Oscam Icam TVHeadend

There are 308 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 91,705 times. The last Post () by damyaugust.

  • I'm not able to apply the patch for libdvbcsa. Do I need a specific OS? I have tried it with Ubuntu 20.04. I also tried it with the Dockerfile but not successful as TVH cannot get compiled at the end and I also got an error that /patches/cpan has no content.

    Any hints?


  • I'm not able to apply the patch for libdvbcsa. Do I need a specific OS? I have tried it with Ubuntu 20.04. I also tried it with the Dockerfile but not successful as TVH cannot get compiled at the end and I also got an error that /patches/cpan has no content.

    Any hints?


    I think you added the patch twice and that's why...

    git config apply.whitespace nowarn
    git apply ../libdvbcsa.patch


    patch -p1 < ../libdvbcsa.patch
  • Perfect, that was it.. stupid me..

  • You have to remove the libdvbcsa(-dev) package from alpine to build the patched one BEFORE tvheadend. The patched tvheadend needs the patched libdvbcsa to compile successfully!

    I rearranged the patches directory structure of the linuxserver build to:


    i am trying to install your dockerfile on a proxmox container. The basis for this is an Alpine Linux 3.5, just like yours.

    The problem is that after the command

    make -j 2

    the following error occurs

    CT101:/tmp/tvheadend#  make -j 2
    make -f Makefile.webui LANGUAGES="ach ady ar bg cs da de en_US en_GB es et fa fi fr he hr hu it ko lv lt nl no pl pt ro ru sl sk sq sv tr uk zh zh-Hans" all
    make[1]: Entering directory '/tmp/tvheadend'
    make -f Makefile.webui WEBUI=std   compile-std
    make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/tvheadend'
    CC              src/uuid.o
    CC              src/main.o
    stat: unrecognized option: printf=%-35n %7s\n

    Do you have an idea how to solve this?

  • Hi,

    sounds great.

    I'm not a Linux profi, therefore I would need some support.

    I run bare linux debian.

    Can somebody briefly describe the steps to come to a patched TVH ICAM version?

    I pulled https://github.com/glenvt18/libdvbcsa and applied the patch locally.

    Libtool, config und make are successfully passed. And then?

    I also pulled latest TVH and applied the patch.

    I configured nothing special regarding dvbcsa, ok?

    Build failed with

    src/descrambler/tvhcsa.c:228:5: error: implicit declaration of function ‘dvbcsa_bs_key_set_ecm’; did you mean ‘dvbcsa_bs_key_set’? [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]

    dvbcsa_bs_key_set_ecm(ecm, even, csa->csa_key_even);



    Can somebody help?

    Another (maybe) stupid question:

    do I need a special "ICAM cline" by special providers?

    Or do available regular clines provide the neccessary keys already?


  • Hi,

    With the Dockerfile provided, I get this error:

    Step 32/34 : COPY root/ /
    COPY failed: file not found in build context or excluded by .dockerignore: stat root/: file does not exist


    Edited once, last by Desaster ().

    • Best Answer


    1. Clone this repo https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-tvheadend

    2. Download patches libdvbcsa.patch.zip (aae3d0c) + tvheadend43.patch.zip (1295dd2)

    3. Change the patched folder to match...

    │ ├─config.guess
    │ └─config.sub
    │ └─cpanfile
    │ └─libdvbcsa.patch

    4. Change the Dockerfile to...

    5. Thank Fegol and Setti

  • also many thanks for the Docker solution. It works.


    But I'm still struggeling with building of a pure debian solution.

    I successfully compiled patched dvbcsa.

    respective .h and .o file are available.-

    I also applied the patch for tvheadend.

    What do I have to configure now for including these new library files in a successfull tvh built?

    Currenty built is aborted with

    CC              src/descrambler/tvhcsa.o
    src/descrambler/tvhcsa.c: In function ‘tvhcsa_set_key_even’:
    src/descrambler/tvhcsa.c:228:5: error: implicit declaration of function ‘dvbcsa_bs_key_set_ecm’; did you mean ‘dvbcsa_bs_key_set’? [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]
         dvbcsa_bs_key_set_ecm(ecm, even, csa->csa_key_even);
    cc1: all warnings being treated as errors
    make: *** [Makefile:717: /opt/tvheadend_icam/build.linux/src/descrambler/tvhcsa.o] Fehler 1
  • try uninstalling dvbcsa...

    sudo apt-get purge libdvbcsa*

    and install the patched dvbcsa

    sudo make install


  • the following error occurs

    CT101:/tmp/tvheadend#  make -j 2
    make -f Makefile.webui LANGUAGES="ach ady ar bg cs da de en_US en_GB es et fa fi fr he hr hu it ko lv lt nl no pl pt ro ru sl sk sq sv tr uk zh zh-Hans" all
    make[1]: Entering directory '/tmp/tvheadend'
    make -f Makefile.webui WEBUI=std   compile-std
    make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/tvheadend'
    CC              src/uuid.o
    CC              src/main.o
    stat: unrecognized option: printf=%-35n %7s\n

    Do you have an idea how to solve this?

    This is because not installed package "coreutils"


    If dont want to wait compilation to take hours


     make -j 2 && \

    wherever you found it


     make -j$(nproc) && \

    This will use all available CPU treads of host for compilation, not just 2 of them.

  • Using all cores might not be such a good idea?

    2 is low but then it doesn't take a long time anyways.

    If have more treads doesn't matter, load on all tread is less concentrated.
    Peak load is shorter and cannot interrupt near anything, even Turbo-boost is not activated (depend on system)

    so to be safer let's make compromise

    make -j$(nproc --ignore=1) && \

    Edited once, last by saen ().

  • The reason I mention it is because I think its fair to assume people will be building on the same machine they intend to run it on.

    If this is the case then its also fair to assume it could be more than just a TVH server... It could be file sharing, Plex, router/DNS, surveillance, downloads, etc.

    Didn't want people upset when there servers lock up/crash

  • The reason I mention it is because I think its fair to assume people will be building on the same machine they intend to run it on.

    If this is the case then its also fair to assume it could be more than just a TVH server... It could be file sharing, Plex, router/DNS, surveillance, downloads, etc.

    Didn't want people upset when there servers lock up/crash

    Let's imagine that they have dual core cpu without hyper-treading
    what is difference?

  • @Chris230291: Is it possible to share your oscam.conf and oscam.user which is working for you with TVH?


    # oscam.user generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20_svn SVN r11546-798
    # Read more: http://www.streamboard.tv/svn/oscam/trunk/Distribution/doc/txt/oscam.user.txt
    user                          = tvheadend
    pwd                           = tvheadend
    monlevel                      = 4
    au                            = 1
    group                         = 1
    max_connections               = 99

    Make sure to map any necessary ports to the Docker container or run it in `host` mode

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