oscam Nline to oscam

There are 7 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 4,393 times. The last Post () by mrgmx.

  • Hi, title seems kinda strange but is it possible to use a N:line from my server (oscam only) to my friends (oscam only) server?

    I ask this as we share C:lines atm he gets prem sports from me i got box nation from him as we both have exact same cards apart from that.

    when i use box nation every few mins or so his ecm time on my server jumps upto 2544ms for a split second and then that causes my other shares to jump in and try and deliver that channel, i have created a service file for the proxi readers but 1 kept popping up grr lol

    im basically thinking a N:line may be a bit more stable, i have tried to setup a N:line to his server and from his to mine but it wont connect??

    i have forwarded the ports and so has he, i can send a N:line and he can use it in his CCcam.cfg on his box and connects fine, vice versa


    port = 12345@0963:000000
    key = 0102030405060708091011121314

    iv not posted the reader config as i think thats maybe were im going wrong?? i add reader select newcamd as protocol etc and fill everything else in like pass etc etc and so on

    can anyone say if a N:line to N:line using oscam works?? because i did do a dual boot on my pc using ubuntu and it did work there?

  • So long as you have the oscam.user accounts set correctly then this should be possible, although the original problem you have should still have a solution. Ask your friend if he has anticascading set up on his Oscam server. If this is the case then he might have it set incorrectly. Anticascading will send a client a fake ecm kick you for a while if you are making a lot of requests. You won't notice it on anything else because your card will be clearing it. If it is set up it might be too sensitive. I might be wrong, could be something else, but I suspect that if you tried to use your friend to clear other channels you would see the same problem.

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • So long as you have the oscam.user accounts set correctly then this should be possible, although the original problem you have should still have a solution. Ask your friend if he has anticascading set up on his Oscam server. If this is the case then he might have it set incorrectly. Anticascading will send a client a fake ecm kick you for a while if you are making a lot of requests. You won't notice it on anything else because your card will be clearing it. If it is set up it might be too sensitive. I might be wrong, could be something else, but I suspect that if you tried to use your friend to clear other channels you would see the same problem.

    we dont have anticascading enabled so that cant be a issue, im guessing it could be the settings of user reader etc, will have a play about to see if we can iron out the issue over tv :)

  • Go into oscam config and newcamd now set put in port "whatever-port-number-you-want@0963:000000"
    Remember to open up that port in your router

    now put in key 0102030405060708091011121314
    and tick last 2 boxes and save and restart oscam

    Note: Your friend will need to do same

    Now set up a user like you normally would
    and give it to your m8 and get a user off him back
    Now you will need to set up his line he gave you as a newcamd reader here is the config

    label = any name you want i.e remote reader
    description = remote newcamd connector
    protocol = newcamd
    device = matesdyndns,port (Make sure there is a comma between his server and port NOT a colon)
    key = 0102030405060708091011121314
    user = your m8 user name from line you got
    password = your m8 password from line you got
    group = 2

    Make sure your friend sets up in same way also tick au disabled on reader if you don't wan't any emms from his card

    Post back if you get stuck

  • You sure you done the steps correctly buddy?

    Ive Used DJRik steps and works ok?

    Try them again step for step and person you sharing with must do the same?


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