Posts by jeepcook

    Found the bug, it's a provider issue. In fact Samsung is delivering a lot of picons as png but in fact they are jpg renamed as png. And picons have to be real png.

    You can test by export the invisible picons as png and miracle they will appear in the gui.

    Samsung picons are ugly and in the wrong format.....

    Now I understand why you see none of the picons. I think you have PIL enabled. And in this case the image doesn't display picons. And if disabled, some are displayed and some not. It's a strange situation...

    Edit: Note that 7.4b is outdated on a lot of libraries. If you link 7.4 to 7.3 repositories you will see that a lot of package have a newer version than the ones installed.


    There is also a problem downloading icons from Pluto TV (

    Icons are downloaded correctly in OpenATV 7.3, and in the official beta version of OpenATV 7.4 it no longer downloads icons, the channel list itself is downloaded but without icons.



    Just tested, erased all generated picons, config with ssung tv all and pluto tv all and I can confirm that every picons are downloaded on the same way with OATV 7.3 or AOTV 7.4b.

    But it's true that some are not displayed on the gui, perhaps a bug or a limitation added in OATV 7.4 for big size picons., have to check that. But the picons are in their directory.

    So e2m3u2b do its job and there's no relationship between this problem and e2m3u2b, i's an image issue.

    I'm using 7.4 from weeks (devel and now beta) and I never seen this problem, so I will do some other tests and open an OATV 7.4b issue.


    Edit: The problem is the same with last 7.3 version and last compiled by myself 7.4 image.

    yes works but you must host your own feed !

    Ok thanks, no problem for the feeds, they are built with the compilation, I just have to add entries in /etc/opkg/.

    So it's a normal situation to have 7.3 as DISTRO_VERSION?



    To build the 7.3 devel image we have just to replace:

    MACHINE=sf8008 DISTRO=openatv DISTRO_TYPE=release make image


    MACHINE=sf8008 DISTRO=openatv DISTRO_TYPE=dev make image



    No, not everything, but do I have to decide for everybody the tags to keep.

    For me Director, actor, Year, Country are interesting. But for TvShows the episode number too.

    Perhaps you can add an option like "import every tag from xml if available yes/no"

    I searched informations and it seems that Enigma2 has only 5 fields for EPG. Start time, duration, title, short description and long description.

    The solution used for rytec epg is to put all informations in the long description.

    An e2m3u2b evolution idea would be to add every contents for other tags in the long description. Each content in a new line


    would become:

    It's not really readable I think but better than no informations. Perhaps adding a description of the tags can make the epg more readable, or to delete some tags, I don't know.

    The <sub-title lang="xx"> can be use too for some informations.

    What do you think about that ?



    I have a question about the epgimport binary. Is it able to take in account all tags from an epg?

    I have a new epg source but with tags like actor, director, date, category, country....

    None of the content of these tags are charged in the epg. dat but only the title, sub-title and desc tags.


    - Create a delete file when custom sort order is choose, exemple:

    I don't quite understand the logic ... describe the problem more precisely

    Ok I will explain with a simple example:

    - I have a provider with a m3u containing a channel named "Channel 1"

    - The channel is in the sort-override file

    - My provider do some changes in the m3u list and remove "Channel 1" and add "Channel 2"

    - I will have a file diff-override containing "Channel 2"

    - But nowhere I have the information of the deletion of "Channel 1" so the channel will stay in the sort-override file

    - The idea is to keep "Channel 1" in the sort-override file, because once created the process don't do changes on it, but to create a file delete-override containing "Channel 1" .

    - In fact it's the same process than diff-override but for deleted channels.

    Hope I am clear :upside down face:


    Are these new developments possible?

    - When there is an error during the process, generate a specific log with a name containing "error".

    - Create a delete file when custom sort order is choose, exemple:

    samsung-all-sort-override : contain channels but the deleted ones too

    samsung-all-diff-override: contain new detected channels in the m3u and not registered in the sort_override file

    samsung-all-delete-override: a new file containing the channel not in the m3u file but available in the sort-override file.

    I ask this because I discover after delays that channels have been deleted and I have no way to detect them except doing a zapping on all channels.

    What do you think about that?


    Ok, the problem is somewhere else, because the .diff file is created, the .tv files too but it seems it's the reload bouquets action which generate this error message.

    I purged the sort file and regenerated a new one with no error.


    Are the "/" allowed in category name or service name?

    example for group:

    <groupe name="ES TDT/AUTONOMICOS">

    example for service:

    "UFC 00: Uae warriors 45 // UK Tue 17 Oct 4:00pm // ET Tue 17 Oct 11:00am"

    This sort of service name is ridiculous but I have in the process log errors like that:

    [17.10 07:51:51] [e2m3u2b] [Storesat_Brut]: Reload bouquets ...

    [17.10 07:51:51] [e2m3u2b] [Storesat_Brut]: 'STARZPLAY SPORT | EVENT PPV'

    [17.10 07:51:51] [e2m3u2b] [Storesat_Brut]: An error occured during update

    [17.10 09:19:36] [e2m3u2b] [Storesat_Brut]: Reload bouquets ...

    [17.10 09:19:36] [e2m3u2b] [Storesat_Brut]: 'ES TDT/AUTONOMICOS'

    [17.10 09:19:36] [e2m3u2b] [Storesat_Brut]: An error occured during update

    [Storesat_Brut]: Provider skipped without creating new bouquets 👎

    A bug in the algo:

    - A provider named Favoris

    - A channel #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-logo="http://localhost/static/picons/6ter.png" group-title="=== TNT ===",6TER FHD

    - A channel #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-logo="http://localhost/static/picons/superecran4ca.png" group-title="=== Quebec ===",SUPER ECRAN 4 HD2

    --> booth have the same ServiceRef: 5002:0:1:1a15:d596:c1c1:dddd0000:0:0:0 so the same picon and the same epg

    I had good reasons to change algo... If possible, I want to completely emulate the work of DVB for IPTV

    Is this algo's version a stable one, a final version or will you do some other mods?

    This broke some functionalities like subservices

    If the selection logic for "subservices" is implemented correctly, then my change in serviceref does NOT affect it in ANY WAY... As an example - HistoryZap Selector written by me :smiling face with halo:

    Your HisoryZap selector has nothing to do with subservices because you base it on a zap history. I don't want to explain once again what is this functionality. You don't want to dev on a oe-a team or oe-a core so how subservices can have a corresponding implementation with yours devs. There is no logic there.....