quarter pounder plugin - to restart stuck streams

There are 134 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 24,926 times. The last Post () by BadBlake.

  • You have GUI check disabled, which is why you find it hard to navigate the bouquets on a stuck stream; the restarts happen based on E2 indication that the stream was broken (evEOF), without limits - which, again, is why a stuck stream makes it hard to navigate the bouquets.

    The restart indicator setting on default should follow whatever is configured for the rest of system... On OpenATV, as far as I recall, that means showing the info bar/stream info, but could have been changed somewhere else.

    All the rest is out of control of the plugin.

  • so what could be setup ? Channel (pospone) or (ignore) ; infobar (ignore) or (postpone) ; Any (ignore) vs (postpone)

    could you explain setup please and advice what is best

    Channel - tries to detect if GUI is in the bouquets only;

    InfoBar - tries to detect if GUI is in any of the menus;

    Any - tries to detect if GUI isn't in its default state, something is being acted up on - some plugins make this trigger always, so not advised to use.

    Recommended that you can try the Channel or InfoBar, per your preference.

    Postpone - try to reload the stream a bit later (1s) and keeps postponing while the GUI is active.

    Ignore - just ignores the evEOF events while the GUI is active, normal function will resume once the GUI is no longer active - if the stuck stream only generates a single evEOF event, then the stream might not be restarted at all if such event happens while the GUI is active and is ignored.

    Recommended that you try Ignore, and if you see issues w/(stuck) streams not being resumed once you exit the GUI, try Postpone.

  • Quaterpounder works good, but is there a possibility to automatically remove the "Eof end of stream" - Message Box? I always have to press the OK Button to make it dissapear-..

    No idea what you're talking about, can you post a screenshot? I suspect that's not something QP is doing, but rather whatever player you're using or some other plugin, or even the underlying system (what E2 flavour are you using?).

  • how to install latest ipk , using telent??

    Telnet or however you usually install local IPKs.

    Where do I find latest ipk ?

    The usual place, https://github.com/oottppxx/enigma2

    I installed on OBH 4.4 OK, But when i open plugin setup , it is blank...

    That's probably https://github.com/oottppxx/enigma2/issues/32 which I didn't get to, yet... Maybe this weekend.

  • Quaterpounder works good, but is there a possibility to automatically remove the "Eof end of stream" - Message Box? I always have to press the OK Button to make it dissapear-..

    No idea what you're talking about, can you post a screenshot? I suspect that's not something QP is doing, but rather whatever player you're using or some other plugin, or even the underlying system (what E2 flavour are you using?).

    I need This plugin just for Multistalker Plugin, because otherwise I do not have any stopped streams. And as I said: Quaterpounder works fine: It resumes stopped streams automatically. That's what it's for. But the system (here: Solo 4K with OpenATV 7.0) shows a message box ("EoF end of stream") each time the stream stopped - even when quaterpounder resumes it automatically. I can just make the message Box dissapear, when I press the OK button. But I hvae to do it every single time this happenes - or I leave it and the stream goes on, but the message Box stays - like in my uploaded picture...

    And this does NOT only happen with OpenATV 7.0. There was the same behaviour with VTI Image 15.0. I tried all versions of Quaterpounder and now I'm using the latest Version called "enigma2-plugin-extensions-quarterpounder-6.2.0q.ipk" ... put it in TMP-Folder and made a clean install it with telnet for shure.... (changed nothing in its default config).

  • Quaterpounder works good, but is there a possibility to automatically remove the "Eof end of stream" - Message Box? I always have to press the OK Button to make it dissapear-..

    No idea what you're talking about, can you post a screenshot? I suspect that's not something QP is doing, but rather whatever player you're using or some other plugin, or even the underlying system (what E2 flavour are you using?).

    I need This plugin just for Multistalker Plugin, because otherwise I do not have any stopped streams. And as I said: Quaterpounder works fine: It resumes stopped streams automatically. That's what it's for. But the system (here: Solo 4K with OpenATV 7.0) shows a message box ("EoF end of stream") each time the stream stopped - even when quaterpounder resumes it automatically. I can just make the message Box dissapear, when I press the OK button. But I hvae to do it every single time this happenes - or I leave it and the stream goes on, but the message Box stays - like in my uploaded picture...

    And this does NOT only happen with OpenATV 7.0. There was the same behaviour with VTI Image 15.0. I tried all versions of Quaterpounder and now I'm using the latest Version called "enigma2-plugin-extensions-quarterpounder-6.2.0q.ipk" ... put it in TMP-Folder and made a clean install it with telnet for shure.... (changed nothing in its default config).

    Thanks for the detailed feedback - can you please provide a link to the multistalker plugin, to be sure I'll be looking at the same one you installed?

    Assuming it's https://github.com/ziko-ZR1/Mu…stalker1.3-py3-arm.tar.gz I can see that this message comes from said plugin, so you probably want to take it with the author:

    $ tar xzvf multistalker1.3-py3-arm.tar.gz


    $ cd usr/lib/enigma2/python/

    $ grep -r "Eof end" *

    Binary file Plugins/Extensions/MultiStalker/StalkerVodPlayer.so matches

    Binary file Plugins/Extensions/MultiStalker/Stalker.so matches

    Binary file Plugins/Extensions/MultiStalker/StalkerSeriesPlayer.so matches

    $ cd Plugins/Extensions/MultiStalker/

    $ strings Stalker.so | grep Eof



    Eof end of stream



  • Hello oottppxx,

    I would be grateful if you would answer the following question:

    Does Quarter Pounder work with Duo4K and VTI 15.0 Image? I didn't see any reference to VTI Image in the readme file.

    I want to use Xstreamity with the plugin.


  • Hello oottppxx,

    I would be grateful if you would answer the following question:

    Does Quarter Pounder work with Duo4K and VTI 15.0 Image? I didn't see any reference to VTI Image in the readme file.

    I want to use Xstreamity with the plugin.


    Short and sweet: I don't know, I have no such decoder; I'm not even sure I have ever tested VTI besides a quick install at some point in time.

    The recommended way to go: install the plugin, enable debugging (assuming it works that much you can get to the settings), then check what shows up under /tmp/quarterpounder-debug.log after some time. In general, just try it out.

    If you're not comfortable doing the above, or if stuff just doesn't work, leave me a link for where to download VTI 15.0 image for Mut@nt HD51 and I _might_ take a look this coming weekend.

  • Thanks for the quick response.

    I will install the latest version 6.2.0r "quarterpounder-latest.ipk" and set media playback to Exteplayer3 with 4097 and run the live streams with Xstreamity, let's see if any frozen stream will liven up.

    I will contact you

    Thanks very much 👍


    I always keep a copy of the image on HDD, if something goes wrong or crashes I can restore everything

  • Hello oottppxx,

    I installed latest version 6.2.0r "quarterpounder-latest.ipk" and set media playback to Exteplayer 3 with 4097.

    I hope that these settings, Following your recommendation Channels(ignore) or Channels(postpone) is correct.

    Image Image-1 and Image-2, below.

    I have to admit I don't know what these settings mean by programming language or what they actually do.

    I turned on live stream under Xstreamity and toggled between live stream.

    Some streams that almost stopped were revived.

    Log file is also written.

    I don't understand the log file.


    evStart ?

    evEOF ?

    UNKNOWN 15 ?

    Result of my test:

    QuarterPounder installs on VTI with no problems.

    QuarterPounder can be seen in Software Manager

    You can start the plugin and make settings.

    It looks like QuarterPounder will revive streams when they freeze.

    Of course, dead streams or very bad streams cannot be revived.

    It is difficult for a simple user to understand exactly what QuarterPounder is doing and what these terms mean in the log file.

    If you try to uninstall QuarterPounder via software manager, it crashes.

    It also crashes if you delete the QuarterPounder directory via Telnet with init 4 and start it again with init 3.

    It may also be due to VTI. Unfortunately I don't have a debug log about it.

    Thanks very much

  • Thanks for the feedback, at least it does what it's meant to do? :-)

    Regarding the settings, they're all explained (to the best of my ability) in the readme: https://github.com/oottppxx/en…/quarterpounder/README.md

    For uninstalling, try on the command line: "opkg remove enigma2-plugin-extensions-quarterpounder" and see what it says; you can then restart the GUI or reload the box, as it instructs you to do, but since you're familiar with the CLI I generally also just do telinit 4 && telinit 3.

    Thanks again!

  • Hi.

    I love QP, exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for the great work.

    While version 6.2.0r is working fine on my Vuplus Duo with VTI 15.0, versions s and t are crashing. Logs are attached.


    Edited 3 times, last by tomelix ().

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