[Plugin] VPN Manager

There are 575 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 172,163 times. The last Post () by montilla.

  • Does it also happen to you that every time you restart the decoder the "openvpn" directory with the upd files inside disappears? How can it be solved? I created the "openvpn" folder on media/hdd.

    Are you certain folder has disappeared, I do not use vpnmanager now but I still have various different vpn suppliers folders still on my hard drive

    but have them named as supplier example SurfSharkVPN, FastestVPN, NordVPN , IvacyVPN and some I do put UDP and TCp into different subfolders check you paths in vpnmanager make sure you have it set to just folder with UDP files and not all files in one folder.

  • I, however, have this problem with Open ATV 7.3 and VPN Manager, everything works normally, it connects to the NordVPN server and changes the IP.

    While with openpli 9.0 and the same configurations it connects to the server because I see it green but after a few seconds the decoder's internet connection drops.

    I don't have any errors in the openvpn log file because it connects while where should I see why it loses the internet connection on the decoder?

    Thank you

  • Hello Folks,

    Need your help please.

    I installed VPN Manager 1.1.7 on Open Pli, provider is Surfshark

    I have to change attribute of file /etc/resolv.conf (chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf) so that it works, See post #322

    otherwise VPN manager does not connect

    With Open Pli 8.3, it works

    Now that I upgatrde to latest version of openpli version 9, box cannot reboot anymore, it gets stuck on your receiver is rebooting ...

    Any clue please how to fix this issue ?

    Thanks so much

  • only thing I can think of has python version changed on openpli version 9 also have you tried setting nameservers settings to perhaps google or cloudflair I do not use openpli just thinking if that may help.

    P.S there is also dedicatet surfshark manager plugin on openatv it may also be available on openPli I do not now

    As I mentioned I do not use openpli but on openatv in networks settings you can change nameservers without manually doing it as in post #322

    And I think the reason for stb going into bootloop is if you changed dns servers manually as in as in post #322

  • djmx , out of interest you did not happen to try out any new skins that were not on feeds if so and you reciver boots to 49 then you may be able to access stb via say filesilla and delete the skin folder from /usr/share/enigma2 (what skin you installed folder you installed)

  • Hello urie

    Many thanks for your answer.

    I did not install any skin, just changing attributes of resolv.conf that caused Enigma2 to not reboor, shutdown command hangs probably because it need to change this resolv.conf file

    Anyway thanks again for your interaction and help

  • Salve ho installato openpli 9 sul mio zgemma h5 e poi ho installato questo plugin per la Vpn enigma2-plugin-extensions-vpnmanager_1.1.7-py3_all ma non riesco a configurarlo ho messo i file di configurazione PureVpn ma non si connette neanche poi ho provato anche con file Surfshark qui invece i mappamondi diventano Verde ma purtroppo si sgancia da internet e di conseguenza sono costretto a togliere corrente e rimetterla altrimenti non va piu in internet detto questo qualcuno puo darmi una guida dettagliata per configurare questo plugin o con PureVpn o con Surfshark. Vi ringrazio in anticipo.


    Hi I installed openpli 9 on my zgemma h5 and then I installed this plugin for the VPN enigma2-plugin-extensions-vpnmanager_1.1.7-py3_all but I can't configure it I put the PureVpn configuration files but it doesn't even connect then I also tried with Surfshark file here instead the globes become Green but unfortunately it disconnects from the internet and consequently I am forced to remove the power and put it back on otherwise it will no longer go to the internet having said this can someone give me a detailed guide to configure this plugin either with PureVpn or with Surfshark. Thank you in advance.

  • Salve ho installato openpli 9 sul mio zgemma h5 e poi ho installato questo plugin per la Vpn enigma2-plugin-extensions-vpnmanager_1.1.7-py3_all ma non riesco a configurarlo ho messo i file di configurazione PureVpn ma non si connette neanche poi ho provato anche con file Surfshark qui invece i mappamondi diventano Verde ma purtroppo si sgancia da internet e di conseguenza sono costretto a togliere corrente e rimetterla altrimenti non va piu in internet detto questo qualcuno puo darmi una guida dettagliata per configurare questo plugin o con PureVpn o con Surfshark. Vi ringrazio in anticipo.


    Hi I installed openpli 9 on my zgemma h5 and then I installed this plugin for the VPN enigma2-plugin-extensions-vpnmanager_1.1.7-py3_all but I can't configure it I put the PureVpn configuration files but it doesn't even connect then I also tried with Surfshark file here instead the globes become Green but unfortunately it disconnects from the internet and consequently I am forced to remove the power and put it back on otherwise it will no longer go to the internet having said this can someone give me a detailed guide to configure this plugin either with PureVpn or with Surfshark. Thank you in advance.

    not sure about purevpn but with surfshark you do noy use normal username and password that you would use on other applications.

    you need to log into your surfshark account via web browser and select manual vpn setup and different login details are given. Also sometimes you need to setup say google dns servers in network nameservers.

  • Infatti username e password Surfshark sono diverse da Purevpn e le ho messe correttamente nel plugin ma purtroppo non funziona sia con Purevpn e sia con Surfshark non so piu che fare sperando che qualcuno mi aiuti e che abbia installato lui Vpn Manager su Openpli 9 su decoder Zgemma h5. Vi ringrazio in anticipo.

  • Infatti username e password Surfshark sono diverse da Purevpn e le ho messe correttamente nel plugin ma purtroppo non funziona sia con Purevpn e sia con Surfshark non so piu che fare sperando che qualcuno mi aiuti e che abbia installato lui Vpn Manager su Openpli 9 su decoder Zgemma h5. Vi ringrazio in anticipo.

    As I said with surfshark you need to use credentials from manual setup

  • Il problema che ho fatto tutto messo credenziali surshark ma niente come vado a collegarmi alla vpn sembra che si collega ma in verita si sgancia proprio da internet e sono costretto a togliere corrente al decoder e rimetterla per ricollegarmi a internet ecco perche mi serve una guida passo passo della configurazione

    Vpn Manager


    The problem is that I put all the surshark credentials but nothing, how do I go to connect to the VPN, it seems to connect but in reality it disconnects from the internet and I'm forced to turn off the power to the decoder and put it back on to reconnect to the internet, that's why I need a step by step guide VPN Manager configuration step

  • once more please post in english I did mention try changing dns nameservers to google for example : from openatv as for step by step sorry dont know how many times instructions have been posted , and there is also dedicated PureVPN-Manager and SurfSharkVPN-Manager available in plugins but not being an Openpli 9 user i do not know if availableon that.

  • In fact, on Openatv 7.3 there is no problem Vpn Manager works perfectly, the problem and on Openpli 9 which doesn't work even if you make the same configurations as on Openatv 7.3 I can't understand. Having said that, I hope someone will help me configure it on Openpli 9 too

  • In fact, on Openatv 7.3 there is no problem Vpn Manager works perfectly, the problem and on Openpli 9 which doesn't work even if you make the same configurations as on Openatv 7.3 I can't understand. Having said that, I hope someone will help me configure it on Openpli 9 too

    contact openpli

  • Good morning, I have the VPN working, but I have a problem that I can't resolve. My paid VPN from PIA is active, but I can't install or download IPK from the feed on OpenAtV 7.3 or USB stick. I've tried it with Google DNS, Cloudfare... but I still can't do it. Someone can help me? I have Vu zero 4k and skin Aglare FHD. Thanks

  • Good morning, I have the VPN working, but I have a problem that I can't resolve. My paid VPN from PIA is active, but I can't install or download IPK from the feed on OpenAtV 7.3 or USB stick. I've tried it with Google DNS, Cloudfare... but I still can't do it. Someone can help me? I have Vu zero 4k and skin Aglare FHD. Thanks

    Hello, sorry for the double post, but I came to the conclusion that the defect is in the ovpn file I chose, PIA Vpn offers several alternatives, (image attached). Can anyone who uses this VPN advise me which files I should use. They also advise you to insert these Alternative Dns, which one may be the most suitable DNS + Broadcast DNS + Streaming + Mace. Thanks

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