Posts by jeepcook

    2- in e2m3u2bouquet, Reset bouquets, create bouquets, the process go to the end without errors. The next processing hour is not displayed in the log.

    This is not possible in principle. There it is hardcoded into the code. Just save the log to a file and you will see

    Here is the log without détails about next run. Sorry if I make a mistake

    Edit, in fact Interval has no effect, I had to run manually to have a refresh, see log. The config in e2 settings are the following, note that the date is not now updated in settings sections opposites to the one in the status section






    config.plugins.e2m3u2b.last_update=Thu Dec 23 12:55:51 2021



    I have an enigma2 restart during the EPG Refresh process. The log is not recorded due to this crash, so I can't add it here.

    Here is the configuration for the provider Samsung All country and a specific one for samsung french channels.

    The creation of the channels lists is ok for all providers, but no epg for the not finished refresh providers, the providers without error have the epg refreshed.

    EDIT: Bug solved

    1- rm epg.dat, restart enigma2, update EPG refresh with epgimport for channels not processed by e2m3u2bouquet.

    2- in e2m3u2bouquet, Reset bouquets, create bouquets, the process go to the end without errors. The next processing hour is not displayed in the log.

    It will be easier to speak with him about plugin bugs!

    Where did you find bugs there? Where is the log with these bugs?


    I found a simple bug appeared after the 1.0.43. When you set schedule type to interval, and set a number of hours, for example 2, the update is in reality 2 times the configured one. So 2 hours become a 4 hours schedule.

    I will try to send you a log, but it's very easy to reproduce this bug, just set an interval, update or create bouquets, and the log will display the next planned update, which is set to the double as the set one.

    Hope I am clear.

    Edit: I have to install the last version to send you the log, currently I have the 1.0.43 installed, because this one has not this bug. I will do that tomorrow

    If you have one provider specified in the "Providers" menu or only one is active in the list of providers - this is exactly the hardcoded. What is the point, in this case, to display the provider name in front of the group name in favorite bouquets? The only thing I can assume is if you have a bouquet in your favorites list with exactly the same name as the group you are forming for IPTV. Alternatively, I can put in "Menu" - "Configuration" the setting for displaying the provider's name in front of the group name in favorite bouquets. This setting will be valid only for the above conditions, i.e. if only one is active.

    If you have more than one active provider, the provider's name cannot be removed due to the fact that different providers may have the same channel groups .. For example, "Music", "Educational", "Children", etc. In this case, everything remained unchanged in the logic of the code.

    Hello, I didn't understand that this choice is only when there is only one provider. I have 43 providers so I found this modification very strange, so it's just a non understanding from my part, sorry.

    Pepsik, are you working with the dev of this plugin ?


    how many times should I write again...all complaints about the plugin's work should be sent in the forum thread, and only with the attached log of the plugin's work or a crash log...


    Hello, ok but this forum is in gaelic !! so unable to understand something even using google translator...

    Is an English forum exist for this plugin? If yes could you please give us the url.



    It's great to have regular updates, but some bugs are always there. Example, if you planned an automatic update, the chosen interval is in reality 2 times equal to the chosen one, for example time interval set to 2 hours, real interval is 4 hours, and no way to bypass this bug because there is no way to set interval to one hour.

    I don't understand why nobody has report this bug.

    Thanks for help.


    Version after version, the plugin is more and more buggy. The planification interval is not working anymore. And this planification is necessary for channel bouquets that have only 4 or 6 hours of epg.

    I think the dev doesn't read this thread...



    With this 1.0.44 update if you enable the Automatic bouquet update and schedule type interval in hours, the delay is multiplied by 2.

    Example if I select 2 hours the effective delay is 4, for 3 the effective one is 6 hours.

    I don't know how and where to declare this bug.

    And finally no automatic update works...



    Thanks for the test, so you made it with 1.0.43 version ? Because I made the test with that version and it's not yet ok for

    So I think I didn't understand something in your answer, sorry. And the link you give i in gaelic, not simple to translate and understand.

