Two cards one server

There are 16 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 2,555 times. The last Post () by musogeek.

  • Hi im going to buy myself a cheap card to add to my server my question is how do i set up the config so it will work with my current setup, iam using oscam and ccam this is my current setup that works with sly uk using an n=line in my cfg file with the 256 trick thanks

    oscam server

    label = ***UK
    protocol = pcsc
    device = 0
    blockemm-u = 0
    blockemm-s = 0
    blockemm-g = 1
    blockemm-unknown = 1
    emmcache = 1,3,2
    group = 1
    caid = 0963
    lb_weight = 101
    ecmwhitelist = 0963:3E,42,44,45,47,4E,4F,53,54,61,62,67,68,69,6A,6B,6D,6F,71,72,73,77,78,79,7A,7C,7D,7E,80,8B
    saveemm-u = 1
    saveemm-s = 1

    oscam user

    user = *********
    pwd = *******
    monlevel = 0
    uniq = 0
    group = 1
    au = ***UK
    caid = 0963

    oscam config

    nice = -1
    logfile = /dev/null
    clienttimeout = 5000
    fallbacktimeout = 2500
    clientmaxidle = 120
    cachedelay = 120
    bindwait = 120
    resolvedelay = 30
    serialreadertimeout = 1500
    maxlogsize = 10
    waitforcards = 1
    preferlocalcards = 1
    saveinithistory = 1
    keepalive = 1

    port = 10000@0963:000000
    key = 0102030405060708091011121314

    httpport = ****
    httpuser = ****
    httppwd = *****
    httpallowed =,

  • oscam server

    oscam user

    oscam config

    separate nlines as per each account in oscam.user - note the different port for each card - these have to be correct in each nline in CCcam.cfg

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • Edit looks like you have answered two questions i think the only one remains is how to set up your fline and cline in the cfg file is it the same as usual

  • sorry think i answered the CCcam.cfg nline question in an edit to my original reply. You are better off putting each card in a different group so you can have better control of your server. As I said each card put in a different group, and each card create a different port in newcamd protocol, and create a separate nline in CCcam.cfg for each card/port.

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • Thanks for clearing that up can i ask how do i set up my new fline and your cline if i want a peer to share say only my sly card or my new card or even both

  • Sorry my friend ive edited the previous question

    Yep just set them up as normal. As you set up 2 nlines with the 256 it will show as 2 locals.

  • Cheers what i was trying to ask was is if i want to limit a new peer to a my new card only and not my sly card how do i setup the f-line

    Yes i noticed - my reply was confirming that you set your f and c lines as normal:sheep:

  • Yes you can restrict your flines so you are not sharing a particular caid

    F: user pass 2 0 0 { 0:0:2, 0963:000000 } { } { }

    not used it before but from what i understand the above will stop you sharing anything on 0963

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • Rome wasnt built in a Day Buddy!

    All info within the Forum...just need to find it.....SearchBar Good!

    If you have any problems/issues with anything just drop a friendly post and someone will clear it up for you!



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  • hi i got a satellite bg card today to add to my server dose this config look correct... also im not sure how the second Nline would look

    nice = -1
    logfile = /dev/null
    clienttimeout = 5000
    fallbacktimeout = 2500
    clientmaxidle = 120
    cachedelay = 120
    bindwait = 120
    resolvedelay = 30
    serialreadertimeout = 1500
    maxlogsize = 10
    waitforcards = 1
    preferlocalcards = 1
    saveinithistory = 1
    keepalive = 1

    httpport = 8888
    httpuser =
    httppwd =
    httprefresh = 10
    httphideidleclients = 0
    httpallowed = -
    debug = 255

    key = 0102030405060708091011121314
    port = 34001@0100:000068;34002@0B01:000000

    label = CYFRA
    Protocol = internal
    detect = CD
    device = /dev/sci0
    Group = 1
    EMMCache = 1,3,2
    CAID = 0100
    ident = 0100:000068

    label = SATELLITEBG
    Protocol = internal
    detect = CD
    device = /dev/sci1
    Group = 2
    EMMCache = 1,3,2
    CAID = 0B01
    ident = 0B01:000000

    user = linuxsat
    pwd = support
    monlevel = 0
    uniq = 0
    group = 1
    au = CYFRA
    caid = 0100
    ident = 0100:000068

    user = linuxsat
    pwd = support
    monlevel = 0
    uniq = 0
    group = 2
    caid = 0B01
    ident = 0B01:000000

  • ok it see the card and i can see entitlements on the card but its offline in cs studio and in web info there is this message

    2012/08/15 20:06:58 57C120 c WARNING: invalid client tcp_conn_close()
    2012/08/15 20:06:58 57C120 c linuxsat disconnected from
    2012/08/15 20:06:58 57C120 c thread 74D074B0 ended!

  • change the user on the second user account (in oscam.user) to 'linuxsat2' = and amend the second nline accordingly in CCcam.cfg - else you will have two user accounts with the same name.

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


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