History Zap Selector for OpenPli (6.x-9.x) © Dorik1972

There are 207 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 15,762 times. The last Post () by pepsik.

  • p.s. [09/10/23 19:00 GMT] Fixed crash in DreamOS-based images. Redownload and reinstall with --force-reinstall parameter

    If possible, who uses the Merlin image, check there... most likely in the skin for compatibility with this image it will be necessary to change the dimension specified in percentage to numeric values. If it crashes using error - int() base 10, please let me know and I’ll fix it

  • s it possible to perform telnet command for installation beside ipk & deb? It will be more easy to install future updates.

    What's the question ? I didn’t understand anything... you can install the plugin in any way convenient for you.. even through commands in the console, or using the menu in the GUI of your image

    I mean something like this

    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.…eyAdder/main/installer.sh -O - | /bin/sh

    Or like this

    wget https://ia803104.us.archive.or…ecccamserver/installer.sh -O - | /bin/sh

    Currently as a user you have to track the new updates, download it, transfer it to the box then install it, with telnet command it just one move,

    Moreover ; in plugin like AjPanel there are terminal with user predefined telnet command you can keep it.

  • with telnet command it just one move

    93-95% of users don’t know what telnet is, much less have any idea about the functionality of curl or wget utilities... but they know perfectly well how to install ipk or deb from a USB-flash drive using a GUI of E2 image... If the user knows what curl or wget is, then rewrite the file using FTP and giving the opkg/apt install command is not the hardest task

    Are you proposing to simplify the installation of the ipk/deb package with ONE action for the 5-7% of users who already understand what they are doing? As fo me - I don’t think it solves anything for this 5-7% of users :rolling on the floor laughing:

  • I will not argue with you about statistics, telnet command is very common and widely used recently as modern way to get updates and correct installation, it is up to you to use it,

    But have a look on RaspController user commands, as you see telnet comments are very common.

    Anyway, again many thanks for your time and your efforts.

    Have a great day



    1) Completely corrected for DreamOS-based Merlin image. Everything has been tested and works great

    2) Fixed the logic for changing the number of entries in the channel switching list (set in the settings). Now everything works as it should

    3) The plugin has been added to the main plugin menu of the image you are using


  • [11/10/23 17:15 GMT] I rebuilt the installation packages for version 1.23. For unknown reasons, the previous “build” went through with errors... Whoever downloaded it, download it and reinstall it with a new one + fresh Italian locale added

  • Hello pepsik

    Hope you are doing well, just quick suggestion, again feel free to consider it in your improvement plan.

    There are a plugin called Epgtranslator used Google translate to translate current event epg to user select language, it work like the modification you have done with historyzap.

    On things useful in the mention plugin, it's ability to translate the event description in event view screen in any skin without needs to open the plugin each time.

    Now, is it possible to add this feature in the next version?

    The idea is to stop using epgtranslator as long historyzap do same function


  • it's ability to translate the event description in event view screen in any skin without needs to open the plugin each time.

    Most likely, in the plugin you are describing you can use the "hot" button to call a separate window (skin) with translation when viewing the description of the current event ... It is unlikely that it outputs translation in the same window (skin) as the image you are using ...

    What is the point of this funky in HistoryZap ... if, as you wrote, there is an Epgtranslator ? Are you suggesting to rewrite Epgtranslator ?

    The idea is to stop using epgtranslator

    Epgtranslator also works on all Py2/Py3 images including any DreamOS-based ? :winking face with tongue:

  • There are a plugin called Epgtranslator

    EPG Translator - Is this what you're talking about?

    Yes, it is

    The idea this plugin no one improve it and the best usage for it was translate the event description in even view screen, if you can add this to history zap, no needs to EPG Translator.

    The needs come when I used openpli image and find no EPG Translator in their feed, and waste a lot of time trying to get the right plugin to use with it

  • I think no problem to have both plugins , every plugin has its own features.

    From its name EPG translator is for translating EPG , but history zap is for recalling last channels .

    So both plugins are important

    If history zap can import EGP translation in event view skin screen you will not need EPG Translator anymore, why you need it on the system if history zap do it with addition feature such as

    List zap channels

    Show original, primary and secondary language translation in same time?

  • I understand your point but it is pepsik decision, even if he does not want to add this feature, I see no problem to have both plugins.

  • I think that pepsik's development of the history zap plugin should not be limited to add some additions and miss the opportunity to turn it into a super plugin that performs many tasks and offers many functions at the same time, this will support the spread of the plugin with increasing the number of users and the accompanying increase in donations to continue development, this is my personal opinion and as I mentioned before, the developer has absolute freedom.


  • The idea this plugin no one improve it and the best usage for it was translate the event description in even view screen, if you can add this to history zap, no needs to EPG Translator.

    Done! No character numbers limit for translation :hugging face: ... .Works on all P2/P3 images including DreamOS-based ..... VTi image - not supported, as well as in HistoryZap plugin

    First pressing the "Info" button when viewing a broadcast or in the channel selection list

    Снимок экрана 2023-10-20 в 10.49.34.png

    The next click on the "Info" button translates to the language set in the HistoryZap plugin settings

    Снимок экрана 2023-10-20 в 10.49.48.png

    this will support the spread of the plugin with increasing the number of users and the accompanying increase in donations to continue development,

    Will only be available to those who donate :woozy face:

  • please fix .

    I don't understand how installing any plugin (it's basically unpacking files into a given "folder") can somehow affect the satellite.xml file or reset the settings to default ... Also it's not quite clear to me what to fix if a given plugin doesn't interact with the satellite.xml file at all in it's python code ... never accesses to satellite.xml and doesn't know about its existence ... Moreover, the control-package scripts have not been changed since the very first release... so it is not clear how installing version 1.0.23 of this plugin can differ from installing any other version and can have any effect on sattelits.xml or anything else

  • please fix .

    I don't understand how installing any plugin (it's basically unpacking files into a given "folder") can somehow affect the satellite.xml file or reset the settings to default ... Also it's not quite clear to me what to fix if a given plugin doesn't interact with the satellite.xml file at all in it's python code ... never accesses to satellite.xml and doesn't know about its existence ... Moreover, the control-package scripts have not been changed since the very first release... so it is not clear how installing version 1.0.23 of this plugin can differ from installing any other version and can have any effect on sattelits.xml or anything else

    I know it is strange, but not only me face this problem . Anyway , no problem, we can deal with it.

  • , but not only me face this problem

    That's weird ... and I don't think it's about the plugin or its control scripts. I reinstalled the plugin yesterday for the sake of experiment 5-6 times in a row using opkg install -force-reinstall (VU+ Ultimo 4K with OpenPli dev & DM900UHD with Opendreambox) ... No problems. I use this kind of installation scripts in all my plugins and no one has complained about "factory reset" after installing any of the plugins on any of the E2 images so far

    The information provided in your post is too little to analyze the data

    1) Which E2 image and its version are you using ?

    2) Installation method ? Command in the console or using the GUI-menu of the image

    3) Maybe you are using some third-party plugin installer ipk packages ?

    e.t.c General log of system operation - works wonders=) Log is always desirable. It makes it very easy to find and analyze the behavior of the system as a whole and any plugin

    More details of your actions are needed to identify the cause and analyze it. The more detailed the better. If I can repeat this, I will 100% likely find the cause ... and it is unlikely to be in the plugin ... There was once a case when users said that my e2m3u2b plugin causes crash OpenATV image ... It turned out that it is errors in the C-code of the image itself, after fixing which (though not all of them there are a couple more in C-code), nothing crashes anywhere =).

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