. I have gnome installed on the server. If someone could help me with the process step by step I might resolve this problem.
    Thanks for you help so far. Sorry if I appear stupid. Too many years working with RF.

  • Joy at last.
    I decided to try Filezilla to FTP the 52 reader file to udev. This worked first time. Winscp was reporting a message access denied.
    Another step forward.
    Thanks Ten Below and others for your support.

  • Hi,
    I now finally have the above 52_reader.rules in etc/udev. I could only achieve this using FileZilla. WinScp would not allow me to FTP to udev for some reason. Do I need to edit the file or should I be ready to go. If so, I now intend to fit a second smargo. What is my next step.
    Thanks for all the help .

  • Hi newtolinux,
    Do I have to make any changes to the script.

    SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6001", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403",
    SYMLINK+="ttyUSB_%b", KERNEL=="ttyUSB[0123456789]", MODE="0666"

    My smargo will only work if it is detected in Bus 1. If for some reason it hops to Bus 2 or 3 it will not run. If I keep trying different usb ports eventually it will lock on to Bus 1 and I know in 10 seconds I will have pictures.
    I am really struggling so any guidance would be great.

  • Things now seem ok as I finally got above script installed and chmod 755 etc. However if I power down the pc from the mains power the usb will leave 'bus1' and hop to bus 2 or 3 and will not see the smargo. I can only get the smargo working if I install it in a usb 4 port hub. It is then picked up as 'bus1' followed by a device number and all is ok. If I reboot the PC many times it will function properly until I kill the power completely. I have left'' ttyUSB[0123456789]'' as is. Hope this is correct.
    Any advise or guidance appreciated.

  • I have used the following settings, and it works well. But unfortunately every morning I got up I found that it failed to read the card.it shows the symbol ERROR(no entittlements)" How to solve this problem?

    label = reader-1
    protocol = smartreader
    device = 002:004
    caid = XXXX
    boxid = 41CC3FCF
    ins7e11 = 15
    boxkey = 1122334455667788
    detect = cd
    mhz = 686
    cardmhz = 357
    ident = XXXX:000000
    group = 1
    emmcache = 1,1,0
    savenano = all
    blocknano = all

    label = reader-2
    protocol = smartreader
    device = 002:005
    caid = XXXX
    boxid = 41CC3FCF
    ins7e11 = 15
    detect = cd
    mhz = 686
    cardmhz = 10
    ident = XXXX:000000
    group = 1
    emmcache = 1,1,0

    label = reader-3
    protocol = smartreader
    device = 002:006
    caid = XXXX
    boxid = 41CC3FCF
    ins7e11 = 15
    detect = cd
    mhz = 480
    cardmhz = 357
    ident = xxxx:000000
    group = 1
    emmcache = 1,1,0

  • Things now seem ok as I finally got above script installed and chmod 755 etc. However if I power down the pc from the mains power the usb will leave 'bus1' and hop to bus 2 or 3 and will not see the smargo. I can only get the smargo working if I install it in a usb 4 port hub. It is then picked up as 'bus1' followed by a device number and all is ok. If I reboot the PC many times it will function properly until I kill the power completely. I have left'' ttyUSB[0123456789]'' as is. Hope this is correct.
    Any advise or guidance appreciated.

    Just discovered that the 4 way usb hub I was using was causing my Smargo to hop to a different bus when the server is powered down.
    I tried a different 4 way hub and it appears to stick on 'bus' 1 which works fine after a power down.
    Any body know why my Smargo will only work when installed in a 4 way usb hub device. I have checked it with the udev rules.file deleted and all appears ok. Should I leave the rules.file installed ?????.
    Thanks in advance.

  • did it works with serial phoenix connected through usb/serial adapter ?because i have similar problem after reboot, simple no recognize card

  • it's ok. I did it with gedit text editor. Seems to have let me chmod it anyway. Thanks for your help.


    Hi Jeffzapp,
    I know this is going back some time now but just wondering if you had success locking your smargo to a specific usb port.
    I cannot seem to get it right. I followed the same route as yourself the only difference is that I used Filezilla as I can set the 755 in properties. My smargo still hops to different usb bus locations when I power down my server. It will only read my card when it is detected in bus 1 which is difficult to achieve. Do I need to edit the word pad doc that newtolinux supplied in the tutorial at the start of this thread.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Hi Guys,
    Looks like locking smargo to usb port has the better of me. To recap, smargo will only work for me if it is picked up in usb bus 1. However I have discovered that if I use a 4 way usb hub with smargo inserted this seems to like bus 1 and will work away fine. I tried following the advise provided by TenBelow and used filezilla to FTP the file to udev but it does not seem to work. However to clarify things, I have taken out the [ ] in the file part that lists the usb number. Hope this is correct. Also if I have to always use the 4 way hub should I connect a perminent 5V supply to it and connect this to a UPS. This may be the only way that I can get the smargo to work after a power failure.
    I welcome your comments and advise.

  • for example i have
    ID 067b:2303
    in that case script looks ATTRS{idProduct}=="2303", ATTRS{idVendor}=="067b" or i am wrong?
    and also have
    ID 1a86:7532
    how looks script with lock these two ports?

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