Posts by alanbk

    Hi all. I can't seem to locate an answer for this anywhere. Have vu+ running ccam 2.2.1 and all channels are clearing except Sky Atlantic. + 1 is clearing and epg etc is there for sky Atlantic. Any ideas ??

    What you are seeing is requests to your server that your server cannot honour - the client has no way of knowing what your server can clear on a particular caid/ident, but at least in the case of a client using oscam, if your server doesn't clear the request, then it gets logged as such and until it is reset should stop the requests. You can restrict your server to what it can clear using, where requests will report as invalid on your server, but unless your clients block requests to what you don't clear, you will stll continue to get some requests that your server cannot clear. Basically the client wil know what cards (caid/ident) you have, but not necessarily the services.

    Hi All. Could someone explain how to enter the channels in the file so that I can block the following channels ? 0963:000000:114b. Thanks

    Ran your new script and things look a bit better. If that's so , where is the Tut should I continue from ? Thanks again

    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree
    Reading state information... Done
    xz-utils is already the newest version.
    xz-utils set to manually installed.
    gawk is already the newest version.
    subversion is already the newest version.
    gcc is already the newest version.
    make is already the newest version.
    E: Couldn't find package libusb-dev


    Carried on and got as far as original post

    _ _ _
    ___| |_ _ __ ___ __ _ _ __ ___ | |__ ___ __ _ _ __ __| |
    / __| __| '__/ _ \/ _` | '_ ` _ \| '_ \ / _ \ / _` | '__/ _` |
    \__ \ |_| | | __/ (_| | | | | | | |_) | (_) | (_| | | | (_| |
    |___/\__|_| \___|\__,_|_| |_| |_|_.__/ \___/ \__,_|_| \__,_|

    file check

    dialog ... is not installed
    xz is installed found in /usr/bin/xz
    gawk is installed found in /usr/bin/gawk
    svn is installed found in /usr/bin/svn

    package check

    dialog installed
    xz-utils installed
    gawk installed
    subversion installed
    gcc installed
    make installed
    No packages found matching libusb-dev.
    libusb-dev ... is missing
    libusb-1.0-0 installed
    No packages found matching libusb-1.0-0-dev.
    libusb-1.0-0-dev ... is missing
    libssl-dev installed
    libpcsclite-dev installed
    libccid installed
    libc6-dev installed
    zlib1g-dev installed
    build-essential installed
    gcc-multilib installed
    No packages found matching module-assistant.
    module-assistant ... is missing
    No packages found matching dos2unix.
    dos2unix ... is missing
    No packages found matching sshpass.
    sshpass ... is missing
    openssl installed

    root@gaz-desktop:/opt/simplebuild# ./simplebuild menu

    ./simplebuild: line 2881: --stdout: command not found
    cat: /root/osvn: No such file or directory
    cat: /root/status: No such file or directory
    cat: /root/chosetext: No such file or directory
    cat: /root/REVISION: No such file or directory
    ./simplebuild: line 2911: --no-cancel: command not found

    Oh dear. Any ideas ? I have Ubuntu on a server !!!

    Hi and thanks a million. Logged in as root user, ran the script and this is returned
    gaz@*-desktop:~$ su - root
    root@*:~# sudo apt-get install dialog xz-utils gawk subversion gcc make libusb-dev libusb-1.0-0 libusb-1.0-0-dev libssl-dev libpcsclite-dev libccid libc6-dev zlib1g-dev build-essential gcc-multilib module-assistant tofrodos sshpass openssl
    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree
    Reading state information... Done
    Package dialog is not available, but is referred to by another package.
    This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
    is only available from another source
    E: Package dialog has no installation candidate

    Just to add I seem to be unable to login yo the opt directory ! I deleted earlier simplebuild files so don't know if that may be the issue.

    Any ideas and thanks again.

    I got stuck here also. After I Start Simplebuild and type ./simplebuild menu io get : line 2881-stdout:command not found etc and I cannot progress further. Any Ideas. I tried the long script above but get several errors incl package dialog is not available but is referred to by another package. Any odeas ? Running 10.04.3 lts

    Hi. This looks like a brilliant Tut that I would like to try. As I have posted elsewhere, I am having problems with my installed Oscam version. Is there a way to back up everything as it is on my server before attempting this in case i mess up ? Or can I just rename the file @ post #4 and FTP it over to /etc and that will update Oscam ? Thanks all

    Hi All. I have a server running Ubuntu 10.04 .3 lts and Oscam 1.20-unstable_svn build#7274 and it has served me well this good while. However, lately I have had a few issues with certain channels freezing while all the others are fine. I've read here and elsewhere that updating to the latest version of Oscam is the fix and therein is the problem. I cannot seem to get an Updated Oscam version compatible with my distro of Ubuntu. Any binary that I tried did'nt work.To be honest I am a bit of a noob here and I got a lot of help from here and from a lost friend when building the setup a few years ago. Could anyone please point me towards a suitable Oscam update ? Thanks and keep up the good work.

    Thanks a million for the reply. What files in the Usr-etc folder would I need to update. Sorry for being such a noob but I hav'nt had to go near the server in quite a while !!LOL

    Hi All. I made an Ubuntu server with Oscam reading my card and CCam sharing thanks to a lot of help from the peeps here. I have being swapping the cards into the original S** sub box but was caught by card pairing recently. I now have one card not paired and I am using an old S** box to update the entitlements. The problem is I am not getting my HD entitlements as the box is an old SD box. I did not use OSCAM to update the card because at the time I was building the server, the recommendation here was to update using the S** box. My question is , would it be posssible to get OSCAM to update the card now? Is this hard to configure ? Is there any danger that the card could be compromised.? Really appreciate any help or pointers and sorry for the long post. :)

    Thanks for the reply. How do I update the DNS in the router ? The thing is that the server connects to the internet !!!Thanks again for the help

    I am a little lost here. How can I add my dynamic hostname details to the router, or use the update client to sync my new external ip address ? I am assuming that the ports are open as I am able to view the Oscam web info and the CCcam info pages in the browser,Thanks again

    Hi All. I changed ISP and now my clients are not accessing the server. It is a Ubuntu server running oscam. I am pretty sure it is just a network issue but I have changed the IP on the server and the LAN works fine and is clearing the channels. Also, I can see the servers etc through the CCcam web info panel on the server.I am with UPC and any advice would be most helpful.

    Pair it to a Standard definition box, they will still do that. OK you won't get the HD stuff, but the way i look at it 100% of the SD stuff is better than 0% of HD.


    Yep. Thats what I did and they had no problem pairing to the old box. I just said that my bedroom HD box was Kaput and that a neighbor gave me this older box and i need to pair it as I cant afford a replacement HD box :)