Black Hole 1.7.4 Historycal release

There are 28 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 5,513 times. The last Post () by regenold.

  • Dear Black Hole people,
    the next 1.7.4 BH version will be an historycal release.
    Black Hole 1.7.4 will be not only based on technical improvements but will be inspired to the Black Hole name and history.

    We are in a Black Hole. What could happen in a black hole ?
    More than you have experimented till now in your known space and reality.

    Source : the BlackHole forum.

  • Why dont you add tspanel and download what cam you are after there m8?

    Any information provided on this site is not guaranteed in any way. Some articles may discuss topics that are illegal, so this information is provided for educational purposes only, your use of the content, downloads and files, or any part thereof, is made solely at your own risk and responsibility. Viewing Pay TV without a valid subscription is illegal. !! cannot be held responsible for the content of any information stored or posted on this forum.

  • great , it is okay and totally I am agree with any news from that team because of their hard work

    Have to agree as who cares what weird and wonderfull vids appear,and i hope they continue to smoke whatever it is they smoke as they certainly know what they are doing regardless

  • HAHAHAHAHAHA. I'm not discounting their work on the images as that speaks for it self but if you seriously think that video was wonderful in any way but comedic then sorry to say but your nuts. This whole pre-release video thing to me smacks a little like BH trying and dismally failing to outdo the DE teams pre-release video for DE 4.0 they did some time ago. at least that one was a good well put together video, this attempt by BH for me was just plain sad.

    OpenViX on Twitter @0penViX

  • The saga continues :

  • Chapter 1.

    1) Human metaphorical.
    "Dear Black Hole users.
    We started this journey together long ago in our Black Hole world
    exploring together all the potential and all the possibilities that we have
    to exploit.
    We went deeper and deeper and now we are near the core of our small world.
    And the horizon suddenly opens and multiply and we find it hard to keep
    orientation. It seem that our space and reality double itself one and then one more time.
    In each space we have all our stuff and we discover that we can move from one space to another
    making minor changes to each."

    Imagine for a moment that the Black Hole firmware is our little world in which we move
    and we use our things.
    We install our favorite plugins, our skins, our hidden software, and we
    prepare our beautiful channels list with our favorite bouquets.

    Now imagine that without having to install another image and then enter another world,
    having to restart our universe, we have the possibility of access to parallel dimensions.

    Imagine 4 dimensions (or universes) and imagine to assign these names to identify:
    1) Black Hole
    2) Avalon
    3) Chaos
    4) Ghost

    When we install the image we are in in the Black Hole universe, we have the default plugins,
    the default skin, no strange or forbidden software and no channels list.
    In addition, our world is physically limited to the size of the flash in which we reside that can
    be really small in some boxes like the Vu+ solo.

    Now imagine that we have the exact same things in all four dimensions at the time of
    creation of our world with the only difference that the other dimensions being able to reside on a
    different space (USB stick) are much larger and offer us the opportunity to take advantage of universes
    of many Giga. Also the other dimensions, being a projection of our starting size,
    not occupy any space at all leaving the field free for our stuffs.

    Imagine you can jump easily at will from one dimension to another without complicated
    operations and in very few time.
    How do we organize the worlds?

    Simply based on our needs.
    Imagine to extend our parallel universes in an 8 Giga usb stick.
    We also keep in mind that if we start the box without the usb stick, the parallel dimensions on which they
    reside will disappear and leave only the our "Black Hole" base image.
    Our universes start at all from our black hole, but we can make small changes in each
    without affecting the others.

    If i am a simply user owned a Vu+ Solo and I just want to be able to have extra space to fill my image with
    many skins many plugins and add-on software, I will leave blank the base Black Hole and i will choose to
    to live entirely within the single "Avalon" dimension in order to have available all 8 Giga of my world for
    the fun to add whatever I want.

    If i am a crafty users using the box to watch TV in the evening with family (and maybe with small childrens)
    and does not want to appear in the channel list the bouquets for adults or in plugins like youporn and so on,
    I will be able 'to configure the the "Black Hole" universe with his channel list and plugins without anything
    compromising (no bouquet and plugins for adults) and only use that for the family use of the box.
    At the same time I can configure the "Ghost" universe with all the bouquets and plugins porn that I like and
    like to move from one to another universe depending on the case if I am using the box alone or with my family.

    If i am a paranoid user and i want to install in the box software that I do not want to be accessible to others
    i will intall all my private applications in the "Ghost" universe and i will unplug my usb stick when I turn off
    the box in order to eliminate any physical trace of all the files that I do not want to be accessible to anyone else.
    Anyone will power on the box will find' only the simple base Black Hole image.

    Finally, if i am an advanced user who likes to install and test all plugins conceivable and perhaps
    also try to code my own applications but I use the box for the usual watch TV in the family and i don't want to risk to
    compromise the basic image, I will limit 'to install everything I need in the base "Black Hole" dimension for normal
    household use and have fun jumping in the dimension "Chaos" where I will be able 'to install everything I want and
    do all the experiments possible without risk to defect the basic image normally used.

    ( to be continued ... )

  • Don't know about everyone else, but I would just download it, whack it on my Vu+ and use it to watch a bit of telly. I might spend about 5 minutes admiring how nice it is, but all I really care about is if it works and if it is stable. Of course I am grateful that people in the know and with the time, create and test all of this out, and any hype they stir up is down to them, but at the end of the day, I will wait until it is released, and then I might try it out. I might like it, and if I do, I might stick with it. Thats all. When you think about it though, the genius of the way it is being hyped up cannot be denied, just take this thread for instance, it is still active, and there has been some strong debating on it. I am more concerned about when the latest ViX will be here. But that is just me...

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


    • Official Post

    And so it continues................

    Chapter 2.

    2) Technical explanation.

    The new implementation present in the Black Hole 1.7.4 from a technical point of view exploits the ability of Linux
    to merge into a single file system different directories, assigning priorities to one or other, and allowing
    to modify "on fly" their attributes.

    Combining all these possibilities, it is possible to use different settings and directories while remaining in one

    Technically inside there is not a multiple installation or duplicated .
    It is only noted that the contents differ depending on whether there is moving in one branch or in another.

    Combining all the changes you get the effect of having one image but with 4 "different contexts".
    In each context (what we called metaphorically dimension or universe) we can install our plugins, our settings and our
    software and anything else we want: In another context we can install different things.
    At the beginning the contexts are all equal because they are a projection of the image just installed.
    But all the changes we make in each context after installation, are individual and non of them are not reflected in the

    The real novelty of it all lies in the idea and approach adopted by meo, to get to this new way to exploit the
    potential of our beloved boxes.

    (to be continued...)

    All i can say is it better be as good as they are building it up to be. MR pheonix any chance of an update on whats happening with VIX, seems to have gone very quiet this year is there something on the horizon ?

  • read your pm.

    OpenViX on Twitter @0penViX

  • Appendix: Black Hole laws of physics.
    Brief notes on the theory of parallel universes of the Black Hole.

    To move smoothly between different parallel universes and understand the principles that regulate the interactions
    We need to mention briefly some principles of physical laws that apply in our Black Hole.

    1) Theory of the prevalence of the array.
    We have seen that our universes consist of an array native (Black Hole) which resides in a space
    unique and separate and three other parallel universes (Avalon Chaos and Ghost) that share the same space.

    We have seen that the parallel universes are all on the same level but completely independent of one another.
    Everything that happens in one of the parallel universes does not affect others and not even influence the matrix (Black Hole).
    We can then say that all parallel universes work the same way but are completely independent.

    However there is a fundamental difference between the original matrix (Black Hole) and the other parallel universes.
    Since all parallel universes are a projection of the original matrix, what is happening in the array can
    influence the parallel universes in so far as these are not yet changed.
    In other words, on an equal footing the matrix reality prevails on parallel worlds.

    For example: If I install the skin XX in the Black Hole Universe (original array) and I already installed skin XX
    in the Unvierse Avalon, they do not interfere in any way with each other and the changes made in 1 Universe or another
    are independent. But if I install the skin YY in the Black Hole (original array) and I never installed the skins YY in Avalon it
    will appear automatically in Avalon.
    So if something is created or added in the original array and it does not yet exist in the Parallel Universe the same thing will
    be automatically exported into the Parallel Universes.

    This happens because it is the initial matrix that creates the reality and projects it in all parallel universes which
    follow their path and can then be modified at will.

    (to be cotinued ....)

  • The End................................. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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