Posts by hs5424

    Hi All,
    I recently upgraded my internet to a 50mhz service which seems to have left me with a problem with my amiko sdhd 8820. If I am on a FTA channel for say 20 minutes and change to a channel which requires a connection to the net the box will need to be rebooted in order to restore pictures. There is n0 problem if I leave the box on channel which requires net connection. I did not have this problem when I had a 10 Mhz service from the same provider.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi All,
    My server stopped running CCcam today so I rebooted the server via telnet. I can see some active clients but think that cccam is not running correctly. For the first time I had a look at cccam.check and it looks like this.

    Couldn't find CCcam.x86_64 running. Restarting server-binary
    Sat Jan 12 20:45:02 GMT 2013
    Couldn't find CCcam.x86_64 running. Restarting server-binary
    Sat Jan 12 20:45:02 GMT 2013
    Couldn't find CCcam.x86_64 running. Restarting server-binary
    Couldn't find CCcam.x86_64 running. Restarting server-binary
    Sat Jan 12 20:45:02 GMT 2013
    Couldn't find CCcam.x86_64 running. Restarting server-binary
    Sat Jan 12 20:45:02 GMT 2013
    Sat Jan 12 20:45:02 GMT 2013

    I take it that this is not normal.
    Also should my cccam config file have 'Debug = Yes'

    Thanks in advance.

    Hi All,
    As many of you are aware I have been playing around with an old PC recently with debian 5 installed. I have been using this as a learning tool so its not the end of the world if I totally mess up the machine.
    I have been trying to set the IP to static which I can see in etc/network/interfaces. It says that the IP is currently This however is not the current IP. When I first set up debian it was . . .127 however it is now and working ok. Why is the interfaces showing me the old IP.

    Hi just wondering if your crashing problem when entering devise manager returned.
    I am running BH 1.7.6 on 3 Vu+ duo's and have the same problem intermittently. It appears more frequently with BH 1.7.9

    Hi Guys,
    Looks like locking smargo to usb port has the better of me. To recap, smargo will only work for me if it is picked up in usb bus 1. However I have discovered that if I use a 4 way usb hub with smargo inserted this seems to like bus 1 and will work away fine. I tried following the advise provided by TenBelow and used filezilla to FTP the file to udev but it does not seem to work. However to clarify things, I have taken out the [ ] in the file part that lists the usb number. Hope this is correct. Also if I have to always use the 4 way hub should I connect a perminent 5V supply to it and connect this to a UPS. This may be the only way that I can get the smargo to work after a power failure.
    I welcome your comments and advise.

    it's ok. I did it with gedit text editor. Seems to have let me chmod it anyway. Thanks for your help.


    Hi Jeffzapp,
    I know this is going back some time now but just wondering if you had success locking your smargo to a specific usb port.
    I cannot seem to get it right. I followed the same route as yourself the only difference is that I used Filezilla as I can set the 755 in properties. My smargo still hops to different usb bus locations when I power down my server. It will only read my card when it is detected in bus 1 which is difficult to achieve. Do I need to edit the word pad doc that newtolinux supplied in the tutorial at the start of this thread.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi All,
    I have a machine running debian with gnome installed. My problem is that when I enter 'Applications / System tools / Preferences and select font setting or look and feel etc, I get a notice 'Failed to open file'/usr/share/pixmaps//lock.png. When I click OK on the notice it is replaced with another 'Failed to open notice with a different pixmap number. This happens about 4 times until all notices are cleared. These are also present when I first boot up the machine.
    Any ideas as I am new to linux. Just using this machine to mess around with and get some knowledge of linux.

    Thanks in advance.

    Hi All.
    I will start on a high note and wish all members a HAPPY NEW YEAR.

    My old problem has returned to haunt me. If I loose power to my debian server the installed smargo will change to bus 2 or 3 and will not work. If I plug, un-plug devise, re-boot server etc and keep checking using 'lsusb' it will work when it decides to choose bus 1. I have used filezilla and created a file called 52_reader.rules which I placed in /etc/udev. The file contains the following.

    SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6001", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403",
    SYMLINK+="ttyUSB_%b", KERNEL=="ttyUSB0", MODE="0666"

    The only thing I have changed is the ''ttyUSB0'' which tallys with the cccam config. Is this correct. I only use one usb devise and I am wondering if I could disable the other bus 2 and 3 would this help and force bus 1 only to work.
    Hope this makes sense.
    Not much hair left at this stage.

    Thanks for your reply knippy,
    I changed to using a usb keboard which I presume confused the smargo bus etc, as the keboard is now in bus 3 (where the smargo was located in the past). If I can lock it to bus 1 now that its working I feel this will be problem solved. Also what is the significance of it liking the usb 4 way hub.

    Hi All,
    Running debian 12.04 in PC with smargo and viaaccess. For some reason the card appears to have stopped running in the smargo. I have checked with 'lsusb' and its still assigned to the same bus 3 . Checked my client box in other room and its a green light so its seeing the server ok. If I browse into cccam info pages it also sees the client box connected. The cccam info pages see no entitlements with no or unknown card inserted. This card and smargo will run in another server if I swap them over. Pulling my hair out. Any checks I can do. It always ran in bus 3 ok that was the first thing I checked.
    Thanks in advance.
    Sorry Guys,
    Just got it running. It appears to be the same old problem back again which I thought I had addressed some weeks back. The smargo now seems to only run when it is assigned to bus 1. In the past it would only run in bus 3. It also seems to only run in a 4 way hub which I have in usb 2.0 port. I really need to lock this to this bus 1 now that its working.
    Any ideas.

    Sorry bud,
    Its western digital I used. I think that the problem is with bh 1.7.8. I have other machine with 1.7.6 which appears ok. I need to test them over a period. I am flashing the problem box(1.7.8 light) with 1.7.6 to see if things improves. I will post my findings.
    Thanks ,
    Talk later.

    Just flashed box with 1.7.6 and all is ok when I go into device manager (no green screen). It appears that my box is not happy with 1.7.8 light. I will test it over the next week or so.

    Sorry bud,
    Its western digital I used. I think that the problem is with bh 1.7.8. I have other machine with 1.7.6 which appears ok. I need to test them over a period. I am flashing the problem box(1.7.8 light) with 1.7.6 to see if things improves. I will post my findings.
    Thanks ,
    Talk later.

    Thanks for that mckee25.
    I never used the epg restore facility before . It should proove useful.
    Can I post the crash log here later for someone to take a look at it. Something may be obvious to you or other members. It has been mentioned to me that only some hard drives will work with the VU. Maybe the log will point to this. I hope not as I just purchased two 500G seagate units.

    Hi All,
    I own a VU+ duo for the past 18 months or so and have had little or no problems with it apart from the occassional lack of epg download or display of epg. I recently purchased two more of the same type (original) and am setting them up for some friends. I have loaded these boxes with BH 1.7.8 and have observed the following. Occasionally if I click on device manager I cannot see either the usb stick or the hard drive which are both installed and working ok. I then get a crash log green screen. After it reboots both the hard drive and the usb stick are present in device manager. Where do I view or extract the crash log so that I can have some of you guys take a look at it.
    I have the same issue with the box which has BH 1.7.6 installed. I selected 1 partition for both devices when I was installing them. Both are mounted as media/hd and media/usb.
    Thanks in advance.


    Hi anniman,
    Thanks for your reply. Your probarly correct. What puzzles me is the fact that if the epg info if missing it will re-appear if I change from channel to channel.