Posts by abdul.jabbar

    @ didi .. Thanks mate

    I will take a look at the gjstroom's patched images...

    I relised i cannot use orignal but patched images... What confused me was for my dm500s which was clone not orignal i always used images directly from pli site so wronly assumed they supported clones. Also the image such as dremboxuk which is meant for orignal can be used for clone as long as the correct loader for the box is also flashed at the same time without reebooting..

    Luckily this clone box has a little black button at the back which gets you out of trouble when you cock up and load the wrong image...

    Thanks mate, will search forum to find what i need.. with the *** i extracted the file to the desktop and ftped to media/usb/picons after creating the picons folder..
    I have ts pannel so can use that but i want to make sure they go to the usb and not internal..

    I am using dreamboxuk 2.12 image..
    I have placed the picons in media/usb/picons

    The picons in this folder are for *** uk which work fine..
    If i wanted picons foe 19 east and 13 west... Where do i add these..

    Do they go in the same folder..
    If so how is the correct picon selected for the correct channel


    what would be a good preconfigured image for the dm800se clone wifi box..

    I have just installed a 160gb internal sata harddrive..
    Ideally this image need to be configured for ....

    picons to harddrive
    epg to harddrive
    and be able to record to the hard drive ..

    i dont want any thing going to the internal flash...

    I have tried this on the dreamboxuk image but does not work properly... Ie sometimes records and other time it says harddrive not fine
    I some time get picons and other times they do not show..


    Thanks for replying..
    it is not a tuner problem as other patched images are fine.. Just wanted to know why this happens when using pli iamage for the pli site..
    The no ca error for me is not an issue as my clone has a little balck button at the back which loads a working loader to which gives the box an ip so so can log ito internet explorer and falsh anather image...

    My origanl top was asking why
    i could not use pli image for pli site and than reflash with bootloader witout reebooting... the box boots but tuner is empty... Is there a solution for this

    @ Iame
    It may be better if you start another thread to avoid confusion so we dont get away from the orignal topic..Thanks


    I have loaded the image fromthe pli site for my dm800se.. Flashed image and got no ca error....

    Flashed again but this time without reebooting also flashed with 84b loader.. Box boots connects to dcc connect etc ... and fav can be loaded via dreambox edit...

    The prblem is all channels are greyed... Menu/setup/service searching/tuner configuration/ here normally on a working image i NORMALLY get
    tuner a:bcm4505(dvb-s2) clicking on this normally allows me to set to advanced and lnb to 1 etc....

    The problem i have with the pli image from the pli website is that this shows as no tuner or empty tuner... and i think i had 2 entries ie tuner 1 empty and tuner 2 empty

    Any way to fix this... I prefered the pure pli images from there sit for dm500s and just added things i wanted..(it was a cleaner less buggy image)..
    Can i do this for the dm800se..

    That worked .. Thanks
    So if i go back to dreamboxuk image use same method but opkg instaed ..
    Is this upper case . I may try again later just for learning purposes...

    One other question... can i use pli image from the pli site on my clone and flash bootloader after before reebooting.. I did this on my dm500s which was clone
    I know where all the buttons are on the menu...... Or are the iamges on the pli site for orignal boxes only


    I gave up with the dreamboxuk image and tried using

    This also gives problems.. I can see the tmp so no issues there..
    I cannot find file install button in the menu (must be blind) but when i use telnet method i get no OPKG foung...

    I am doing this on the dm800se clone (sim2) and not a duo
    Banny if you could load your dreambox 2.12 image backup with ts pannel installed that would be great.. Thanks


    thanks for replying i dont have temp but have var/volatile/temp hope this is correct
    and than blue button/dubk/file insatllerinstall ipk goes through loacting etc but comes with with error messages

    I have tried to factory reset the image and than tried still no good...
    I think i may have to install and try on a different image...

    The normal pli was good for me on dm500s so assume it will be ok for dm800se.. (the correct version of course)
    or do you recommend another

    Thanks mate...
    I think i misunderstood the tp list... I know favorite list exist but what i was after was a something similar
    to a dot xml file with updated transponders/frequencies for new channels..

    I know this box is suppoesed to be blind scan but doubt this as using some software gives you more channels than using a different software..
    I just wanted to make sure i am getting all the channels when doing an auto blind scan...
    There seems to be no option to manaually scan a new frequency...... Or am i missing something