XBMCAddons Plugin - for running xbmc addons with enigma2 support

There are 96 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 52,280 times. The last Post () by master G.

  • Dont see any script modules in that post ,only an ipk file and when thats extracted theres no script modules folder

  • sorry girovend your correct the script-module v2 is from post #8 not #5 sorry for the confusion

    after you have installed v5
    downloaded script-modules.v2 from http://linuxsat-support.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=17702&d=1376770061
    un-zip it
    open script-modules.v2 folder
    selected all 16 script-modules folders
    ftp all 16 into /usr/lib/enigma2/python/plugins/extentions/XBMCAddons
    then changed atts to 755
    then exit ftp and pc
    open xmbc plugin on receiver
    go to addons select - install addons (install all or your selection)
    now i ran each one eg 1 channel etc then wrote down what script-modules was required (i had to add 4 script-modules)
    exit and back to last menu
    go to install script-modules next and install your required script-modules
    exit when your install is complete
    restart receiver
    hope this helps

  • i think you need to contact the coder with this
    seems to me its an issue with your receiver looking at the above error
    only thing i can suggest other than that is check /usr/lib/enigma2/python/screens/infobargenerics.py has atts set to 644 as this i think should change to .pyo extention when run
    sorry i can not help further its a little above me

  • hi xbmx addon looks nice but need very hard work jukebox when i play lana de ray songs oly sadness song appear when i change it sadness song plays.

    tried to play somethign on 1channel but not working when i play a movie vix logo loads then nothing.

    also can anyone tell me why iplayer plugin nt appearing on the install addons? HD streaming aswell, i manage to ftp but i got a crash when i olpen one of them says HD stream logo not found edc...

    but everything lookos good as i said really nice a;; in one package

  • How do I install the following scripts:
    When I try to use 1channel in xbmc I get the following message.
    url resolver
    module metahandler

    I have downloaded the plugins and extracted them and sent the 1channels plugin into /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/XBMCAddons/XBMC
    Should I also install the 1channel plugin ipk

  • Please explain for the benefit of all users how you got it working??

    hi foz how did you get the script e2resolver?

    i am trying to watch movie25 but its asking to install scritp.module.e2resolver and i dont see that script

  • Hi, I have installed the latest XBMC plugin, but when I go to install navi c through it it won't allow me, I installed this on recommendation; any help would be great; cheers

  • Installed "VU+Plugin XBMCAddons - for running xbmc addons with enigma2 OE 1.6" on a DM800 running Open PLi 2.1 and this works fine but now what? Looking for Navi X and Mash up but how or where do I get these add on's installed.

    OR is it easiler just to install TSMedia for this image/box from (I assume) the TS Penel?

    As I understand it the latest Open PLi image I can put onto a DM800 is 2.1 which is OE1.6 - is my understanding correct?

    Thanks in advance.

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