OnDemand plugin devixified and working on all images Support

There are 245 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 39,164 times. The last Post () by cazuela.

  • i/o module is a kernel module,so your image is at fault here and we cannot do anything to rectify this for you.

    how old is the kernel ? ie what version is it ?

    when did you last update it ?


  • i cant get it to work on b/h 2.0.2 meoboot revenge. idreamedx the first to usr/lib/enigma2/python /plugins /extensions rebooted no on demand in plugins /the second one to root that is the dependecies file .but no luck i tried also the ipk file to tmp it says errors cant load file any nods im using b.h 2.0.2 meoboot revenge on vusolo2

  • i cant get it to work on b/h 2.0.2 meoboot revenge. idreamedx the first to usr/lib/enigma2/python /plugins /extensions rebooted no on demand in plugins /the second one to root that is the dependecies file .but no luck i tried also the ipk file to tmp it says errors cant load file any nods im using b.h 2.0.2 meoboot revenge on vusolo2

    you guys are missing the point here.

    this version is for all images but you do not need to use it when you are using BH 2.0.2 because the image itself has been modified to support the coordinates and the rescaling of the png's used by the original plugin.
    the version for 2.0.2 is on the BH feeds,but its not showing because of legal reasons.

    so to install the version of this plugin from the BH feeds thats specifically for 2.0.2 you need to telnet into your box and issue these commands.

    opkg update
    opkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-ondemand

    the image will then download and install all of the needed dependencies and the plugin itself and after a restart you will then have the correct version for use in 2.0.2

    try to remember that the version on this site is more for the use in other images although if its installed correctly,it will also work with 2.0.2 too.


  • The OnDemand folder goes to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/
    For the dependencies just send the usr folder to the root of your stb as shown below.

    The ipk file goes to /tmp then manual install from your images software manager.

    Why do I get this message when I try to send the usr folder to the root of your stb? see below


    Zgemma H2

    Mag 255

  • Jesus Wept !

    Dude,are you seriously trying to tell us that you are trying to send over the whole usr folder to your box ?

    if you have done this and overwritten any existing files,you will now find yourself in the postition of having to reflash your box after you next reboot it.

    you dont send the usr folder over !
    you send over its contents !

    so you open the usr folder in your fxp program and you will then see a folder called lib,you then open the usr folder in you box and you also see a folder called lib.
    you then open the lib folder in your fxp program and you will see a folder called enigma2,then next python and so on untill you get to the last file.you do the same in your box opening enigma2 then python and so on till you get to the last file which in this case is extensions.

    when you have opened extensions on both your box and your ftp program you then send the OnDemand folder over,so in your box inside the extensions folder you see OnDemand.

    you then open this folder in your box and chmod the contents to 755

    lastly you restart enigma2 and you then have the plugin installed.

    if your only trying to add the dependencies,then the same rules apply but you end up in the python2.7 folder for some and the site packages folder for others.
    whatever folder you open on your pc,you just open the corresponding folder in your box.when there are no more folders to open on the pc,then this is where the file or files are sent in your box.

    do you understand ?

    i hope youve not screwed up your box,but i strongly suspect that a reflash is now required.


  • ian1095,

    Jesus Here,
    No enigma 2 file in my lib?


    Zgemma H2

    Mag 255

  • I made the dependencies folders structured the same as your receiver so you can just send the usr folder to the root and everything will be in the correct place, this is the exact way i installed them yesterday while testing the plugin on various images.

    Ten so why won't my usr go over to the box in dreambox control?

    Thanks in advance

    Zgemma H2

    Mag 255

    • Official Post

    Ten so why won't my usr go over to the box in dreambox control?

    Thanks in advance

    I honestly have no idea why its not working for you buddy, i have made an ipk of the files but not tested it yet if you would like to try it.
    This does not contain the python-simplejson files so install that one also.

    Edit: File Removed

  • I honestly have no idea why its not working for you buddy, i have made an ipk of the files but not tested it yet if you would like to try it.
    This does not contain the python-simplejson files so install that one also.

    Hi Ten I ftp this to tmp then to Manually install ipk packages on my VU Duo but it came up with this message when I pressed yes to download:


    Zgemma H2

    Mag 255

  • mine was working fine on bh 2.0.2 but on 2.0.2 rev.A the search option is crashing my Ultimo does the version here work on revision.A of the bh image's ?

    Did an other update image online to 2.0.2 revision a and the ondemand is working fine now must have been a glitch somewhere in the upload the first time.
    Great stuff thanks to all involved

  • Thanks for the upload mate but which of the files you posted above do i use to install, ive only ever installed ipk files


  • Thanks for the upload mate but which of the files you posted above do i use to install, ive only ever installed ipk files


    hi this thread is only for downloading plugin there is a great support thread dealing with your query seeit in enigma2 support section best of luck cheers

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