Posts by jeepcook

    1st: don't take in account my remark about the [NL] RAKUTEN group. It is now in diff-override with the channels. It wasn't in the file because it has been add between the time process ends and my action with the remote to list groups for this provider.

    First, I will add the ability to manually (with the remote control) sort the order of providers... or rather, I have already added... Then, perhaps, I will add the same ability to sort groups in their selection menu. But several nuances need to be taken into account when sorting groups.

    1) What to expect if the provider deletes a group from the playlist?

    2) What to do if the provider adds a new group to the playlist?

    For the sort:

    1) I think if a group is deleted from the provider, it has to be deleted from the groups.conf

    2) If a new group is added, as currently it has to be checked in the groups view, perhaps at the beginning of the list, I don't know. And if custom sort is enabled this group will be in the diff-override like currently.

    After a new batch, another case. A group named [NL] RAKUTEN has been discovered so is checked in the groups list selection. But this group contains 7 channels and these are not displayed as new in the diff-override (not in the sort-override too). I have 3 others new groups that are checked in the groups list and the channels are in the the diff-override file, so eveything is ok for these 3 groups.

    Idea: A new sort for the groups list would be welcome, for example checked groups in the beginning of the list and others in alphabetic order. What do you think about this?


    jeepcook, I'll look at the code again. Perhaps when parsing a playlist I remove “extra” spaces at the beginning and end of the name, but when processing XML I don’t... but later... I’ll now complete the rearranging of providers with the remote control... and only then I’ll look at everything else

    I hope I'm clear. I used the group remote control selection function. Selected wanted groups. In the list and in my selection there was [FR] CANAL & CINÉMA.

    After that I run e2m3u2 process, the generation of the sort-override was made containing this selected group ([FR] CANAL & CINÉMA) but there was too a generation of a diff-override containing this group with exactly the same name and content. The .tv file corresponding to sort-override doesn't contain channels for the group and the .tv file corresponding to diff-override contains the channels and the group is name [FR] CANAL & CINÉMA with a space at the end.

    Ask me if you want I do other tests.

    there is a space

    This is not SPACE... It's how “something” in unicode is displayed in Enigma2... Open your playlist in any editor on PC that supports unicode characters (emoticons, hands, signs, etc.) and look there

    OK, with notepad ++ I can see on few channels a square character, but only after the channel name not in the group name.


    Squares are too in other groups which have no problem.

    Another thing, this problem doesn't exists with 1.4.

    I think it’s not a matter of &... you need to look at the playlist file, most likely there may be non-displayable unicode characters in the group name

    Oh yes there is a space after CINÉMA: group-title="[FR] CANAL & CINÉMA "

    But I don't know how to solve my problem.

    The 1st time the sort-override was created with this group without space. The diff display the same group (and exactly the same content) without this space . And the channels are only in the, create with the space at the end of the group name.


    I have installed the new 1.4.1 version. First of all, great performances. With the previous version I had a 21.5 minutes for the batch and now just 6 minutes!!!

    I have a problem with a selected group in my huge playlist. The name of the group is "[FR] CANAL & CINÉMA", in the generated sort.override file I have for this group <groupe name="[FR] CANAL &amp; CINÉMA"> but this group is too seen as new so in the diff.override I have <groupe name="[FR] CANAL &amp; CINÉMA"> too. Perhaps a problem with the "É" character.

    Other thing. In the sort.overide file I have 2 groups generated but not viewed as group with the remote control, it's logic because they are empty.

    <category enabled="1" name="" nameOverride=""/>

    <category enabled="1" name="NoGroup" nameOverride=""/>

    This last point is not important because I can disable them in the sort.override file.

    Thanks for this great work.

    Edit: no it's not a problem with the É character because I have another group with this and there is no problem. So certainly a problem with the "&". I will verify.

    Edit2: tried this:

    <category enabled="1" name="[FR] CANAL &amp; CINÉMA" nameOverride="[FR] CANAL+ / CINÉMA"/>

    but "[FR] CANAL &amp; CINÉMA" is still in diff-override file.


    I've installed the new 1.4 version. Everything work great I think. The group selection implementation is very useful and simple to use.

    I have just a request, is it possible to add a button "deselect all" in the group selection screen. In fact I have a playlist with 653 groups :face screaming in fear: and I want to select only 13 of them.


    This new feature will directly do the modification into the diff.override file?

    This is the playlist group setting. Bouquets will be created only for selected groups. including only for these groups the sort-override template will be created.

    Sorry I wanted to say sort-override ;-)

    Ok great. But the unselected groups will be in the sort-override as disabled I suppose. If not they will be detected as new.


    This can be usefull. Tested with this playlist

    #EXTINF:-1 group-title="LiveTV", FRANCE 2
    #EXTINF:-1 group-title="LiveTV", FRANCE 5
    #EXTINF:-1 group-title="LiveTV", FRANCE 4
    #EXTINF:-1 group-title="LiveTV", FRANCE INFO

    But unfortunately this don't solve sound desynchronization, and France 5 doesn't work by this way but work directly on the receiver, it's strange. I obtain that:



    On server (receiver), here is the process for France 5:

    /usr/bin/ffmpeg -nostats -y -i /tmp/streamlinkpipe-23550-1-141 -i /tmp/streamlinkpipe-23550-2-9157 -c:v copy -c:a copy -map 0:v? -map 0:a? -map 1:a -f mpegts pipe:1

    And for France 2

    /usr/bin/ffmpeg -nostats -y -i /tmp/streamlinkpipe-23589-1-8223 -i /tmp/streamlinkpipe-23589-2-9470 -i /tmp/streamlinkpipe-23589-3-9613 -i /tmp/streamlinkpipe-23589-4-4609 -c:v copy -c:a copy -map 0:v? -map 0:a? -map 1:a -map 2:a -map 3:a -f mpegts pipe:1

    Something is missing for France 5

    In reality I support ask from sarsan but I don't really need it. I have scripts which do the job:

    I have a playlist containing a lot of channels and some pluto tv and samsung tv ones, the epg for this list is named epg.xml

    - each day at 8h45 I grab rytec epg and some others

    - each hours I generate an epg containing the 8h45 epgs adding a new grab of pluto tv and samsung tv ones, but the epg.xml is the full version only at 9h05

    - from 10h05 to day +1 at 8h05, I generate a light epg containing only what I need for my favorite playlist and need to be update so essentially pluto tv and samsung tv. The other events have been imported with the generated epg at 9h05 and it's no needing to import them again for the next 24 hours.

    It's just a summary of my manipulations, there are few other options to be sure that 9h05 generated epg is really imported. This description is just to understand how I do to have the solution proposed by sarsan.

    Installation done on a new home made image compiled for my sf8008 (at least 1000 packages have been recompiled since last build).

    Everything seems ok with e2m3u2 1.3 and OATV team has fixed all detected bugs in the 20240122 build. So now we are still in beta version but a stable one.

    Yes ServiceApp is broken, it's true.

    Theoretically, it's easy to fix it without waiting for feed ... As far as I remember the structure of precompiled bytecode in 3.12 is not different from 3.11 ... so it's enough just to substitute "magic number" in existing pyc files

    This version is not a beta, not even an alpha .

    It's true... none of this is for the average user yet.

    Your machine will have access to new feeds soon (ore later ;)) The compilation is for the moment at vimastec1500 receiver.

    7.4 was in beta version and stable few days ago, just before the integration of python 3.12. Now it's a dev version. OATV Team made a mistake to share it as beta.