gone up 20 euros

There are 17 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,656 times. The last Post () by Fano.

  • i see thay have bumped the price up

    now 129 euros
    and no enigma2
    think i give it a miss
    where will it stop

    all the software is free and open source

    Edited 5 times, last by davvo ().

  • The prices you saw even at 108 euro were promotion fathers day was a further discount These were prices seen to get people interested @129 euro it is still a bargain dont forget were only talking £95 ,I did put mention to this in a post recently that they will be going up now they have and as far as im concerned buddy its still good wetek cloud antenna, to use and development is moving daily soon e2 to tv headend to convert e2 lists still under £100 BARGAIN !!!!


  • So no E2 shame, I will just have to make do with , HD tv, iptv, playing games , using play store apps , email, kodi, the switchable tuners, multi boot os.
    I can see why people would rather have a £99 single tuner E2 box

    e2 is still to come i defo would rather have a wetek than a 99 quid e2 box but everyone has an opinion as to what suits them if you prefer e2 stick with spending money on it im enjoying both and see £95 as cheap again thats just my own opinion

    - - - Updated - - -

    where have you found stock davvo as i still need a few none on the site yet stock was to be later this week but still none ?

  • You forgot to mention that they are also diamond sponsors of those opensource projects ;) Even with 129 eur price they are still cheapest and best option for that money with all this excellent support and do many possibilities which this device offer.

    Well maybe atm dont have rnigma 2 but have OpenELEC which can do 20 times more than any e2 or any Vu+ with KodiDirect, as most of tools dont work at MIPS processors only at ARM.

    When we are talking about software, why VU+ used opensource gpl project enigma 2 and pack it in own housing and compwtible hw with almost no development and selling it now at 350 eur...

    Edited once, last by xbmcflix ().

  • You forget few stuffs...
    1) there own dev team should be really huge, they sponsor all this projects, and few of those Dev. Are probably on their monthly payrool.
    2) find me a box down 200 pounds that have done something from community tlmore that wetek did.
    3) Find me a box down 300 pounds that does what wetek does.
    4) I think this forum still have discount cuponds so perhaps you can buy with some discount.

    Additional I have a feeling that this is to force sales thru distributors... Same week electronics suiza in Spain and visiontec in germany the two strongest in past in dream announce they are with wetek till the bones.

  • Quote

    electronics suiza in Spain

    are one of the worst/most expènsive/ no post support sellers in Spain.


    I can see why people would rather have a £99 single tuner E2 box

    great sense of humour !!


    e2 is still to come i defo would rather have a wetek than a 99 quid e2 box but everyone has an opinion as to what suits them if you prefer e2 stick with spending money on it im enjoying both and see £95 as cheap again thats just my own opinion

    You misunderstood his humour me thinks ,lol..
    It is surprising that they have run out of stock (similar to what happened to the xiaomi smartphones)
    but if the first prototype is anything to go by then can´t wait for a possible future wetek play2..
    (maybe even incorporating stevejo´s venting cover)
    (if it´s anything to go by, Fbox was quickly followed by fbox2 by Ferguson)
    Enigma is good for sat but has nothing to do with anything else mediawise..
    Another way to view the price hike is possibly that the boxes sold under a promo where actually at undercost testing the market.
    it´s just a thought....

  • yeh scooterbuk said it in jest ,no contest .Besides when was the last time you heard of a stb causing so much stir,

    To be honest the guys at wetek are very clever and something other stb makers should follow when placing a new product in the market,would any one have bothered if it was say £150-£200 ,yes the first lot could be a loss leader or even cost,but its here and the people at wetek must be congratulating them selves, i know i would.

  • i paid 68 pounds for the first one lost it to the kids in first few days ,i came in from work were my wetek her in doors oh kids took it to their bedroom
    i haven`t see it since oh well happy days , then father's day come along little bit more discount so the kids got me new one still havent got my head around it but worth every penny of 68 pounds

    • Official Post

    To be completly honest I would not pay full price for one. At the moment it's a toy. It is not a replacement for a e2 box as doesn't come close to the ease of use the enigma2 based boxes offer. Its also quite buggy and channel lists are a nightmare. ... Most people have a pc of some sort and adding a decent tv tuner will offer the same platform.

  • I would say that for the Price this is a fantastic box, but and there is big but
    the box is in early stage and needs more development and more stability on Android OS
    Wetek should deliver the boc with les apps / addons so only siple and clean Android will be best, and lett the users diside what they like to add or not.
    Channel search and stability is not the best yet, and satellite settings are nightmare, to chose a Europian satellite you need to scroll 100s of other sats to get to Europe
    OScam is working with Smargo, but box needs to have a standby mode, as normaly when you put box of the OScam does not run
    OpenELEC, it very very unstable at list in my device, i have tested a bit but not much OpenELEC, but few hours was inaff for me to see that is not day to day user friendly yet.
    Ubuntu OS , yes cool but this is not for the masses, mostly for Linux guys or nerds as me.
    Enigma2, this will help to win more users, this will make many Dream, Vu+ or Mips users take Wetek ship, and test this out to see if it is as good as it is being told.

    All in all, the Wetek is worth the price in my opinion, and they diserve a big thank you for this hard work and support they give.
    it is the first time i have buy something that have allmost 24 hours support.

    I hope Wetek guys read some of this post here and take notes and listen to what the users need, and try to fix or bring out the best

  • kari like you read my minds, i share same opinion over android and dvb, but yes, they said at their forum that soon they will deliver KitKat 4.4 with new reshaped DVB Player for Android, and oh yes this morning I saw their banner at DreamSet website, so it seems there is comming DreamSet editor for WeTek which is huge plus from my side for Wetek, and especially as new DVB for Android is on the way with better control of all options

    On the other way currently I dont see option on market for 129 eur that is able to do Android, Linux, OpenELEC together with all Multimedia at Android and Kodi and even DVB with Twin tuner for 129 eur.... To be honest, VU+ tuner cost 50 EUR in Germany, while WeTek Play twin tuner of same chip (Availink) cost 10 EUR

    I posted there some recommendations for them regarding bootloader to allow on reboot and I am sure sooner or later we will see it at WeTek, but for now Android (Netflix, Hulu), OpenELEC (DVB, Pulsar, Navi-X, Genesis, p2p-streams), Ubuntu who like it....

    To be honest Wetek RCU is worth by my opinion more than 10 USD in China because of 6-Axis Air Mouse

    Edited 2 times, last by xbmcflix ().

  • I think the price increase might have something to do the Euro value depreciating rapidly.
    And as most components are purchased through US dollars. Wetek may need to cover costs.


    I might be overthinking it and it could simply be demand has exceeded supply :13_002:

  • Surely you realise that our friend Pheonix has two boxes that he must want to get rid of. As at 1830 last night he did not seem impressed enough to keep them. "I have two fire TV boxes my self mate and they blow that piece of crap wetek rubbish rite out of the water on all points, even with it's tuners.". Just sayin'

  • Surely you realise that our friend Pheonix has two boxes that he must want to get rid of. As at 1830 last night he did not seem impressed enough to keep them. "I have two fire TV boxes my self mate and they blow that piece of crap wetek rubbish rite out of the water on all points, even with it's tuners.". Just sayin'

    I dont value much our friends opinion of anything to be honest , fire boxes are much more powerful I agree but it doesnt integrate very well into the hobby of satellite and cards and cams and thats where i get my kicks also so not for me but ,everyone has to spend their cash on what pleases them and not others , I see the auction site has fire boxes with kodi in and fire tv ripped out


  • Surely you realise that our friend Pheonix has two boxes that he must want to get rid of. As at 1830 last night he did not seem impressed enough to keep them. "I have two fire TV boxes my self mate and they blow that piece of crap wetek rubbish rite out of the water on all points, even with it's tuners.". Just sayin'

    Pheonix is trotting out the same line she used for the Alien 2 receivers it would seem.
    Pheonix is still proclaiming that the Alien 2 is "a total pile of crap" and a "poorly built piece of junk".

    When one tells lies for so long , one eventually believes ones lies.

    Edited 2 times, last by Fano ().

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