OnDemand With 4OD Fix For PLi Based Images

There are 88 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 16,951 times. The last Post () by abu baniaz.

  • Latest OnDemand plugin, incorporating the 4OD fix from XBMC (NOT my work, ive simply put everything together for installation to PLi based images)

    Telnet into your receiver, and run the following commands

    opkg install python-beautifulsoup
    opkg install python-dnspython
    opkg install python-numbers
    opkg install python-simplejson
    opkg install python-lxml

    installing python-lxml should also install python-compression and libxslt, if it doesnt, then telnet the commands

    opkg install python-compression
    opkg install libxslt

    FTP the attacked ipk file to /tmp, and telnet the command

    opkg install /tmp/*.ipk

    finally, unzip the OnDemand folder, and copy the entire folder to


    and restart enigma

    Tested and working (inc 4OD) on TM-TWIN with 4D image

    EDIT: before the usual trolling starts, the original files (which are untouched in the zip file) are from here https://github.com/oe-alliance/oe-alliance-plugins .

  • Thanks digidude

    opkg install python-beautifulsoup

    with one l otherwise it won´t find it.

    added into the official OnDemand player 5 hrs ago.



    OpenViX on Twitter @0penViX

    Edited once, last by pheonix ().

  • added into the official OnDemand player 5 hrs ago.



    All credit to XBMC's Mossy again, and Mcquaim for incorporating it into OnDemand.

    OpenViX on Twitter @0penViX

  • added into the official OnDemand player 5 hrs ago.



    and your point is?

    i also posted the following in the original post


    the original files (which are untouched in the zip file) are from here https://github.com/oe-alliance/oe-alliance-plugins .

    this thread isnt for OE-A images, and is of no use to you. a link to the full source, including the makefiles, was included for people to see ALL of the files, instead of some code which wont make any sense to most people who look at the commits

    4OD is back!

    All credit to XBMC's Mossy again, top work!! The feeds don't provide as
    much programme data as previously but it's enough to live with!



  • cannot install package beautiful soup
    unknown package dnspython
    unknown package python-lxml
    unknown package python-simplejson
    cannot install collected errors all the above

    dreambox 800se openpli 4.0 gistrooms nightly build

    will flash box & try again dont get it

  • Just downloaded all the needed files from the OE-A git and added the code to my original py files and I can confirm its working perfectly using OpenPli

    It may work straight out of the box so to speak,although I didnt test that method,because past exprience has taught me that it usually doesnt.But when reading the new code,I cannot see anything that stands out,that will cause any GSOD's when using Pli

    So well done ViX for adding the XBMC code for use in other Enigma2 images and not just solely for the ViX image.


    Edited 2 times, last by ian1095 ().

  • There never has been any code in this plugin to prevent it working on any image, that rumor was spread like all others by a few petty minded people who slate all things ViX yet use it to gain receiver sales for their own web based shop.

    OpenViX on Twitter @0penViX

  • not strictly true buddy,after all your talking to the person who originally devixified the plugin so it ran on all other images.

    agreed,there was never any code added to stop it running on other images,but the code was always written in such a way that only the vix images could utelise it.in other images it caused crashes.it was this code that had to be rewritten in a different manor,so as not to confuse none vix images and cause them to crash.

    regardless of this,im applauding vix for not doing that this time and instead using standard code that all images understand.


  • I dont wish to sound harsh here and I do fully understand that people have varying degrees of knowledge regarding their boxes and Enigma2,but how is anyone ever going to learn anything if they are always spoon fed ipk's that do everything for them ?

    Enigma2 box owners should all at the very least, learn the basics such as manually installing a plugin and its dependencies.all the info and files are on this and other sites for you to read and learn to do these basic things yourself.


  • Slight mod required to the original ViX code in the ui.py file to get the settings menu to display.More than likely just an oversight by the Vix coders.But its also possible that the Vix image doesnt need this ?

    Navigate to line 126 and replace the existing line with this one.

    self['actions']  = ActionMap(['MenuActions', 'SetupActions', 'TimerEditActions'], {


    Edited once, last by ian1095 ().

  • As i have said before the OE from which ViX is built is not the same as other images, and certainly not the same as Pli, Since ViX 3.0 we have been building and improving our own OE hence the creation of the OE-Alliance. we only work with our OE, so our plugins may not work with others.

    Do you berate BH when a addition to their image does not work on others ?, no you dont so why constantly have a pop towards ViX ?. I dont want to rehash old arguments but i really do get tired of these silly rumors that ViX include code to prevent plugins from working on other images. after all the OE-Alliance it self consists of 16 member E2 dev team's and manufactures not just ViX.

    OpenViX on Twitter @0penViX

  • I dont wish to sound harsh here and I do fully understand that people have varying degrees of knowledge regarding their boxes and Enigma2,but how is anyone ever going to learn anything if they are always spoon fed ipk's that do everything for them ?

    Enigma2 box owners should all at the very least, learn the basics such as manually installing a plugin and its dependencies.all the info and files are on this and other sites for you to read and learn to do these basic things yourself.


    Well at least that's one thing we agree on for a change.

    OpenViX on Twitter @0penViX

  • Ok bud lets leave it at that as i too have no wish to get into another protracted argument over this again.the past is the past and lets keep it there.

    Can you check your git and add the above code that ive added to it if its needed for the Vix image ?

    if not,then its only other images that will require it.


  • agreed,there was never any code added to stop it running on other images,but the code was always written in such a way that only the vix images could utelise it.in other images it caused crashes.it was this code that had to be rewritten in a different manor,so as not to confuse none vix images and cause them to crash.


    That was never intentional but in a world where enigma2 it self has so many variations things like that were always going to happen and will always happen. no one coded is ever going to make a plugin that works with every single image under the sun, which is precisely why the code is in a public GIT environment so that people like you can adapt it and modify it for other images. I just take offence to the constant jibes insinuating we purposely made it to only work on our image.

    I'm not saying you are the person who spreads such falsities but we both know the person(s) who do.

    OpenViX on Twitter @0penViX

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