Tutorial - Ubuntu Server 11.10, 12.xx, 13.04 x32/x64 - Auto Oscam/CCcam 2.1.3 Install

There are 398 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 151,897 times. The last Post () by master G.

  • Quote

    Ive installed ubuntu server 12.4 on this but done nothing else with the server. I have my personal computer that im using now currently running on windows 7, Ten below advised me to use cs studio instead of putty and winscp, not too sure what any of these programs do just to make you aware, originally I thought cs studio had to be installed on the server but ten below advised it needs to be installed on a separate computer.

    OK M8, WinSCP & Putty are basically used for remotely controlling your server from another PC. (So you will install them on another PC)
    Ten suggested CS Studio to you because it had all the tools in one Application..


    Ive gone into my router and setup a static ip for the server but not opened a port as of yet, not completely sure how to do it via my router settings

    It is not necessary to open a port in your router just yet.. Firstly get the server running on your local network..


    Feel like I have only completed number 1 of this tutorial but not sure on where I go from here now. Would it be possible for admin to teamviewer my system or give me some advice.

    As a last resort, TeamViewer would be an option but I would not recommend it without first attempting the install.
    People who get TeamViewer help to setup their server without making any attempt themselves usually learn nothing and end up having more questions every day..

    I have read back over the tutorial from Step 2 and all your questions are answered.
    Please read it again and have another go..

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
    Please do not Request help by PM, use the main forum so Everyone can benefit from the answers.

  • hallo guys
    its working (almost )fine but my cccam crash everyday sometimes a few time a day,ive being serching on the net but what i found das not work
    do i have to start the istallation all over again or is there a solution
    i have ubuntu server 13.04 on a laptop and omnikey

    please help
    thanx in advance

  • Quote

    same here works fine for about a hour then keeps crashing

    M8, will you setup TeamViewer and I will have a look in tonight.. Same for you gg69, I will try to make time tonight also..


    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
    Please do not Request help by PM, use the main forum so Everyone can benefit from the answers.

  • Hi, i need some help..

    I installed everithing following this tutorial. The problem is, when the server is up more than 12 hours, it will start creating multiple users on servers.

    Im using oscam, what could be the problem?

    Thank you.

  • You just need to install TeamViewer on a PC/Laptop on your network..
    Install it on the PC you are using now & PM me the user/pass. I wont be able to look in till 8 or 9pm


    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
    Please do not Request help by PM, use the main forum so Everyone can benefit from the answers.

  • Thank you for a very informative tutorial. I am amazed that I've actually got it working. One question I have though, is do you have to have a connected client to your server so the updates work. Currently my updates didn't update, and had to put card in box and back in server so currently updates don't expire until december.

  • Hello thatfellow,
    I have followed your installation script but there is something that I understand very well. Why delete you rc.local ? in your script...

    ##Autostart rc.local##
    echo "${txtred}Step 6 ${txtrst}"
    echo "${txtgreen}make rc.local for autostart at boot ${txtrst}"
    sleep 3
    chown $OWNER /etc/rc.local
    rm /etc/rc.local
    sleep 2

    Thank you for your very good work

    SUPER SERVEUR UBUNTU 12.04 oscam stable 6089

  • Quote

    do you have to have a connected client to your server so the updates work. Currently my updates didn't update, and had to put card in box and back in server so currently updates don't expire until december.

    Yes, you need to have clients connected sending emm's to your card.. For example for 0963:

    In the raeder for your card:
    label = slyuk
    group = 1
    caid = 0963
    blockemm-s = 1
    blockemm-g = 1
    blockemm-unknown = 1
    emmcache = 1,3,2

    In the user account to connect cccam to oscam:
    user = user
    pwd = password
    uniq = 0
    group = 1
    au = slyuk
    caid = 0963

    & in cccam.cfg have a few trusted users with no security or restrictions after the user pass..

    F: trusteduser1 pass
    F: trusteduser2 pass
    F: trusteduser3 pass

    This install is intended for a fresh install of ubuntu although a fresh install is not cumpulsory..
    The existing dummy rc.local is replaced with the working rc.local

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
    Please do not Request help by PM, use the main forum so Everyone can benefit from the answers.

  • Hello there

    Thank you very much for this very helpful script!!!

    Have two questions:

    1. Is there a way to include a keyfile ("softcam.key") in this installation?

    2. How do I do this?

    It would be really cool if you can tell me in 2-3 steps how do i realize that.

    Best Regards

    • Official Post

    Yes it is possible but the majority of these files are only valid for a very short time. It would be really cool if you took the time to read the info already present here then realize that we are not going to do everything for you.:taxman:

  • Hi Thatfellow,

    thanks for the post but there is a file missing when ".. >>Updated<<2013-09-14 - cccam-oscam Ubuntu x32-x64.rar" is downloaded and extracted.

    Can you please point me to .......sh file?

    Thank you


  • See the link across from Step 6:


    Click on the "2013-09-14 - cccam-oscam Ubuntu x32-x64.rar"

    or download it from here!!

    You have to unzip it with WinRAR or similar.. It will be in the folder you extract it too!!

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
    Please do not Request help by PM, use the main forum so Everyone can benefit from the answers.

    Edited once, last by thatfellow ().

  • firstly thatfellow can I thank you for a great tutorial, as a complete novice on Linux I have managed to get everything up and running with the minimum of fuss, which I wouldn't have thought possible a few months ago.
    the only problem I have is when I first set everything up the following morning (I assume after the 4am reboot) only internal clients are connected, if I reboot the router all the clients connect immediately. then after about 3-4 days the server will do this more and more throughout the day to the point where I have to reboot the router several times a day to reconnect external clients. I am using Ubuntu 12.04 32bit with an omnikey reader. I have tried this on 2 different laptops and the same thing happens on both. any advise would be gratefully appreciated

  • Add full server reboot to crontab located @ /etc/crontab..

    At present, crontab entries for cccam/oscam look like this:

    59 23 * * * root /var/script/oscam-backup.sh
    57 06 * * * root killall cccam_2.1.3
    57 06 * * * root killall oscam
    57 06 * * * root /var/script/configupdate.sh >> /var/cccamlog/configupdate.log
    57 06 * * * root /var/script/keyupdater.sh
    58 06 * * * root /usr/local/bin/oscam -b
    59 06 * * * root /usr/local/bin/cccam_2.1.3
    */5 * * * * root /var/script/CCcamCheck.sh
    */5 * * * * root /var/script/OscamCheck.sh
    03 07 * * 6 root /var/script/LogCleanUp.sh >> /var/cccamlog/CleanUp.log

    Change them to this:

    59 23 * * * root /var/script/oscam-backup.sh
    56 06 * * * root /sbin/reboot
    57 06 * * * root /var/script/configupdate.sh >> /var/cccamlog/configupdate.log
    57 06 * * * root /var/script/keyupdater.sh
    */5 * * * * root /var/script/CCcamCheck.sh
    */5 * * * * root /var/script/OscamCheck.sh
    03 07 * * 6 root /var/script/LogCleanUp.sh >> /var/cccamlog/CleanUp.log

    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
    Please do not Request help by PM, use the main forum so Everyone can benefit from the answers.

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