Airplayer 0.4.2 fixed for iOS 8

There are 41 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 30,540 times. The last Post () by xsony_ngux.

  • Hi,
    This is my first post here. I want to share my version of Airplayer which is fixed for iOS 8 and DRM removed. First of all, my changes are not illegal at all. License of Airplayer(…urce/browse/trunk/LICENSE) states that we are allowed to do any changes if we keep the license and don't sell it. So I removed the DRM and and fixed for iOS 8 compatibility. Please check README file to learn how to register if you want premium features.

  • If you are using WIFI card, it may not work. Open telnet to your box, write ifconfig and find the MAC address of your card. Then try again. I want to remind again that Video playback is extremely buggy and choppy. It works on iOS7 but fails sometimes on iOS 8. I have also fixed cache issue on iOS 8 and will release updated version soon.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Airplayer was not supporting cache feature of Airplay protocol. First I added simple cache management but then realized that my cache directory was filled so quickly. Therefore I removed cache management feature.However, because I notify iDevices that I don't support cache feature, they send media in correct order. It works very well. However again there are some limitations as before. For more information please read included readme file.

  • Thank you for the post!!
    I used my own key I got after donating.
    I have an original VU SOLO2 with BlackHole image.

    Unfortunately it's not really working on IOS 8 even after enabling the IOS8 workaround.

    In 0.4.2, Icould see the Airplay server, but it doesn't connect at all and doesn't stream anything.
    In 0.4.3, I can't see the Airplay server at all, and even on another device with IOS7, I can see the Airplay server, but it doesn't stream anything.

    Any idea???

    Edited once, last by HDaddict ().

  • I patched key algorithm therefore you must use provided keygen to create your key. Streaming doesn't work very well. I could stream videos from camera roll couple of times. Picture works. However as I stated before because airplay announcement is changed in iOS 8 it doesn't work very well. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do right now to fix it. Because I don't have the source code of zeroconf and I don't have time to reverse and rewrite it again. In order to make it work, you have to put your device to Airplane mode couple of times so that you can see Airplay menu. Even after that it is hit and miss, you need to try couple of times. But it works. I tested with iOS 7.1 (iPad), iOS 8(iPhone) iOS 8.1 (iPad, iPhone).

  • I patched key algorithm therefore you must use provided keygen to create your key. .

    Isn't it possible, to just skip the key check?
    Can you provide source code for you keygen.exe?

    Because I don't have the source code of zeroconf and I don't have time to reverse and rewrite it again.

    Have you noticed, that zeorconf.c is available at My coarse inspection of the code indicates, that this is complete.

  • It is possible to skip key check but proxy binary also uses key check and frankly there are lots of places for patch. Using key is easier.
    Sorry I can't provide the source of keygen because I accidentally deleted it. It is RSA-2048 therefore it is impossible to keygen without patch.
    I noticed zeroconf.c but it is just a reference code. I disassembled zeroconf binary and it is completely different.

    For everyone who couldn't make it work. You MUST turn on/off airplane mode 2-3 times so that your device will pick the airplayer. I also found out another method which has better working ratio. Create air2.service and raop.service files and copy to /etc/avahi/services/ directory

    Filename: air2.service

    Filename: raop.service

    Don't forget to change <txt-record>deviceid=00:11:22:33:44:55</txt-record> and <name replace-wildcards="yes">001122334455@AirPlayer</name> lines according to your MAC address.

  • Thanks for your answer. Are you sure, that zeroconf.c is only a reference implementation? I don't have a debugger or disassembler for my SH4 based box. However, when I look at the zeroconf binary on my box, I find exactly the same strings as in the source, i.e.:

    binary: Setting up airplay service %s for host %s IP: %s Mac: %s Device: %s
    zeroconf.c: printf("Setting up airplay service %s for host %s IP: %s Mac: %s Device: %s\n",name,host,ip,mac,device);
    binary: srcvers=110.10
    zeroconf.c: i+=writeString(msg + i, "srcvers=101.10");

    Did you try, to contact the original author? The forum seems to be in maintenance since weeks.

    I personally wouldn't mind too much to pay 5 €, if I knew, that the software was working well and was supported for a while. (Charging for 0.xx versions seems questionable, however).

    - - - Updated - - -

    tosbah2k, I tried your 0.4.3 package on my Golden Media Spark Triplex. This is not a mipsel Box, but rather a SH4 Box. I wanted to be careful, and installed the files manually. The package-name has "all" in the name, suggesting, that it works on mipsel and SH4. Can you confirm this? I tried to start the binaries proxy and zeroconfig from your package - they didn't start, suggesting that they don't support the SH4 architecture? Anyway - I installed everything but the binaries and the shared library. Those I took from my 0.4.1 installation. It really started. the yourip:6002/premium page did work, and I could generate a key. (To be honest, I started the keygen in a virtual sandbox). The key was verified. We (my wife ...) have an iPad with IOS7.1. After disabling the IOS8 setting, I could see the STB on the iPad inside the FilmOn App.

    Unfortunately, streaming the video only worked for a couple of seconds. In my 0.4.1. installation I got the message, that I needed a premium key. There it stopped after about 10 seconds. In this 0.4.3 installation (which btw. introduces itself as 0.4.2) it also stops after a couple of seconds. I see a popup on the TV saying something lilke: AirPlayer stopped for the following reason: (And no reason is shown).

    When I manually start proxy on the STB (remember, it is the proxy of 0.4.1), I get:

    spark7162:/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/AirPlayer# ./proxy
    starting proxy copyright hellmaster1024
    [AirPlayerProxy][starter] closing fds
    [AirPlayerProxy][starter] no validation key
    Error: no validation key supplied!

    I am puzzled about your fixes, tosbah2k. All the pyo files seem different to 0.4.1. However, only part of the files seem to be provided with source on the original AirPlayer page. You seem to be able to provide a new key generation and verification method.

    BTW. When my installation of AirPlayer was new, some months ago, it seemed to work very well (with then up to date ios 7x). I lost interest for some time. Then naturally the demo period was over, and it naturally stopped to work.

  • version 0.4.3 still shows 0.4.2. in the box. Is it a bug or am I missing something???

    Don't forget to change <txt-record>deviceid=00:11:22:33:44:55</txt-record> and <name replace-wildcards="yes">001122334455@AirPlayer</name> lines according to your MAC address.

    I changed the MAC address, but what should I change in the <name> field?? the MAC address without ":"?


    Edited 2 times, last by HDaddict ().

  • buers
    Believe me I know what I am doing. That zeroconf.c is different. They use mini mNDS implementation probably something like…dparty/tinysvcmdns/mdns.c
    Authors are vanished. It is useless to try to contact them. I just made the package for mipsel even though control file says all. So it won't work on sh4 or any other architecture. If you want, you can hex edit the binaries from original package and replace RSA private key, it should work. I don't have sh4 box and I really can't help you on this. I didn't change much in py files besides adding easy keygen screen, iOS 8 caching support, removing calling home etc. It is up to you donate them. I frankly don't want to donate someone who just stole bunch of open source technologies without giving a credit.

    They are all related to your mac address. If your MAC address is


    you should change files like this
    Filename: air2.service should have


    Filename: raop.service should have

    <name replace-wildcards="yes">1234567890AB@AirPlayer</name>
  • Ok, I will try to hexedit it. It are public and private keys in libairtunes and in proxy. Is there anything else?

    I still don't understand, what you have done ...

    Do you provide the source code for the changed python sources?

    In your ipk, I find zeroconfig and zeroconfig8. What is the later for? Only few bytes differ: srcvers=150.33 instead of 110.10 and als AppleTV3,1. Or did I miss anything. Is zeroconfig8 for IOS8? Should I be able to change the SH4 zeroconfig in the same manner? But what are the bytes, that differ?

    How will I find the correct offsets?

  • I used two zeroconfig because old one is working well with iOS 7. Therefore in order to keep things in order I added my patches to zerconfig8 so that if you had iOS 7 you could easily revert back.
    In zeroconfig8, I changed bonjour announcement according to findings of XBMC community. So in iOS8, they changed the announcements and zeroconfig has old server version and capabilities which are not picked up by iOS 8 devices. However when I was experimenting with the values of XBMC forums, I found out that there was not enough room for "features" strings. So I changed the offsets of functions in unused area in binary. So without access to source code and cross compiling environment there is nothig much I can do. For example with my patches sending photo works but audio doesn't work most of the time. If we remove raop.service from /etc/avahi/services then sound works but photo doesn't. Unfortunately, I don't have much time to debug and find the issues. So you are on your own. Sorry about that.

  • After testing Airplayer version 04.3 for a while, I must say I'm really impressed, tosbaha2k has done a terrific job!!

    Here is my configuration:
    1) VU+ SOLO2 receiver with latest BlackHole image 2.1.3
    2) latest update of Airplayer version 0.4.3 (although it shows as 0.4.2 in the addon settings!)
    3) iPad 3 with IOS 8.1 jailbroken
    4) I added the two files tosbaha2k suggested adding - air2.service and raop.service - with the appropriate changes according to the MAC address.

    Now, my iPad recognizes the airplayer server almost all the time. The trick I use to make applications work flawlessly is to FIRST enable the airplay function to the receiver through the ios ceontrol center, and only after that open the application. This way, streaming works very well.
    I tried the youtube apps - Jasmine and ProTube Hd, and they both work fine.
    Most of all, the most important app for me, MovieBox , is finally working this way, by enabling airplay to the receiver before running the MovieBox app.

    I hope this helps. Kudos to tosbaha2k for the terrific work!!! :78:

    I hope you continue to improve this important addon for our Enigma2 boxes. :32_002:

  • Hi guys,

    I stumbled over this because I had issues with my Spotify App not working anymore to play songs through my VU+ Solo2. First I thought it was the latest update of Spotify that were giving me a hard time but when looking for solutions through the web I found out it must be the IOS8 update, which was released around the same time... Unfortunaetly I have both updated my iPad and iPhone, so I cannot test with IOS7 anymore.

    I was feeling really lucky when I stumbled over this thread and was keen to test it out. I also added both files (added my Mac address, which I copied from the ip:6002/premium site), but I have no luck so far. All I need is to play the music from the Spotify App on the VU+. Pictures seem to sort of work but I had a hanger after about 10 pics. Did not test any further because this is not my main aim.

    I see also the V0.4.2 although I installed the file which was named 0.4.3 a few posts above.

    Any ideas? I would be very very happy if this will work again, I just don't want to buy an Apple TV - not because of money or dislike, but only for laziness - everything is running over Xbox One as my main Media hub. Adding an Apple TV would mean hassle as I would need to switch HDMI ports etc... - just to play some music.

    Thanks very much for the efforts so far!

  • Thanks tosbaha2k for the great job to enable videostreaming in IOS 8 again.

    With IOS 8 patch on, video and photo works well, but no audio.
    With IOS 8 patch off, audio works well and also photo, but video didn't. (Only the audio-part is streamed to TV).

    So at the moment I have to switch the IOS 8 patch on and off - regarding if I want to stream audio or video content...
    That's annoying and unexplainable to my girlfriend... :-(

    It would be great, if this can be fixed soon. Am I right, that it is fixed in Kodi/XBMC?

    P.s.: Is it right, that the service name in "air2.service" and "raop.service" is slightly different? ("Airplayer" vs "AirPlayer").
    Must it be changed too, if I changed my service name in airplayer menu??

    P.s.: The Airplay service disappear after a while (over night). Is that a known "bug"?

    Thanks so far!

    Edited once, last by Bluefunk ().

  • No news here? It's a shame that this great piece of work does not get any more attention. Unfortunately I cannot get this to work to stream my music with Spotify to the Vu+ Solo2 :-(...

    Has anyone tested this with Spotify at all? I need some kind of solution to play Spotify over the VTI image, and this seems to be the nearest solution - but something is wrong with my config I guess...

  • No news here? It's a shame that this great piece of work does not get any more attention. Unfortunately I cannot get this to work to stream my music with Spotify to the Vu+ Solo2 :-(...

    Has anyone tested this with Spotify at all? I need some kind of solution to play Spotify over the VTI image, and this seems to be the nearest solution - but something is wrong with my config I guess...

    I don't use Spotify usually, but I tried it on my iPad, and sadly it didn't work. Even after chosing Airplayer E2, it immediately reverts to the device and never streams any audio.

    Maybe tosbaha2k can help with this :)

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