Octagon Sf8008 4K UHD box with OpenATV-7.3 installed boot problem

There are 70 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 5,007 times. The last Post () by Fidanza Giuseppe.

  • Sorry But I do not even have octagon reciever I have gigablue quad uhd 4k and zgemma h9 combo. What did blue button normally do did it bring up software manager, then try menu> Setup> Software Management.

    And I have never used kodi on satellite box , but your main problem may be you are using such and old image that it is EOL (End of Life) so no updates available don't even if feeds are still available.

    oscam settings should be in Root/etc/tuxbox/config folder and oscam in usr/bin

    Was that a backup image you have flashed ?

  • yes, this was a backup that I flashed with this errors.

    But by me is in a usr/keys.

    I already try it to put also in tuxbox, but, didn't work.

    So good i remmeber here was a big affari toput this to work good...

    maybe i should kill them with telnet and restart again oscam?

    Was something with init.so...

    in browser i try it all for him: 4000, 8000, 8888 but if they are not active...:)

    In menu from box give me a error - I have 3: card, info and some another. Card say that I'm not connected to internet :) another say something with pass.... :smiling face:

    Edited 2 times, last by leonlive ().

  • Can you now boot to other slot ? do you not have working image on one of those or even if you can boot to other slot then try flashing new image.

  • I noticed that my button for some reason in box don't work: When i pressed it to turn off receiver, receiver don't turn off. But, from RC work.

  • well that will be reason why you cannot get into recovery ,try going into recovery again but this time when you swich on box from the back try pressing power button on remote to see if that works I don't know if it will or not.

    p.s. I noticed you can get , Octagon SF8008 4K Combo Front Panel Replacement

  • ...when I press my brain(this one that is:) )i have memory that this button is not attached any where, so, is no reason to work, but, this is a blended memory from my box. Box I buy it from a store - new. :)

    I will try this after 5 minutes, because I rescan the satellites now.

    I turn back my last favorite channel, because I backup him also fr the last time, but forget that I must use also the "base" channels. So they are there, but not active :))))... until I rescan all :)

    Edited once, last by leonlive ().

  • I"m very tired, i will go to sleep, because tomorrow i must realise a RC Schem for my father that turn on the amplifyer for TV(when the Power is out). Outside is Minus 10 Grad! But the Satrs are there! :)))

    God night:)

  • All boxes have that button you mention. Anyway, it should work the Power button.

    Do you have an image installed in the other slots (2, 3 or 4)? If so, which image?

    Can you connect via FTP to slot1? Can you see the contents of OpenATV?

    If the above are true, I can give you instructions on how to boot into another slot.

  • The box work again - see my post.

    No, I haven't any multiboot and no, I have not.

    To work again I used Backuped before image with Octagon.

  • just read , On the SF8008 you have to power on with the switch and immediately press the recovery button, not both at the same time. so you do not use button on front. That many different things posted about how to get to recovery.

    You say box is working again can you get into recovery or not if you just mean you managed to flash that backup image with all the errors . Even other member is saying flash image onto other slot.

    P.S. also noticed in crash.log



    whats going on did you try and flash wrong image

  • I flashed the my own image that worked around for at most.... last 3 ,4 years :) Before I doing this mistake in 2AM in the night trying to get a plugin to work, I have backuped image.

    I flash this image again with you help.

    I'm pretty sure that new image (7.3) f.e) will not work freely like this old -afterall, I don't need any extras - except this oscam and cccam plugins, that I managed last time manualy.

    He has worked fine and have a quick boot.

    Now I will lock upon this crash -basically I must today go back in DE but I stay because I was very tired.

    So I have another ...say 2-3 hours to manage how that oscam will work again.

  • I repair the v6.3.

    How to reactivating via console(Telnet) Oscam?

    Because I have no panel any more and don't remmeber which panel is working for oscam in my image....

    So i need to reactivate via Telnet, was something with 3 lines to work again...

    all files is in place.

    I need only to tell box that use them, thats mean to update a init.xxx

    I forget this one. :smiling face:

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