Dyndns Ip problem

There are 22 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 2,925 times. The last Post () by ddaddy.

  • I have a problem regarding dyndns and CCcam. Made an Dyndns account and sat it up with "host with ipadress" whitch should give me static ip I suppose? My routerCisco 4200 is set up to accept DynDns and I can see that it response positiv with dyndns(there is a menu in the Cisco where you can see if it resonse to Dyndns or not) and portforwarding is set up with 15999 against the internal ip= DM800Se clone(server at this point)
    When I make a Cline with dyndns adress in CCcam.cfg on my client I can not get any CC.
    But if I use the the ipadress where server is (which i can see on my Dynsdns account, I`m not at my home) then everything works ok. Thats rather funny.
    I can ping both my ip and the dyndns adresse and they respond and I can see that ipadres is the same..
    heres my Cline and thats all I have written in CCcam.cfg sow fare in my client box.(Vu solo)
    C: xx.xx.xxx.xxx 15999 user psw 3 0 0 { 0:0:3 } this works

    C: not.real.dyn.dns 15999 user psw 3 0 0 { 0:0:3 } not working

    I have also opened my dm800se for ftp through internet and can connect with my dyndns and ipadress without problems.
    The only thing that can not connect seems to be my Cline with dyndns???

    What is wrong here, any ideas? Would be very grateful for any helps :confuse:

  • i noticed 30 days of inactivity u have to start again. lost peers because of this... think i will be paying for my dydns this year so this wont happen again



  • Thank you for taking time to answer! Well my network knowledge poor. But i tried to remove settings in the router against dyndns and started "dyn updater configuration" on my laptop if that is what you meant. Anyway theres is one message that is strange copied from log something about blacklist...

    NetworkInterfaceDescriptionBlacklist=TAP-Win32,VPN,WAN (PPP/SLIP) Interface

    I can pm/mail the whole log,? But the log ends with Status=good!
    And yes I pay for my DynDns its not for free anymore..

  • You can also run a trace route I check if it does actually reach you.
    In a dos cmd window type
    Tracert yourdns.dyndns.org

    And it should end with your IP

  • yes I tried that, but still don`t work, i begin to think that my router is messing up..
    I tried googling linksys/cisco 4200 +dyndns and the first which came up was this Linksys E4200 is causing DynDNS misuse, help. - Networking & Security
    Seems like I am not alone with this problem . And I bought this router cause it was supposed to be the best :ah:
    Maybe it helps flashing it with tomato or dd-wrt, I shall try another router and see if it helps..

  • It only works with my IP. not with my dyndns server. But I have thought flashing Linksys with dd-wrt, but i shall try my old router and see if that goes better. Then I will know if it is the linksys 4200 that mess up..

  • I have sofare found out that my router is creating my problems.. I no get a warning from dynsdns "your account may be blocked due to abuse". And that is because the router is "fu.... up". Thats to bad, i`ll have to flash it with dd-wrt, but I `m not to pleased with that. So I can not recommend a Cicso/Linksys 4200 towards dyndns. :doubt:

  • I tried to flash my e4200 with DD-wrt but still have problems, I flashed it with des.2011 version. May I ask wichch version you are using? Had to go back to my Zyxel multimodem. And now everything works, but I would rather use my E4200 because its very good. Its only that dyndns problem that mess up..

  • But could not find your version v24-sp2(05/31/10)mini under E4200 on the wiki for dd-wrt. Is your router e4200? And could you give me a link where you downloaded it please? :haha:

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