Posts by jeepcook

    I think it's a great idea. We will have to fix only exceptions with the tvgidoverride tag. Just have to be sure the process will not freeze the box. It's a complex algorithm I think no? Or perhaps have a way to execute it out of the box. Example, I have some scripts running out of the box (generated by a Ubuntu machine) and only copy the result to the box.


    I have 4 streams which don't work with streamlinkproxy but work with streamlinksrv. Do you thing something is missing in streamlinkproxy?

    The streams:





    The plugin name is pluzz but no change on the code for this one since 8 months.


    I have a strange comportment with a provider. In the m3u8 file the tvg-id are not empty. In the sort-override file I have the tvg-id and some tvgidoverride. But after the process I have a diff-override created with a lot of channel without tvg-id while they are in the m3u playlist.

    pepsik I will send you the m3u8 file, the sort and the diff file. Perhaps you will see why I have this issue. I did a lot of tests and have always this issue for this playlist.



    When I want to select groups with remote control for a provider, I have a "No group found" message but there is a lot of groups for this provider. And the log is:

    [12.04 14:55:18] [e2m3u2b] [Storesat_Brut_2024]: Error processing playlist groups -> ('مــواقــيــت الــصــلاة', False)


    1.5.2 tested. Still have the same issue caused by the same group.

    13.04 17:48:59] [e2m3u2b] [Storesat_Brut_2024]: Error processing playlist groups -> ('مــواقــيــت الــصــلاة', False)

    Do have I to delete groups.db ?


    When I want to select groups with remote control for a provider, I have a "No group found" message but there is a lot of groups for this provider. And the log is:

    [12.04 14:55:18] [e2m3u2b] [Storesat_Brut_2024]: Error processing playlist groups -> ('مــواقــيــت الــصــلاة', False)

    Following a discussion with a Streamlink developer during which he told me that stremlinksrv was poorly coded, contained old and obsolete code etc etc, I've decided to migrate to streamlinkproxy.

    I have just one problem with it. The plugin isn't compatible with the auto restore process. A reboot is generated by the plugin and broke the restore process.

    Do you think you could remove the reboot and just inform the user at the end of the installation he has to reboot its box?

    As a reminder, the auto-restore process install all plugins ipk available in the directory /media/hdd/images/ipk or /media/usb/images/ipk.


    Most likely the system font used in your image supports superscripts and subscripts characters -…perscripts_and_subscripts

    In the screenshot that you showed, there is a converter with regexp that searches for specified combinations (UHD, FHD, etc.) and replaces them with the corresponding unicode ... This is how I imagine it will be implemented in your skin and image

    I've found a converter , the s and f characters don't exist in uppercase as exponent. I've also contacted the myMetrix skin dev about this.

    My idea is just to have something visually prettier. It's very nice to have this lot of possibilities with an E2 box, and I learn day by day.

    Are you sure Enigma2 supports upper index characters? Personally, I don’t))) So this is not feasible due to the fact that it is simply not supported by E2

    Yes my box supports (OATV 7.4), see screenshot:


    In fact I can simply copy and paste these exponent characters and I have the result I want. I'd like to have UHD, FHD+, FHD, HD+, HD, SD

    ᵁᴴᴰ ᶠᴴᴰ⁺ ᶠᴴᴰ ᴴᴰ⁺ ᴴᴰ ˢᴰ

    But, as you can see I haven't find the uppercase F and S.

    I will continue my research.

    About special characters. I don't know if it's the good place to speak about that but why not ;-)

    With an example to understand:

    - Name of a channel CANAL+ UHD

    - Name I want to display CANAL+ ᵁᴴᴰ

    - I tried this as nameOverride="CANAL+ &supUHD;" (using the html code for exponent &supXXX;)

    - The result is CANAL+ without UHD as exponent characters.

    Any help is welcome. Thanks

    Edit: no &sup is just available for 1, 2, 3 so my syntax isn't good.

    Ok thanks. I checked a little more. This symbol is in the sort and the diff override file, and in the .tv file it already taken in account I think. So I think you have no modification to do.

    This square is not displayed on the screen.

    Again and again exotic configuration caused by the files delivered by our providers....

    A feedback of 1.5.1 version. Everything works fine and is optimized.

    I have just one question, I don't know what my provider want to do, but what the plugin do with this kind of special character: ⏺️

        <channel enabled="1" name="[BE] LA UNE 4K ⏺️" nameOverride="" tvg-id="" tvgidOverride="" reftypeOverride=""/>
        <channel enabled="1" name="[BE] TIPIK TV 4K ⏺️" nameOverride="" tvg-id="" tvgidOverride="" reftypeOverride=""/>
        <channel enabled="1" name="[BE] OUF TIVI 4K ⏺️" nameOverride="" tvg-id="" tvgidOverride="" reftypeOverride=""/>
        <channel enabled="1" name="[BE] PLUG RTL HD ⏺️" nameOverride="" tvg-id="" tvgidOverride="" reftypeOverride=""/>
        <channel enabled="1" name="[BE] CLUB RTL HD ⏺️" nameOverride="" tvg-id="" tvgidOverride="" reftypeOverride=""/>
        <channel enabled="1" name="[BE] RTL TVI 4K ⏺️" nameOverride="" tvg-id="" tvgidOverride="" reftypeOverride=""/>

    My box is unable to display that.

    &amp; in the playlist i

    I can “predict” with 100% certainty that the playlist you are using does not have &amp; , but there is simply a symbol &... Which MUST be represented by default in the xml structure as &amp; ... I very much doubt that double ;amp is created automatically in the template. Please show me the line of the m3u playlist with the name of this group.

    here is the line in the m3u8:

    #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="FR| CHASSE &amp; PECHE FHD" tvg-logo="" group-title="FR| CULTURE FHD HD",FR| CHASSE &amp; PECHE FHD


    A channel named in a playlist.m3u8 "FR| CHASSE &amp; PECHE FHD" has been added to the sort override file with the name "FR| CHASSE &amp;amp; PECHE FHD" but is also in diff-override with the same name "FR| CHASSE &amp;amp; PECHE FHD"

    I think there is a problem if a channel has amp; in its name in m3u8.