Jedi EPG Xtream

There are 638 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 151,404 times. The last Post () by urie.

  • Hi there. Got an octagon sf4008 with oatv 6.4.

    I unpack the .ipk.deb an install the .ipk wich I extract from the package. But it does not show up anywhere im the box. Any idea what I am doing wrong? I'm new to enigma2. Ty

  • you would be better starting again so go to .

    usr/lib\enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions and delete JediEPGXtream folder then reboot gui

    once you have done that copy enigma2-plugin-extensions-jediepgxtream_2.04.20220223_all.ipk to tmp folder then

    open open webif or putty log into box and enter.

    opkg install /tmp/*.ipk

    or you can copy the enigma2-plugin-extensions-jediepgxtream_2.04.20220223_all.ipk file to usb flasdrive and when you insert it into stb it will ask if you wan't to install extension .

  • thanks. I'll do it exactly like that as soon as someone gives me access to the .ipk

    There is no ipk in the original Post. All I see is Ipk.deb and .deb

    Thats my problem.

    I was getting the same issue as the browser was automatically adding.deb to then file, just rename the ipk.deb file to remove the the.deb and install as normal for an ipk file.

  • you should be able to change that in browser filetype settings or windows settings

  • u got me wrong. I used chrome on my android phone to download it. I meant that I just know this kind of silly bugs from windows...

    No silly bug here it is caused by user error selecting when selecting file types I have even noticed members uploading .ipk files named as. zip

    And I do not mean they have added the .ipk into zip file for uploading but have changed .ipk filetype to. zip. so when you go to unpack it to get .ipk you just get contents of ipk file.

  • I run OpenPLI Develop (nightly build) and are regarding the version up-to-date.

    I installed the IPK in the first posting and notice the following error. Never the less the plugin runs and seems actually download some tested EPG on random channels.

    What might be the reason I notice this weird error and the plugin seems to work anyway?

    Any help would be aapreciated.


  • The last column uses some logic to work out close matches of the name of the channel selected and the EPG id.
    For example. BBC One matching to BBC1. uk.

    Fuzzywuzzy library is better at matching close matches. It looks like openpli do not include it in there feeds

    There is a fallback library I use that isn't as accurate. But the program will still work without it.

    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

  • Thanks for the Plugin. All work fine, but some Channels have wrong EPG, maybe i use a wrong source.

    How can i delete the EPG for the wrong Channel ?

    I know i can delete the epg.json but that delete all. I have 100+ Channels and only 3 or 4 with wrong epg.

  • Thanks for the Plugin. All work fine, but some Channels have wrong EPG, maybe i use a wrong source.

    How can i delete the EPG for the wrong Channel ?

    I know i can delete the epg.json but that delete all. I have 100+ Channels and only 3 or 4 with wrong epg.

    On jedi epg extream goto your bouquet with the wrong epg, highlight the channel with wrong epg and press green button to unassign epg.

    You can choose blue to unassign all in that section

  • The last column uses some logic to work out close matches of the name of the channel selected and the EPG id.
    For example. BBC One matching to BBC1. uk.

    Fuzzywuzzy library is better at matching close matches. It looks like openpli do not include it in there feeds

    There is a fallback library I use that isn't as accurate. But the program will still work without it.

    Edited once, last by johnvandreumel: Indeed the program seems to work but I thought that due to this error message the program wouldn’t work as it should. ().

  • Sorry for the English, I use deepl

    I enclose a list with the numerical codes of the Italian channels of pluto and their channel names, so if someone wants to make associations...use notepad++ to open it...

    It's a struggle to do it this way,

    Dear Kiddac, will it be possible one day to display the channel names in the fourth column without wasting so much time each time?

    The only thing missing is the code for the young&fabolous channel.

    A question about the channel picons, I don't remember where I found them, maybe using the pluto plugin, maybe he downloaded them into his own folder and I copied them into the system picon folder, could that be?

    Thank you all and goodbye

    allego una lista con i codici numerici dei canali italiani di pluto e relativo nome canale,cosi' se qualcuno vuole si mette a fare le associazioni...usate notepad++ per aprirlo...

    e' una fatica pero' fare in questo modo,

    caro Kiddac,sara' possibile un giorno far apparire nella quarta colonna gia' i nomi dei canali senza perdere ogni volta tanto tempo?

    manca solo il codice del canale young&fabolous

    una domanda su picon dei canali,me le ero ritrovate non ricordo dove pero',forse usando plugin pluto,magari le ha scaricate lui in una sua cartella e io le ho copiate nella cartella picon di sistema,puo' essere?

    grazie a tutti e ciao

KiddaC Skins and Plugins

KiddaC Enigma2 Picons, Plugins and Skins, includes slyk-1-HD, v-skin-HD, slyk-q-HD, slyk onyx skins, Bouquet Maker Xtream, E2Piconizer, IPTV Bouquet Maker, Jedi Maker Xtream, Jedi EPG Xtream, ScreenNames, Visual Weather and X Class, X-Streamity - Xtream Codes IPTV Player.

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