Posts by lfc4ever

    It's passwd, and by the sounds of things you have messed up using tuxbox, in which case as you say he is a pay server and you can't get on, simply flash the box yourself so it belongs to you and you can then do what you want with it.

    Played around with tuxbox and made deliberate mistakes to see what happens, once you have reset password using the links provided to you - you should be able to log into the box with username root, as you have removed the password it should auto move to a prompt and not ask for a password, then as said type passwd and hit enter, then enter a new password, and as mentioned, you can not see the password getting typed, so hit enter - enter new password again, then hit enter again, done.

    None of my family or friends have access to there boxs, ever let none linux savvy ppl near a box? pmsl, I wouldn't let my family or friends inside theres even if they did pay me...rofl

    @ lfc I think that ALL his posts confirm it was/is a payserver.... from the very first he didnt even know or have access to his own setup!!!

    North, that part that still has religious issues, think I could get em all to change to Linux vs Windows instead? would be so much more amusing don't you think?

    /me already made the Linux petrol bomb

    I already picked the winning corner :P

    Noticed this when you add a new user to oscam when using oscam only.

    Solves it for me is after a new user has made the new connection, stop and then start oscam.

    CCcam adding a new user allows them to connect straight away, oscam for me must be killed then started again and all works fine, guess it's just a little hiccup when using oscam on it's own.

    [edit] btw, as I have access to a few ISP's (testing purposes only :P ) oscam can be funny when taking a test acc then moving it to another isp, you can get double login errors in oscam log.

    Strange, did not see you make any mention you were paying someone for server, just you could not connect to a c/s server, everyone runs a c/s server no matter how they look at it, weird how ppl just jump on the payserver scumbag boat without even asking if your paying.

    Case happens to be you are paying some server you found on the interwebby, then they aren't worth the hassle, get something to share and you won't be long getting sorted.

    That aside, most of the replies should help you out, as you said you got to the CCcam.cfg, now all you need is someone to give you a line to see if you can connect to them, and as you said your mate is on same server and he is fine, then obviously it is a problem your side, anything could have happened, possible your ip got banned server side, in which case the guy running it would need to check and flush iptables to find the problem.

    Either way, get a test line and see if it works.

    No point asking me for test line, soz I deal with family and friends only, I have what I need, just like to drop by and help out if I can.

    Just for the humour, reason i say to remove any other HDD's

    Mentioned to someone ages ago how to do this, he ended up deleting his windows partition which had me in fits of laughter for ages, the bloody numpty.

    So if anyone decides to keep there HDD's attached while setting up the 800 hdd, don't go blaming me :)

    Find the best method is to download Gparted


    Burn to cd, turn off PC and attach only the hdd you plan on adding to the dm800 (simply unplug any other hdd's)

    Now boot gparted and go with the defaults, once it boots the partition tool will auto start.

    You can now see your hdd, right click it and click new and choose ext3, click apply (if it already had a partition delete it then create the ext3)

    Power off the pc and remove hdd and add it to your dm800, now power on dm800.

    As it's the phoenix image, blue button twice and then choose device manager, now press red for mountpoint

    Highlight the hdd and mount to /media/hdd and let it reboot.

    To record you need to make a movie folder.

    Telnet to the dm800 and

    mkdir /media/hdd/movie

    Have added quite a few external and internal hdd's to 800's for friends and family, never had a problem with this yet.

    Personally I do not think the dm800 is powerful enough to ready hdd's 500gb + on a dm800, hence so many people have problems.

    Good Luck.

    [edit] BTW, Gparted is a live linux partition manager.


    I'm thinking as you have now rebuilt from scratch that you have followed the guide from the start again? as the files would need to be in /usr/src for you to check for new version.

    Then you would be able to simply do the upgrade method once all the files have been put in place.

    Your previous post on updating

    root@steve67474:/usr/src# svn co oscam - Revision 5352: /trunk oscam

    Should be (as you say you want to install the latest version)

    root@steve67474:/usr/src# svn co oscam

    If you want to install a specific version, then you need to specify which one it is you want

    Yep, I remember years ago when the sly engineer was coming out to fit my setup, I said to missus, that is were I want my dish, tell him to put it right there.

    Well he did not, I knew once winter came it would be a mess with the signal because quite simply that side of the house takes a battering from the rain and snow.

    Needless to say, I took it straight down and fitted it exactly were I wanted it, and very very rarely have problems due to rain and snow.

    To rule out the phoenix reader try the smargo and see how it goes.

    "Windows oscam" not sure why anyone would use windows for this.

    Maybe try a different build of oscam with your current setup to see if that solves the problem, maybe best to go back to debian/reader/oscam?

    Good Luck.

    Really should not use the pre loaded image from Yaoxin, they are based in China, box gets sent from Hong Kong, it's set up and tested on there sat. Gemini image usually what comes pre loaded.

    Follow the advice the lads have giving you - you will have it up and running in no time.

    OK, just to add to this and a big thanks to rossi2000 (was by reading a lot of his posts on oscam I learned most of this and the wiki)

    To get updates

    Once updates recieved you can switch back to

    This is personal choice of each user, just a matter of switching back and forth when you know the time is right. Think i'll go with switching back and forth until I learn more.

    And don't forget to set au=1 on local box on your own local acc.

    Good Luck.

    Another little tip as regards the defaults ports and always changing them (linux pc server)

    I use iptables to block default ports

    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 21 -j DROP
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j DROP
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 23 -j DROP
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -j DROP
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 4567 -j DROP
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 12000 -j DROP
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 16000 -j DROP
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 16001 -j DROP


    Lets say you checked your /var/log/auth.log

    Now here is the login file for your server (ssh), lets say someone decided to try and access it or more than one person.

    failed login from lets say and

    iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
    iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP

    Again each time you add any rule to iptables you finish with


    Also advisable to change the default login port in SSH which is 22.

    Now there is a few ways to get the iptable rules to load on startup (reboot and they are gone), I find a very simple method is to simply

    iptables-save >/var/etc/iptables.conf

    You can save them to whatever path you like, just don't save them to /tmp for obvious reasons.

    After a reboot to put iptables back

    iptables-restore </var/etc/iptables.conf

    I find this way if you need to block any user/ports then by adding more users/ports simply


    Then back iptables up again to your folder.

    You can simply list what ports and ip addys you have banned with

    iptables -L -n

    Yes there is the fail2ban and more than likely other scripts for banning users, hopefully those that want to learn some linux will actually do it manually.

    Your cccam log will also show you any illegal/dodgy login attempts, simply add them, make a mistake, very easy to remove that users IP.

    BTW, don't go blocking your own IP, that would be silly :)


    You can use webmin to save and autostart your rules on boot

    Login to webmin - networking - linux firewall - Now simply click Revert Configuration - Apply - also check Yes to Activate At boot.

    Any time you add a new rule, simply log into webmin and click revert and apply.

    Webmin tut can be found here…webmin-ubuntu-server.html

    Another little tip as regards the defaults ports and always changing them (linux pc server)

    I use iptables to block default ports

    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 21 -j DROP
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j DROP
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 23 -j DROP
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -j DROP
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 4567 -j DROP
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 12000 -j DROP
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 16000 -j DROP
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 16001 -j DROP


    Lets say you checked your /var/log/auth.log

    Now here is the login file for your server (ssh), lets say someone decided to try and access it or more than one person.

    failed login from lets say and

    iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
    iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP

    Again each time you add any rule to iptables you finish with


    Also advisable to change the default login port in SSH which is 22.

    Now there is a few ways to get the iptable rules to load on startup (reboot and they are gone), I find a very simple method is to simply

    iptables-save >/var/etc/iptables.conf

    You can save them to whatever path you like, just don't save them to /tmp for obvious reasons.

    After a reboot to put iptables back

    iptables-restore </var/etc/iptables.conf

    I find this way if you need to block any user/ports then by adding more users/ports simply


    Then back iptables up again to your folder.

    You can simply list what ports and ip addys you have banned with

    iptables -L -n

    Yes there is the fail2ban and more than likely other scripts for banning users, hopefully those that want to learn some linux will actually do it manually.

    Your cccam log will also show you any illegal/dodgy login attempts, simply add them, make a mistake, very easy to remove that users IP.


    [edit] BTW, don't go blocking your own IP, that would be silly :)

    Nope (slybox been in a cupboard for years), I been using cccam to update own card locally for a long time, as said mate still very new to it, what I did was set au = 1 for my own 800.

    Please feel free to point me in the right direction, always open to ideas and suggestions, appreciate you pointing this out as well, thanks.

    You are blocking all EMMs with that config so wont get any entitlements, are you updating your card in the slybox ?