Who are you voting for ???

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    • Official Post

    Who will you vote for ??? 36

    1. UKIP (13) 36%
    2. Labour (10) 28%
    3. Conservative (8) 22%
    4. Liberal Democrats (1) 3%
    5. Plaid Cymru (0) 0%
    6. Scottish National Party (2) 6%
    7. None of the above, i will state on the thread (1) 3%
    8. I will not vote, no point (1) 3%

    With the UK general elections less than 48 hours away, who do you plan on voting for ??

    The main parties being...

    Liberal Democrats
    Plaid Cymru
    Scottish National Party

    Cast your vote here and let's see who has popularity amongst us normal people :59:

  • there all toffs bar WeeNic ;)

    she will still have her snout in the troff no doubt (as all MP's,MSP's exspences are well feckedup)

    PM for support 0nly with a Link to Y0ur
    P05t w1Th Wat5 up 0r 155u3 thaT5
    B33N ....... P05T3D

    0D3R PATCH3D 3H ;)
    much <3 th0ugh in d0 a5 Ab0v3
    1n Wh3n 533N r3plY n PM n 58PP0rt G1v3n ;)

    "I'm against Piracey so please DONT ATTACK SHIPS"

  • everyones life will not change despite who gets in apart from which banker etc will get the best profits. and as usual everyone will foot the bill while the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. i have no faith in the politicians as they are all out for them selves and what they can get overtime i seen them on tv all they go on about is we will do this and that they both labour and tories chat the same shit. i would like to see what they would do if no one voted.

  • UKIP for me the only party that stands for us working class or working people, it is pornographic the ammount of money that goe's out of our country to the EU & FORIEGN AID, we need our own aid for our own people then send bits to dictator's wanting to buy new jets on our money. VOTE:@UKIP :85::85::85:

  • Graham Stringer Labour 18,563
    James Edsberg Conservative 6,260
    William Hobhouse Liberal Democrat 4,861
    Derek Adams British National Party 2,469
    Kay Phillips Respect-Unity Coalition 996
    Bob Willescroft UK Independence Party 894
    Shafiq-Uz Zaman Christian Party 161

    This was the result from 2010 where I lived at the time. Being honest Nick Clegg made the biggest mistake possible in 2010. He should have come out on record and stated to both Lab & Con, that he would support either party 100% on all its policys on the agreement that the 2015 would be a proportional representation this time. I expect it will be Hung again and only hope that whoever holds the votes needed to form Parliament will hold either of the larger 2 by the balls and then force PR for 2020. Then and only then will every vote matter.

    Total Turn out in 2010 was only 65.1 %

    I would vote for UKIP or GREEN if it made any differance on a national level, however if I vote for anything other than Labour in this safe Lab seat, all I do is risk opening it up to Con takeover. However PR would allow me to vote my views, again voting UKIP here is a wasted vote unless we get PR as I live in a very large immigration area where white is not in majority.

  • Same here i am mostly suprised that UKIP has a lead in this poll. After having a 3 hour lecture last week about UKIP and the cost of leaving the EU. I think voting for UKIP will make it hard for businesses and the economy more than anything else. For one leaving the EU we would have to pay import tax when importing good and considering we import £202bn worth of goods from the EU. there second policy about immigration can be both good and bad. and many many more bad policy.

    I want to vote labour but there is just something about Ed Miliband that makes me not want to. He just seems clumsy and could make a U-turn on all his policies

    • Official Post

    Anyone voting for anything other than UKIP should seek medical treatment immediately.
    All UKIP promise is simple common sense, they will actually make your lives better.

  • to be honest i watched the program the other night with the ukip leader and i cannot fault him the stuff he was saying actually made sense but i still wouldn't trust any of them as far as i could shit even though one party might be better than others they goal is all the same to rule and have power.

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