History Zap Selector for OpenPli (6.x-9.x) © Dorik1972

There are 208 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 16,037 times. The last Post () by pepsik.

  • I am not talking about similar search algorithm at all I don't even need that.

    Most simplified explanation:

    1. I watch random channel

    2. I press the button "back" on the remote (hotkey(shortcut) for your plugin)

    3. It loads the history of the zapped channels

    on 1.0.13 it shows instantly on 1.0.15 there is very annoying 2 second delay

    I hope you understand, no similar searches, translations and other features, just simple press of the button to show the history of the zapped channels, that's slower.

  • Most simplified explanation:

    1. I watch random channel

    2. I press the button "back" on the remote (hotkey(shortcut) for your plugin)

    3. It loads the history of the zapped channels

    on 1.0.13 it shows instantly on 1.0.15 there is very annoying 2 second delay

    1) I am not interested in the sequence of your actions .. I asked HOW MANY RECORDS are contained in your favorite bouquets

    2) You wrote earlier that you use satellite channels .. what prevents you from sending me your files of favorite bouquets for testing?

    3) I tested this plugin on absolutely identical favourite bouquets (about 4500 records) on VU+ Ultimo4K and DM900UHD ... on images based on Python2 and Python3 ... I didn't notice much difference

  • Since I am a perfectionist "in life" ... I decided to check your claims to the speed of the algorithm for sampling "similar" .. so

    1) I have created over a crazy number of favorite bouquet entries (400,000+)

    2) Launched a selection of channels with similar names

    Start search similar to ® Bridge TV -> 1693936719.0316594
    [gRC] main thread is non-idle! display spinner!
    Found 12 similar to ® Bridge TV from 405629 records 
    Stop search similar to ® Bridge TV -> 1693936741.1768298
    1693936741.1768298 - 1693936719.0316594 = 22,1451704 sec

    Time wasted on search ~ 22,15 sec or 18 313 channels per second

    You wrote in your posts that you use favorite bouquets from a satellites in a position of

    settings 5w-42e

    degrees ...Frankly, I can hardly imagine that there are 35,000+ channels on these satellites ...And even less, I can imagine that you have formed your favorite channels in the amount of 35,000+ records from these satellites... searching among which causes an "annoying" delay of 2 seconds.

    on 1.0.15 there is very annoying 2 second delay

    p.s. Tested on VU+ Ultimo 4K on Puython3-based image ...

  • My friend I don't know if you are using google translate or something else is the problem. You are missing my point for some reason I don't know if it's intentional because I explained my problem 5-6 times and you keep talking about different thing. Forget about similar epg search I don't even use that feature it's probably same speed in both versions.

    Similar epg search is performed by pressing green button when you open the plugin it's not the same thing I am having problem with.

  • it's not about number of channels because it doesn't affect the start up speed of plugin. Even when I have 1-2 channels in zap history new version will take 2 seconds more than older version just to o p e n not to perform similar epg search. You don't need miliseconds or calculations, difference is huge you can see it by eye.

  • I don't really want to get involved 'in your discussion' ;) - I compared also v1.0.13 with v1.0.15 on my pure2 (6.5) image.

    v1.0.13 - history zap nearly opens immediately

    v1.0.15 - history zap opens noticeably slower - I wouldn't say it take >2 sec but about 1 sec

    (without any accusations or claims... I can live with ~1s)

    Edited once, last by jagg ().

  • Finally someone to confirm, why would you live with that second if you don't have to in the older version.

  • Even when I have 1-2 channels in zap history new version will take 2 seconds more than older version just to o p e n

    There are NO CHANGES in the part of the code responsible for generating the list of switching channels ... what is in 1.0.13 is in 1.0.15 - this is not the "care" of the plugin ... The plugin uses the list that is formed by your image when switching channels -

    InfoBar.instance.servicelist.history ... The size of this list is limited in your image code and cannot be more than 20 entries. I will never believe that 2-3-5 and even 20 entries in Components.Sources.List.List, even taking into account the loading of images for the skin, takes 2-3 seconds

    Especially for you, for the test, now I will redo the code and will load the unchanging "pictures" of the skin into global variables ... This will be to the detriment of RAM, but judging by your post, it will improve performance =) when generating the output of skins on the screen. Displaying skins on the screen is also the "care" of the image you use =) and not the plugin at all .... The TemplatedMultiContent renderer of your image is responsible for this. The plugin simply gives a list of tuples to the TemplatedMultiContent renderer "code" of your image

    v1.0.13 - history zap nearly opens immediately

    v1.0.15 - history zap opens noticeably slower - I wouldn't say it take >2 sec but about 1 sec

    I asked above whether you compared the accuracy of the choice of channel names.

  • You don't need miliseconds or calculations, difference is huge you can see it by eye.

    In general, miracles do not happen. The "problem" is in twisted.reacor on which the whole Enigma2 image "spins" ... More precisely, in the "timings" of polling functions, so this feature should be taken into account when getting pictures for skins in plugin code... I think I have solved your problem. I will send you a PM version for testing. If everything is ok, I will update for everyone


    I don't know if you are using google translate

    Sometimes... but not in your case =) ... Test version in PM



    1) Fixed pixmaps path and fonts in 720p skins

    2) Fixed call "Info"-page on OpenATV 6.4

    3) The logic for deleting entries from the channel-switching history has been reworked. Now deletion works by pressing the blue button:

    "short press" - deletes the selected line from the channel-switching history

    "long press" - clears channel-switching history

    4) Added display of current date and time in skins

    Снимок экрана 2023-09-08 в 12.29.04.png



    1) Fixed minor bugs and inaccuracies in skins

    2) Added a custom font that will be used on all images in the plugin

    3) Added custom skin "EPG-Info" to display information on the selected channel. In this skin, the channel name is formed as a “sequence” - Provider name (if found) - Bouquet name - Channel name

    Снимок экрана 2023-09-20 в 14.58.00.pngBildschirmfoto 2023-09-20 um 14.25.45.png

    4) Added "pop-up" messages about actions when deleting channels or completely clearing the list of channel switches


  • Why is the option to clear whole search history replaced with option to delete only one by one, is it possible to have both?

    RE: History Zap Selector for OpenPli (6.x-9.x) © Dorik1972 - Read it carefully... maybe several times...

    p.s. If repeated “reading” did not help, then - try clicking the "help" button on RC and read about the plugin's functionality... :beer1:

  • Dear pepsik

    Really appreciate your great work, I would love to share with you my thoughts to improve the plugin, feel free to use it or ignore it.

    1. I think if you reduce the size of zapped channels by 30% horizonly and have 30% space on the right handside to place a poster for the current event in the top and description in the bottom it will be much nice form appearce side and effectiveness of use, just use posterx rander,

    2. Is it possible to increase the number of zapped channels with ability to keep it even after box restart, the idea to keep the most common channels.


  • 1. I think if you reduce the size of zapped channels by 30% horizonly and have 30% space on the right handside to place a poster for the current event in the top and description in the bottom it will be much nice form appearce side and effectiveness of use, just use posterx rander,

    2. Is it possible to increase the number of zapped channels with ability to keep it even after box restart, the idea to keep the most common channels.

    1) posterx - is not standard for any image, so cannot be used in the base skin... The plugin works on any images "out of the box" and does not require additional (nonstandard or custom) renderers, converters, etc. Skins are available and you can modify them to your liking ... As an example, here is what the user of the plugin on Merlin (DreamOS) sent me ... The skin was made by the user without making any changes to the plugin code

    photo_2023-09-24 08.18.59.jpeg

    2) The number of channels in the switching history is specified in the code of the image you are using and not in plugin code (Screens -> ChannelSelection.py -> HISTORYSIZE = 20), and I can override it... but this is a matter of “taste”... Most likely I will add a page with settings where you can customize some parameters

    3) Saving the history of channel switching is possible. You are not the first person to ask for this and I will most likely add it to the plugin settings page in the future ... Moreover, it is not yet clear what is better... saving the last list upon restart or making it possible to save different sets of switching histories at any time =) with the ability to load them

  • Appreciate your prompt response, I am glad you attached the picture which represent the idea, I do understand that posterx is not official addon but as you said, let's think outside the box, many users prefer to see the poster for simple reason, they don't know all forgin languages and poster meanly help them to know the ongoing event, so why not to put skin 1, skin 2, skin 3 settings to your plugin and let the user decide?

    For the zap history I love your idea to have multiple zap history, example movies, kids, women, foods etc, this will be more effective and attractive for multiple device users and better idea.

  • so why not to put skin 1, skin 2, skin 3 settings to your plugin and let the user decide?

    To paraphrase my previous answer to you... who or what is stopping anyone from remaking skins to suit their wishes and sharing them with others? For example, I don’t use any non-standard renders... how should I write yours wishes in skins without having the render code or without using this or that image? Screens are available, edit them as you wish and share your skins with other plugin users, I won’t waste time on this

    they don't know all forgin languages

    Especially for such users, the ability to translate the EPG event description into the language of the GUI you use in the image has been added

    For the zap history I love your idea to have multiple zap history, example movies, kids, women, foods etc, this will be more effective and attractive for multiple device users and better idea.

    This wish of yours is not much different from the structure of “favorite” bouquets... I have not yet made a final decision on “autosaving” the history of channel switching in what form this will be implemented and whether will I do this in the plugin...

  • Bro, all thoughts mentioned above or shared by others, it just thoughts and feel free to implement it or ignore it,

    Anyway, we appreciate your efforts and support




    1) Fixed a crash when translating a program description containing only one word

    2) On the "EPG-Info" page, the ability to "scroll through" program descriptions using the "Next"/"Previous" buttons on the "EPG-Info" page has been added. “Scrolling through” descriptions is available within those programs that are displayed as “Next” in the lower right corner of the skin ... The "yellow" button automatically returns to the description of the program at the current time

    Снимок экрана 2023-09-25 в 07.29.59.pngСнимок экрана 2023-09-25 в 07.30.43.pngСнимок экрана 2023-09-25 в 07.30.14.png

    Enjoy! :smiling face with halo:

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