Posts by m-tomatis

    Hi all,

    I tried without success to open a channel on VLC by connecting to the Octagon Define native DLNA server.

    Can someone explain if VLC needs some particular configuration? It seems stuck and after a while automatically moves to the next channel in list.

    Thank you for any hint.

    Thank you for your reply. I do not know anything about tv system on boats, so can you please let me know how can one watch that channel? Is it FTA or is it tied to a particuiar subscription or bi-directional data stream?

    Hi all,

    can someone provide information about the channel "PushVOD" at 11276 H 7140?

    As far as I have understood it broadcasts video on demand contents to cruise ships, but I haven't found anything about the STB needed to receive it.

    Thanks in advance for any hint.

    Hi, thank you for your reply.

    I understand the satellite position makes the difference, but in this specific case both channels are biss encrypted, so they are in conflict in global terms.

    I thought Oscam solved any identification issue by assigning a unique ID to any single channel. Obviously something is missing or I just miss something.

    Hi all,

    recently I've come across a strange issue regarding Oscam channel identification.

    In particular, I found that both SIC International (16°E) and Libya Al Ahrar (7°E) are given the same ID: 2C3CEC17

    Is there a way to let the system recognize those channel differently or it is just a bug?

    Thank you in advance for any suggestion.

    Sì, claro, està todo en el Hispasat 30W. Por suerte he encontrado la manera para ver lo que me interesa sin manipular demasiado mi receptor: configurar astra-sm y todo lo necesario es bastante un lìo si tienes un equipo con motor...

    Actually, I believe the problem is only the script itself. It hangs the system as it starts Oscam; the box won't respond to commands anymore and after doing a hard reboot, the startup process stops at 45%.

    In such conditions only a telnet connection is available and I used it to change the Oscam binary path inside the init.d script. Rebooted and magically anything worked again (with no Oscam, of course).

    I solved by uploading the longer alternative script I posted in a previous message of mine (I edited my post as you suggested).

    Thank you, I didn't know this extension. I downloaded and installed the ipk file from this very site:

    Oscam emu ALL Images mips--arm .ipk .deb

    Maybe it was not the best choice; anyway I managed to let it work (at last!) with the help of another user of this forum who gave me a suitable version of the init.d script

    Basically, what is inside that ipk does not work for OpenEight - only the Oscam binary does. The start/stop script is wrong. At first it does not work because of binary folder path mismatch (ipk installs the binary into /usr/bin/cam while the script looks for it in /usr/bin). If one fixes this, the system just hangs.

    Here is the init.d script inside the IPK:

    Here is what I am using now:

    No way, I guess. Octagon forum does not provide any support for Oscam and softcams in general and OpenEight official page has no contact links...

    Anyway, after making some changes in the init.d script, something got better. But I have still to work on it; the issue is inside that specific file.

    Thank you for your answer.

    Actually I think there is a blocking issue regarding Oscam-emu (even the latest version) and OpenEight. As I try to change path in the init.d script (or move the Oscam binary to the /usr/bin folder), Oscam starts (verified via port 8888) but the system hangs and won't reboot anymore. It can be recovered only by removing the Oscam binary or changing the script path via telnet.