OnDemand plugin devixified and working on all images Support

There are 245 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 39,263 times. The last Post () by cazuela.

  • I have a dreambox 800se to which i have added many plugins either via tspannel or to the temp folder and intalling ipk file or via ftp to plugins /extentions/ rebooting etc

    But for some reason i cannot manage the ondemand plugin and media portal plugin.. I always get errors

    The image is an open pli based image by aguda.......

    Backup OpenPLi-2.1-beta-dm800-20120924.by aguda

    can i install theses from tspannel for my box

  • been trying for 2 days gone back to the bbciplayer and itv player the ondemand is a croc of s^&t posts saying for all images and it is not really only for the vix image and to be fair it ain't that good of a image.

  • been trying for 2 days gone back to the bbciplayer and itv player the ondemand is a croc of s^&t posts saying for all images and it is not really only for the vix image and to be fair it ain't that good of a image.

    think it is a tad out of order to knock images and plugins mate, people spend many long hours trying to get things developed for no payment, just as a labour of love, and to help others - so rather than knock ViX or the plugin, I think it would acheive a lot more by being more clear about the issues you are having. The plugin was developed initially for ViX and others take it on board in order to try to make it work for other images, and this is quite a fresh plugin, so it takes constructive feedback in order to make it better. Your kind of comments won't encourage anyone to spend more time getting it working. The 'devixified' version of the plugins - latest uploaded by Ten Below are here - abdul.jabbar you may like to try these.

    which one/s are you trying, what receiver and image, and what is the problem?

    I moved abdul.jabbar's original thread to this one as it is where it should be - fcukbcfc I know you already posted in the ViX version of OnDemand help http://linuxsat-support.com/en…-take-2-a.html#post108123
    - maybe you should try the devixified images and see if you have any more joy. People who know might not have answered your query because maybe they had a few other things to do over the easter holiday.

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • ok i have dm800se box with open pli 2.1 based image (Aguda)

    I have download these 3 files from the post

    1 ondemand-hd all images.rar
    2 ondemand dependencies
    3 pk python_simpls.raron_2.2.1_misp32.ipk

    urared all

    sent via ftp (dcc connect) usr folder to root
    ipk to tmp
    on demand folder to usr/lib/enigma2/python/plugins/extentions

    than ..... tried both at this stage ..........1 software management/install local/tmp/ok to tick/green to install/ reeboot
    2 instead of doing 1 above at this stage i went to telnet tab and entered opkg install /tmp/*.ipk

    not of the 2 ways worked for me.....

    • Official Post

    Those files are for OE2 images you will have to change to OpenPLI 3.0 if you want to use them.

  • Thanks for replying mate..
    Explains why it did not work for me.... I asume this is the same reson why media portal pluging does not work for me either?

    Can i do what you said ie put open pli 3.0 image on my dm800se sim 2.10 clone ?

    A link to a suitable image would be appretiated

  • been trying for 2 days gone back to the bbciplayer and itv player the ondemand is a croc of s^&t posts saying for all images and it is not really only for the vix image and to be fair it ain't that good of a image.

    Rubbish !

    the original plugin is just for VIX images,but this version works for all.the plugin itself has been edited to work on all images as the title suggests(as far as we were able to test)

    if you cannot install it or get it to work,then its down to other issues within your image or your box.
    we cannot be expected to edit the plugin and also supply all needed files for you to get it to run on an ancient image.

    if i were you and you are getting no sound or picture i would start by looking at your existing gstreamer files and libs.
    in particular take a look at you rtmp gstreamer files and rtmp lib files.
    how old are these ?
    do you even have all the ones that are needed ?

    the edit of the plugin is not at fault here,its the age of your image and the fact that you are using a clone(many standard files are missing in clone images)these files have to be added by the user.
    but trust me,many over on satpimps have this working on DM800 clones !


    • Official Post

    After installing on demand on my vu+duo blackhole 1.7.9, after rebooting there is no on demand in my plugins menu can anyone help me please.

    Thanks in advance

    You will be missing one or more of the dependencies, try to access it through pressing menu then plugins & it should tell you which, if not restart enigma2 & try to access it again the same way.

  • for one it is not a clone box ian and what ever the post SAYS any image it clearly is not the case and after looking on other forums including posts by your self this is the case it does not work on every image as the post says. wot i seen of the plugin it looked good but im happy with a stable openpli image on a ORIGINAL box thank you not cloned not that i have any problem with clones. and a bbci and itv plugin working suits me. and i was not knocking the image i was just saying its not that good of a image.

    • Official Post

    for one it is not a clone box ian and what ever the post SAYS any image it clearly is not the case and after looking on other forums including posts by your self this is the case it does not work on every image as the post says. wot i seen of the plugin it looked good but im happy with a stable openpli image on a ORIGINAL box thank you not cloned not that i have any problem with clones. and a bbci and itv plugin working suits me. and i was not knocking the image i was just saying its not that good of a image.

    I tested this latest release on many images before posting it, OpenPli being the first i tried where it works without any problems. Just had a look at your recent posts & see you had exactly the same problem getting it working on the PowerBoard VX image so thought i would try this one just now.

    Guess what buddy not only does it work perfectly but its also available in the images own feeds so how you are struggling to get it working is beyond me.

  • fcukbcfc

    buddy,your confusing yourself here.

    if the plugin doesnt show on some images,then its not the edit of the plugin to make it work on all images thats at fault.
    its simply that you have one or more dependencies missing in that particular image.
    you have to reboot,then press menu followed by plugins in the menu list and take note at what the box complains about,then add that particular dependency,eg if it complains about beautifullsoup,you then add beautifullsoup,or if its simplejson,you then add simplejson to your image .you do this one step at a time until the box no longer complains and the plugin then shows in your plugin list.

    you will then see that the edit of this plugin is perfectly fine.

    if as you say you have no audio,then again this is not the edit of the plugin thats at fault.
    the plugin just connects to an rtmp stream and plays that stream on your box.it has no control at all as to what audio codec is used.this is solely dependent upon the audio of the stream,so if the stream contains mpeg1 then the correct audio codec is selected to decode that for you,or if its ac3 the same applies.this is done by the image,not the plugin.


    given the above info,doesnt it stand to reason that your image doesnt contain the needed codec to decode the audio stream?

    as i said in my previous post.check your rtmp libs and also your gst gstreamer files.pay particular attention to the audio libs.
    connect to your packet feeds within your image and see whats installed,whats not installed and whats available to install.


  • im wanting to try this plugin but on the plugin page it says its for oe2.0, on here i think i have seen a post saying it is working on clone box, question is, is it working on clone oe1.6 or not.
    sorry if this is going over old ground but i am just a bit confused. i have dreambox 800hdse clone sim 2.10, with dbuk image.

    dreambox 800hd se clone sim 2.10. pli2.1

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