Posts by steve67474

    Hi again Ten Below. I am following your tut for editing config file and you say that I should copy the file into the Home/CCcam folder? I dont have one of those. My CCcam folder is in Emu/CCcam do I just ensure it goes into the CCcam folder or have I fooked up somewhere. All seemed to insyall ok today. I sorted out the root signon. Apparantly if you have a GUI interface u cant sign on with root. Did the CCcam 2.2.1 update no probs as well just need to sort out the config file and pheonix before testing. Cheers

    Thanks ten below. I really appreciate your tuts. I got my config file ftpd to var etc eventually had to sort out permissions. Am in the throes of the pheonix card reader tut now. Have had one attempt using another great tut by master G but had some network issues and gave up. Fresh mind this morning so try number two. Great forum and top tuts really helps newbies like me. Oh and thanks for the tip on cs studio. will look at that now. I just used the editor in debian.

    PS one quickie at the end of your tut it says logon to server with username root. I tried that and it wouldn't authenticate my credentials? I set up a root password which is the same as my user password during install. I could never sign on as root. The only way I could get to root was using the superuser terminal after signing in as myself. Is that still ok or did I do summat wrong. Am redoing the whole process today as practice makes perfect. Again cheers

    Hi Guys, new to sat scene but learning really fast. I have just followed ten belows excellent debian server setup with cccam…-auto-install-script.html I have a few questions. It has installed fine and if I put the ipand 16001 in the addy bar of web browser it shows cccam 2.1.4 so all looks good. How do I get it to 2.2.1.

    Do I just copy the new cccam.x86 from 2.2.1 to the emu\cccam folder and overwrite the existing one or is there more to it?

    Also on the tut at the end it says "Once this is finished, You can use a FTP client to upload you're CCcam config to the server and reboot it.

    After the first reboot, the server will put the config in the right place and start CCcam".

    Where do I ftp it to?? I tried using an existing config file from my dm800 is this OK?? I also tried ftping it to the tmp dir but after reboot there was nothing in var/etc dir . Also tried ftping to var/etc but it wouldn't let me.

    Almost there so any help would be appreciated guys. After this it is the pheonix usb challenge LOL